Bulgarian Bags and sandbags are similar in some ways and they are great for functional training. These days, people are looking for new ways to work out that don’t include traditional weights. Bulgarian bags are swung through the air and incorporated into more traditional workouts like presses, lunges and crunches. There are many advantages to using Bulgarian Bags and sandbags in working out. They are more malleable and softer than traditional weights. While many weights need to be held by hand, Bulgarian Bags and sandbags can be rested on the neck and shoulders with no pain.
Now, some may say there is a big difference between Bulgarian Bags and sandbags as the sand might move around more within the bag than that of the insides of the Bulgarian Bag, but they are similar in the sense of how they are used. This is why we wanted to share some of the highest rated bags on the market for the year. We will talk about the benefits and the company descriptions. We will also review the features of each product so you have a better idea of the direction you’d like to go in when you decide to buy.

Please enjoy our list of some of the top Bulgarian Bags and sandbags of the year!
Bulgarian Bag – Genuine Leather
The Bulgarian Bag by Bulgarian Bag is made of genuine leather and is used in a plethora of activities and sports. These might include, functional training, Crossfit, fitness, MMA or any kind of training where functional movement is important.
The Bulgarian Bag’s shape allows for grip training while also training your upper and lower body. There are three different handle types on the Bulgarian Bag which allows people to go through various exercises while using different grips. This is a fitness tool for the future and even though it has been around for years, people are finally starting to understand the benefits.
– Bulgarian Bag is the original and if it doesn’t say Suples®, it’s a knock off
– Hand made with quality leather
– Comes with free DVD and a 2 year warranty
– Enjoy a full body workout with this extremely versatile Bulgarian Bag
– Comes in a variety of weights to work great for whatever you need
Brute Force Sandbags
Brute Force Sandbags are great tools for gaining functional strength and while many view sandbag training as unconventional, anyone in the know will say they are a great piece of equipment to have around. The team at Brute Force believes in blending unconventional training methods with traditional fitness to create functional strength. All of the equipment made by Brute Force is made in the United States. All the products made by this company are backed with their Brute Force Shield and if there are any issues, they will fix it. Overall, this is a great training tool that will benefit you and the whole family.
– They are the original and most trusted sandbags of 2019 with 30 day money back guarantee
– These sandbags are extremely versatile and with the different handle options, it gives you plenty of ways to get in a great workout
– Durability at its finest with this tough piece of equipment
– Very reliable and used by multiple branches of the government
ARD-Champs Bulgarian Bag Canvas Fitness
The ARD-Champs Bulgarian Bag comes in different weights ranging from 11 lbs to 61 lbs. You can fill this bag with whatever you’d like to make it feel the weight that you were hoping for. Come people use sand while others might choose to use towels so it isn’t quite as heave. It has all the handles you would ever need and the similar handles to the Bulgarian Bag. All this at a fraction of the cost of the Bulgarian Bag too. Use the multiple grips to make your hands stronger while improving your functional strength everywhere else. Enjoy the style and versatility of this great Bulgarian Bag by ARD-Champs
– Made of heavy duty and durable canvas
– It will be empty when you get it so choose your filler depending on the weight
– Quality satisfaction guaranteed and great for all levels of fitness
– This is a fitness training strength bag
Wreck Bag The No Sand Workout Bag
The No Sand Workout Bag by Wreck Bag is a great fitness tool that is already filled with rubber and ready to use once it gets to you. It’s great for indoor and outdoor training and the perfect tool to build functional strength. The rubber that it is filled with is non-toxic and is more of a rubber blend. You don’t have to buy sand or any other filler to get started with this. Just unbox and go. This bag is extremely convenient as well because it comes with prefilled weights that range from 5 to 70 lbs.
The benefits from this bag will impact you from head to toe so don’t wait any longer before you buy.
– No sand – this item is pre-filled with non-toxic rubber blend pieces.
– No shifting like there is with sand
– Multifunctional use with over 100 exercises and one bag
– Use it for heavy carries or more versatile techniques
Rep Fitness Sandbags
The Rep Fitness Sandbags come in three different sizes and six different colors to choose from. No matter if you’re a beginner or a veteran when it comes to sand bag and Bulgarian Bag training, you will love the variety of exercises that you will be able to perform with this sand bag.
Sand bags are said to give you a little wiggle room so you can challenge your strength and stability. That’s the great thing about sand. Because it doesn’t stay in one place, you’ll have to be stable when you are training with it. This comes from the shapes that it takes on from the moving filler.
– Build endurance, power and strength via this great sand bag
– Comes with everything you need to get started right away
– Train at the highest levels with this high quality bag that is made of 1000D Cordura with triple stitching
– Change the weight for your fitness level