D’Andre Swift Stats

Swift has coughed up the ball 9 different times in his career and his longest run is 63 yds. He’s gaining 48.7 yds per game and has scored 23 times while carrying the ball. He has been handed the ball 593 times to the tune of 4.6 YPC. Up to this point in his career, Swift has taken the field in 56 games and has gained 2,729 yards carrying the ball.

He has carried the ball 229 different times for an average of 4.6 YPC. In his 16 games played this year, D’Andre Swift is running for 65.6 yards per contest and has scored 5 times as a runner. He has a long run of 43 yards.

D’Andre Swift Stats

Year Team Att Yards TD G GS Lng Y/A Y/G Fmb
Career 593 2,729 23 56 31 63 4.6 48.7 9
2023 PHI 229 1,049 5 16 15 43 4.6 65.6 3
2022 DET 99 542 5 14 8 50 5.5 38.7 1
2021 DET 151 617 5 13 4 57 4.1 47.5 2
2020 DET 114 521 8 13 4 54 4.6 40.1 3

2023 Stats for D’Andre Swift

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 109th
Games Started 15 43rd
Rushing Attempts 229 12th
Rushing Yards 1,049 5th
Rushing Touchdowns 5 27th
Longest Run 43 29th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.6 113th
Rushing Yards Per Game 65.6 13th
Fumbles 3 49th

2022 Stats for D’Andre Swift

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 168th
Games Started 8 128th
Rushing Attempts 99 48th
Rushing Yards 542 43rd
Rushing Touchdowns 5 35th
Longest Run 50 26th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 5.5 77th
Rushing Yards Per Game 38.7 51st
Fumbles 1 151st

2021 Stats for D’Andre Swift

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 13 183rd
Games Started 4 160th
Rushing Attempts 151 30th
Rushing Yards 617 33rd
Rushing Touchdowns 5 30th
Longest Run 57 15th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.1 182nd
Rushing Yards Per Game 47.5 39th
Fumbles 2 74th

2020 Stats for D’Andre Swift

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 13 181st
Games Started 4 162nd
Rushing Attempts 114 43rd
Rushing Yards 521 39th
Rushing Touchdowns 8 16th
Longest Run 54 23rd
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.6 141st
Rushing Yards Per Game 40.1 46th
Fumbles 3 41st