Dominic Fletcher Stats

Dominic Fletcher Stats

Fletcher has hit .234 in his time in baseball in addition to 24 runs scored and an OPS of .591. He has been struck out 80 times and has been walked on 18 at-bats, which has contributed to a .281 OBP. For his pro baseball career, Fletcher has drilled 3 balls out of the park while knocking in 31 runs. He has earned a slugging percentage of .310 and he has a total of 98 bases. Over the course of his time in the league, he faced a pitcher 343 times and also came through with a base hit 74 times.

Fletcher has recorded 57 bases in total with 46 hits out of 223 at-bats. He has amassed an OBP of .252 as well as 11 free passes and 58 K’s. For this campaign, Dominic Fletcher has batted in 17 runs and has recorded a slugging percentage of .256. He has notched 14 runs for the year and has knocked 1 balls out of the park. He has accumulated a batting average of .206 in addition to having an OPS of .508.

Career .234 3 74 18 24 31 .281 343 316 .591 N/A 13 1 100 .310 0 2 98 80
2024 CHW 58.000 0 14 0 223 1 .206 72 241 .256 1 46 8 0 .252 17 0 47 11
2023 ARI .301 2 28 7 10 14 .350 102 93 .791 115 5 1 28 .441 0 2 41 22

2024 Stats for Dominic Fletcher

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 0 1658th
Plate Appearances 72 369th
At-Bats 241 360th
Runs Scored 223 353rd
Hits 14 453rd
Doubles 46 365th
Triples 8 386th
Home Runs 0 453rd
Runs Batted In 1 534th
Stolen Bases 17 414th
Caught Stealing 0 588th
Walks 0 488th
Strikeouts 11 454th
Batting Average 58.000 336th
On-Base Percentage .206 541st
Slugging Percentage .252 628th
OPS .256 644th
OPS+ 1 658th
Total Bases 47 650th
Grounded Into Double Plays 0 681st
Hit By Pitch 38 670th
Sacrifice Hits 57 412th
Sacrifice Flies 5 300th
Intentional Walks 3 289th

2023 Stats for Dominic Fletcher

2023 Stats for Dominic Fletcher

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 28 496th
Plate Appearances 102 458th
At-Bats 93 453rd
Runs Scored 10 460th
Hits 28 413th
Doubles 5 420th
Triples 1 270th
Home Runs 2 440th
Runs Batted In 14 415th
Stolen Bases 0 510th
Caught Stealing 2 191st
Walks 7 465th
Strikeouts 22 485th
Batting Average .301 33rd
On-Base Percentage .350 101st
Slugging Percentage .441 176th
OPS .791 130th
OPS+ 115 134th
Total Bases 41 420th
Grounded Into Double Plays 0 541st
Hit By Pitch 0 506th
Sacrifice Hits 2 86th
Sacrifice Flies 0 478th
Intentional Walks 1 193rd