Paul Assenmacher Stats

Paul Assenmacher Stats

Assenmacher has accumulated 807 punch outs and has taken the mound for 855 frames in his pro baseball career. He has a career WHIP of 1.323 and his earned run average is 3.53 (336 earned runs allowed). He has had 315 free passes and has allowed 817 hits (8.6 hits per nine innings). Assenmacher (61-44 win-loss mark in his career) has gone up against 3,664 batters and he has earned a FIP of 3.31 in the major leagues.

Paul Assenmacher Stats

Career 884 855.2 61 44 1.323 3.53 817 315 807 3.31 56 1 73 336 371 3,664 2.56 8.6 8.5
1999 CLE 55 33.0 2 1 2.030 8.18 50 17 29 5.38 0 0 6 30 32 165 1.71 13.6 7.9
1998 CLE 69 47.0 2 5 1.553 3.26 54 19 43 3.97 3 0 5 17 22 213 2.26 10.3 8.2
1997 CLE 75 49.0 5 0 1.184 2.94 43 15 53 3.25 4 0 5 16 17 205 3.53 7.9 9.7
1996 CLE 63 46.2 4 2 1.286 3.09 46 14 44 2.72 1 0 1 16 18 201 3.14 8.9 8.5
1995 CLE 47 38.1 6 2 1.148 2.82 32 12 40 3.21 0 0 3 12 13 160 3.33 7.5 9.4
1994 CHW 44 33.0 1 2 1.182 3.55 26 13 29 3.43 1 0 2 13 13 134 2.23 7.1 7.9
1993 TOT 72 56.0 4 3 1.357 3.38 54 22 45 3.77 0 0 5 21 21 237 2.05 8.7 7.2
1993 CHC 46 38.2 2 1 1.474 3.49 44 13 34 3.92 0 0 5 15 15 166 2.62 10.2 7.9
1993 NYY 26 17.1 2 2 1.096 3.12 10 9 11 3.45 0 0 0 6 6 71 1.22 5.2 5.7
1992 CHC 70 68.0 4 4 1.441 4.10 72 26 67 3.24 8 0 6 31 32 298 2.58 9.5 8.9
1991 CHC 75 102.2 7 8 1.130 3.24 85 31 117 2.84 15 0 10 37 41 427 3.77 7.5 10.3
1990 CHC 74 103.0 7 2 1.223 2.80 90 36 95 3.30 10 1 10 32 33 426 2.64 7.9 8.3
1989 TOT 63 76.2 3 4 1.330 3.99 74 28 79 2.35 0 0 3 34 37 331 2.82 8.7 9.3
1989 ATL 49 57.2 1 3 1.231 3.59 55 16 64 1.88 0 0 2 23 26 247 4.00 8.6 10.0
1989 CHC 14 19.0 2 1 1.632 5.21 19 12 15 3.76 0 0 1 11 11 84 1.25 9.0 7.1
1988 ATL 64 79.1 8 7 1.311 3.06 72 32 71 2.88 5 0 4 27 28 329 2.22 8.2 8.1
1987 ATL 52 54.2 1 1 1.500 5.10 58 24 39 4.72 2 0 8 31 41 251 1.63 9.5 6.4
1986 ATL 61 68.1 7 3 1.273 2.50 61 26 56 3.22 7 0 5 19 23 287 2.15 8.0 7.4

1999 Stats for Paul Assenmacher

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 2 323rd
Losses 1 427th
Win-Loss Percentage .667 104th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 8.18 1093rd
Games Played 55 101st
Games Started 0 336th
Games Finished 8 194th
Complete Games 0 131st
Shutouts 0 79th
Saves 0 180th
Innings Pitched 33 430th
Hits Allowed 50 346th
Runs Allowed 32 303rd
Earned Runs Allowed 30 293rd
Home Runs Allowed 6 331st
Walks 17 409th
Intentional Walks 5 40th
Strikeouts 29 400th
Hit Batters 1 375th
Balks 1 45th
Wild Pitches 1 394th
Batters Faced 165 416th
ERA+ 61 576th
FIP 5.38 953rd
WHIP 2.030 1096th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 13.6 88th
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 1.6 149th
Walks Per 9 Innings 4.6 274th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 7.9 170th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 1.7 275th

1998 Stats for Paul Assenmacher

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 2 346th
Losses 5 205th
Win-Loss Percentage .286 439th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 3.26 633rd
Games Played 69 31st
Games Started 0 345th
Games Finished 17 90th
Complete Games 0 144th
Shutouts 0 81st
Saves 3 67th
Innings Pitched 47 381st
Hits Allowed 54 332nd
Runs Allowed 22 387th
Earned Runs Allowed 17 434th
Home Runs Allowed 5 349th
Walks 19 375th
Intentional Walks 6 23rd
Strikeouts 43 316th
Hit Batters 1 363rd
Balks 0 175th
Wild Pitches 0 510th
Batters Faced 213 371st
ERA+ 147 78th
FIP 3.97 698th
WHIP 1.553 927th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 10.3 226th
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 1.0 342nd
Walks Per 9 Innings 3.6 342nd
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 8.2 136th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 2.3 166th

1997 Stats for Paul Assenmacher

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 5 164th
Losses 0 530th
Win-Loss Percentage 1.000 2nd
Earned Run Average (ERA) 2.94 616th
Games Played 75 12th
Games Started 0 340th
Games Finished 20 61st
Complete Games 0 133rd
Shutouts 0 78th
Saves 4 52nd
Innings Pitched 49 331st
Hits Allowed 43 377th
Runs Allowed 17 444th
Earned Runs Allowed 16 437th
Home Runs Allowed 5 333rd
Walks 15 409th
Intentional Walks 5 53rd
Strikeouts 53 239th
Hit Batters 1 347th
Balks 0 161st
Wild Pitches 4 126th
Batters Faced 205 348th
ERA+ 160 43rd
FIP 3.25 601st
WHIP 1.184 617th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 7.9 518th
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 0.9 381st
Walks Per 9 Innings 2.8 518th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 9.7 55th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 3.5 42nd

1996 Stats for Paul Assenmacher

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 4 206th
Losses 2 332nd
Win-Loss Percentage .667 100th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 3.12 645th
Games Played 63 48th
Games Started 0 333rd
Games Finished 25 42nd
Complete Games 0 140th
Shutouts 0 91st
Saves 1 97th
Innings Pitched 46 344th
Hits Allowed 46 354th
Runs Allowed 18 435th
Earned Runs Allowed 16 438th
Home Runs Allowed 1 545th
Walks 14 416th
Intentional Walks 5 61st
Strikeouts 44 284th
Hit Batters 4 114th
Balks 0 169th
Wild Pitches 2 256th
Batters Faced 201 354th
ERA+ 158 64th
FIP 2.72 566th
WHIP 1.286 680th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 8.9 438th
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 0.2 597th
Walks Per 9 Innings 2.7 519th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 8.5 95th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 3.1 50th

1995 Stats for Paul Assenmacher

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 6 120th
Losses 2 324th
Win-Loss Percentage .750 71st
Earned Run Average (ERA) 2.83 595th
Games Played 47 84th
Games Started 0 340th
Games Finished 12 103rd
Complete Games 0 158th
Shutouts 0 89th
Saves 0 176th
Innings Pitched 38 365th
Hits Allowed 32 405th
Runs Allowed 13 462nd
Earned Runs Allowed 12 454th
Home Runs Allowed 3 407th
Walks 12 438th
Intentional Walks 3 126th
Strikeouts 40 272nd
Hit Batters 3 151st
Balks 0 188th
Wild Pitches 1 345th
Batters Faced 160 376th
ERA+ 167 56th
FIP 3.21 579th
WHIP 1.148 586th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 7.5 575th
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 0.7 479th
Walks Per 9 Innings 2.8 522nd
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 9.4 59th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 3.3 50th

1994 Stats for Paul Assenmacher

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 1 294th
Losses 2 248th
Win-Loss Percentage .333 307th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 3.55 800th
Games Played 44 51st
Games Started 0 259th
Games Finished 11 96th
Complete Games 0 119th
Shutouts 0 56th
Saves 1 91st
Innings Pitched 33 314th
Hits Allowed 26 350th
Runs Allowed 13 373rd
Earned Runs Allowed 13 360th
Home Runs Allowed 2 365th
Walks 13 310th
Intentional Walks 2 176th
Strikeouts 29 250th
Hit Batters 1 223rd
Balks 0 138th
Wild Pitches 1 279th
Batters Faced 134 331st
ERA+ 133 86th
FIP 3.43 742nd
WHIP 1.182 740th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 7.1 467th
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 0.5 430th
Walks Per 9 Innings 3.5 279th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 7.9 97th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 2.2 122nd

1993 Stats for Paul Assenmacher

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 4 185th
Losses 3 259th
Win-Loss Percentage .571 169th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 3.38 737th
Games Played 72 9th
Games Started 0 308th
Games Finished 21 63rd
Complete Games 0 151st
Shutouts 0 87th
Saves 0 183rd
Innings Pitched 56 285th
Hits Allowed 54 297th
Runs Allowed 21 362nd
Earned Runs Allowed 21 330th
Home Runs Allowed 5 284th
Walks 22 282nd
Intentional Walks 6 62nd
Strikeouts 45 231st
Hit Batters 1 284th
Balks 0 200th
Wild Pitches 0 442nd
Batters Faced 237 294th
ERA+ 120 148th
FIP 3.77 753rd
WHIP 1.357 812th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 8.7 395th
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 0.8 322nd
Walks Per 9 Innings 3.5 297th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 7.2 133rd
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 2.1 165th

1993 Stats for Paul Assenmacher

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 2 295th
Losses 1 397th
Win-Loss Percentage .667 90th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 3.53 763rd
Games Played 46 107th
Games Started 0 309th
Games Finished 15 97th
Complete Games 0 152nd
Shutouts 0 88th
Saves 0 184th
Innings Pitched 38 365th
Hits Allowed 44 348th
Runs Allowed 15 428th
Earned Runs Allowed 15 408th
Home Runs Allowed 5 285th
Walks 13 401st
Intentional Walks 3 197th
Strikeouts 34 296th
Hit Batters 0 426th
Balks 0 201st
Wild Pitches 0 443rd
Batters Faced 166 377th
ERA+ 114 171st
FIP 3.92 789th
WHIP 1.474 932nd
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 10.2 183rd
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 1.2 146th
Walks Per 9 Innings 3.0 404th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 7.9 91st
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 2.6 90th

1993 Stats for Paul Assenmacher

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 2 296th
Losses 2 318th
Win-Loss Percentage .500 193rd
Earned Run Average (ERA) 3.16 713th
Games Played 26 298th
Games Started 0 310th
Games Finished 6 215th
Complete Games 0 153rd
Shutouts 0 89th
Saves 0 185th
Innings Pitched 17 479th
Hits Allowed 10 536th
Runs Allowed 6 526th
Earned Runs Allowed 6 513th
Home Runs Allowed 0 551st
Walks 9 455th
Intentional Walks 3 198th
Strikeouts 11 462nd
Hit Batters 1 285th
Balks 0 202nd
Wild Pitches 0 444th
Batters Faced 71 487th
ERA+ 136 94th
FIP 3.45 705th
WHIP 1.096 646th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 5.2 590th
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 0.0 551st
Walks Per 9 Innings 4.7 153rd
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 5.7 291st
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 1.2 404th

1992 Stats for Paul Assenmacher

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 4 185th
Losses 4 202nd
Win-Loss Percentage .500 182nd
Earned Run Average (ERA) 4.10 963rd
Games Played 70 13th
Games Started 0 313th
Games Finished 23 51st
Complete Games 0 141st
Shutouts 0 102nd
Saves 8 38th
Innings Pitched 68 236th
Hits Allowed 72 213th
Runs Allowed 32 216th
Earned Runs Allowed 31 203rd
Home Runs Allowed 6 192nd
Walks 26 239th
Intentional Walks 5 80th
Strikeouts 67 131st
Hit Batters 3 112th
Balks 0 177th
Wild Pitches 4 114th
Batters Faced 298 236th
ERA+ 89 282nd
FIP 3.24 812th
WHIP 1.441 997th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 9.5 172nd
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 0.8 185th
Walks Per 9 Innings 3.4 264th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 8.9 24th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 2.6 70th

1991 Stats for Paul Assenmacher

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 7 110th
Losses 8 91st
Win-Loss Percentage .467 246th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 3.26 812th
Games Played 75 3rd
Games Started 0 293rd
Games Finished 31 32nd
Complete Games 0 131st
Shutouts 0 82nd
Saves 15 26th
Innings Pitched 102 133rd
Hits Allowed 85 169th
Runs Allowed 41 180th
Earned Runs Allowed 37 185th
Home Runs Allowed 10 134th
Walks 31 191st
Intentional Walks 6 54th
Strikeouts 117 56th
Hit Batters 3 99th
Balks 0 176th
Wild Pitches 4 124th
Batters Faced 427 140th
ERA+ 120 121st
FIP 2.84 717th
WHIP 1.130 748th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 7.5 419th
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 0.9 183rd
Walks Per 9 Innings 2.7 394th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 10.3 12th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 3.8 17th

1990 Stats for Paul Assenmacher

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 7 117th
Losses 2 315th
Win-Loss Percentage .778 43rd
Earned Run Average (ERA) 2.80 745th
Games Played 74 3rd
Games Started 1 285th
Games Finished 21 51st
Complete Games 0 156th
Shutouts 0 108th
Saves 10 35th
Innings Pitched 103 142nd
Hits Allowed 90 165th
Runs Allowed 33 217th
Earned Runs Allowed 32 202nd
Home Runs Allowed 10 120th
Walks 36 154th
Intentional Walks 8 34th
Strikeouts 95 74th
Hit Batters 1 223rd
Balks 0 200th
Wild Pitches 2 211th
Batters Faced 426 148th
ERA+ 147 73rd
FIP 3.30 763rd
WHIP 1.223 762nd
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 7.9 412th
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 0.9 178th
Walks Per 9 Innings 3.1 340th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 8.3 48th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 2.6 67th

1989 Stats for Paul Assenmacher

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 3 234th
Losses 4 215th
Win-Loss Percentage .429 254th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 4.02 946th
Games Played 63 32nd
Games Started 0 328th
Games Finished 17 77th
Complete Games 0 175th
Shutouts 0 114th
Saves 0 157th
Innings Pitched 76 224th
Hits Allowed 74 213th
Runs Allowed 37 202nd
Earned Runs Allowed 34 199th
Home Runs Allowed 3 308th
Walks 28 217th
Intentional Walks 8 41st
Strikeouts 79 113th
Hit Batters 1 233rd
Balks 1 113th
Wild Pitches 3 157th
Batters Faced 331 221st
ERA+ 92 278th
FIP 2.35 701st
WHIP 1.330 893rd
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 8.7 285th
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 0.4 402nd
Walks Per 9 Innings 3.3 291st
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 9.3 30th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 2.8 53rd

1989 Stats for Paul Assenmacher

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 1 336th
Losses 3 258th
Win-Loss Percentage .250 363rd
Earned Run Average (ERA) 3.62 883rd
Games Played 49 77th
Games Started 0 329th
Games Finished 14 98th
Complete Games 0 176th
Shutouts 0 115th
Saves 0 158th
Innings Pitched 57 277th
Hits Allowed 55 281st
Runs Allowed 26 277th
Earned Runs Allowed 23 280th
Home Runs Allowed 2 347th
Walks 16 321st
Intentional Walks 7 58th
Strikeouts 64 162nd
Hit Batters 1 234th
Balks 1 114th
Wild Pitches 3 158th
Batters Faced 247 276th
ERA+ 101 216th
FIP 1.88 689th
WHIP 1.231 812th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 8.6 292nd
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 0.3 431st
Walks Per 9 Innings 2.5 412th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 10.0 24th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 4.0 12th

1989 Stats for Paul Assenmacher

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 2 283rd
Losses 1 366th
Win-Loss Percentage .667 69th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 5.21 1073rd
Games Played 14 335th
Games Started 0 330th
Games Finished 3 221st
Complete Games 0 177th
Shutouts 0 116th
Saves 0 159th
Innings Pitched 19 407th
Hits Allowed 19 409th
Runs Allowed 11 407th
Earned Runs Allowed 11 393rd
Home Runs Allowed 1 414th
Walks 12 370th
Intentional Walks 1 309th
Strikeouts 15 361st
Hit Batters