Paul Flatley Stats

Flatley accumulated 4,905 yards through the air in 106 games for his career. He caught 306 passes thrown his way for an average of 16.0 yards per reception. His longest catch of his career went for 71 yds and he was able to haul in 63.3% of the balls thrown to him. Flatley (24 TD’s through the air) had an average of 46.3 yards per contest receiving and he has 2.9 catches per game in his career.

Flatley had a tally of 544 receiving yards. Paul Flatley (1 touchdown through the air) compiled an average of 38.9 yards per game receiving and he had 2.8 catches per contest. His longest catch in his last season went for 71 yds and he caught 61.7% of the passes thrown in his direction. He hauled in 39 passes thrown his way which means he averaged 13.9 yards per catch. Flatley snatched up 544 receiving yards in his 14 games in his last season.

Paul Flatley Stats

Year Team Rec Yards Y/R G GS TD 1D Lng R/G Y/G Fmb
Career 306 4,905 16.0 106 96 24 144 71 2.9 46.3 0
1970 ATL 39 544 13.9 14 14 1 35 0 2.8 38.9 0
1969 ATL 45 834 18.5 14 14 6 71 0 3.2 59.6 1
1968 ATL 20 305 15.3 14 5 0 66 0 1.4 21.8 0
1967 MIN 23 232 10.1 13 13 0 27 0 1.8 17.8 1
1966 MIN 50 777 15.5 13 12 3 41 0 3.8 59.8 0
1965 MIN 50 896 17.9 14 14 7 58 0 3.6 64.0 1
1964 MIN 28 450 16.1 10 10 3 48 0 2.8 45.0 0
1963 MIN 51 867 17.0 14 14 4 62 0 3.6 61.9 1

1970 Stats for Paul Flatley

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 26th
Games Started 14 18th
Receptions 39 32nd
Receiving Yards 544 36th
Yards Per Reception 13.9 106th
Receiving Touchdowns 1 100th
1st Down Catches 35 116th
Longest Reception 0 32nd
Receptions Per Game 2.8 37th
Receiving Yards Per Game 38.9 41st
Fumbles 0 14th

1969 Stats for Paul Flatley

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 18th
Games Started 14 17th
Receptions 45 18th
Receiving Yards 834 9th
Yards Per Reception 18.5 22nd
Receiving Touchdowns 6 17th
1st Down Catches 71 12th
Longest Reception 0 18th
Receptions Per Game 3.2 20th
Receiving Yards Per Game 59.6 11th
Fumbles 1 1116th

1968 Stats for Paul Flatley

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 48th
Games Started 5 88th
Receptions 20 64th
Receiving Yards 305 45th
Yards Per Reception 15.3 49th
Receiving Touchdowns 0 107th
1st Down Catches 66 17th
Longest Reception 0 64th
Receptions Per Game 1.4 78th
Receiving Yards Per Game 21.8 52nd
Fumbles 0 30th

1967 Stats for Paul Flatley

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 13 93rd
Games Started 13 38th
Receptions 23 52nd
Receiving Yards 232 66th
Yards Per Reception 10.1 121st
Receiving Touchdowns 0 104th
1st Down Catches 27 100th
Longest Reception 0 52nd
Receptions Per Game 1.8 57th
Receiving Yards Per Game 17.8 73rd
Fumbles 1 1132nd

1966 Stats for Paul Flatley

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 13 103rd
Games Started 12 51st
Receptions 50 13th
Receiving Yards 777 12th
Yards Per Reception 15.5 47th
Receiving Touchdowns 3 26th
1st Down Catches 41 55th
Longest Reception 0 13th
Receptions Per Game 3.8 13th
Receiving Yards Per Game 59.8 9th
Fumbles 0 6th

1965 Stats for Paul Flatley

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 11th
Games Started 14 10th
Receptions 50 12th
Receiving Yards 896 6th
Yards Per Reception 17.9 31st
Receiving Touchdowns 7 10th
1st Down Catches 58 32nd
Longest Reception 0 12th
Receptions Per Game 3.6 13th
Receiving Yards Per Game 64.0 6th
Fumbles 1 1119th

1964 Stats for Paul Flatley

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 10 128th
Games Started 10 53rd
Receptions 28 36th
Receiving Yards 450 35th
Yards Per Reception 16.1 42nd
Receiving Touchdowns 3 32nd
1st Down Catches 48 38th
Longest Reception 0 36th
Receptions Per Game 2.8 27th
Receiving Yards Per Game 45.0 23rd
Fumbles 0 9th

1963 Stats for Paul Flatley

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 10th
Games Started 14 9th
Receptions 51 10th
Receiving Yards 867 10th
Yards Per Reception 17.0 33rd
Receiving Touchdowns 4 25th
1st Down Catches 62 25th
Longest Reception 0 10th
Receptions Per Game 3.6 11th
Receiving Yards Per Game 61.9 11th
Fumbles 1 1121st