Adolis Garcia Stats

Adolis Garcia Stats

Garcia has recorded a batting average of .239 for his career in baseball in addition to 344 runs scored and an OPS of .749. He has struck out 740 times and has walked on 183 occasions, which has contributed to a .298 on-base percentage. In his MLB career, Garcia has hit 122 balls out of the park while knocking in 384 runs. His career slugging percentage is .451 and he has accumulated 1,057 bases. In his time in the Majors, he approached the plate 2,572 times and also came through with a base knock 560 times.

Garcia has accumulated 232 total bases with 130 hits in 580 at-bats. He has a total of 68 runs so far this year and has hit 25 balls out of the park. He has accounted for a batting average at the plate of .224 while having an OPS of .684. He has accumulated an on-base percentage of .284 with 45 walks and 177 K’s. Since the start of the season, Adolis Garcia has batted in 85 runs and also has tallied a slugging percentage of .400.

Career .239 122 560 183 344 384 .298 2,572 2,344 .749 N/A 117 7 631 .451 61 17 1,057 740
2024 TEX 177.000 0 68 5 580 25 .224 154 637 .400 1 130 27 0 .284 85 11 94 45
2023 TEX .245 39 136 65 108 107 .328 632 555 .836 123 29 0 148 .508 9 1 282 175
2022 TEX .250 27 151 40 88 101 .300 657 605 .756 113 34 5 156 .456 25 6 276 183
2021 TEX .243 31 141 32 77 90 .286 622 581 .741 101 26 2 149 .454 16 5 264 194
2020 TEX .000 0 0 1 0 0 .143 7 6 .143 -55 0 0 3 .000 0 0 0 4
2018 STL .118 0 2 0 3 1 .118 17 17 .294 -21 1 0 21 .176 0 0 3 7

2024 Stats for Adolis Garcia

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 0 346th
Plate Appearances 154 41st
At-Bats 637 48th
Runs Scored 580 37th
Hits 68 92nd
Doubles 130 88th
Triples 27 67th
Home Runs 0 352nd
Runs Batted In 25 40th
Stolen Bases 85 36th
Caught Stealing 11 102nd
Walks 5 49th
Strikeouts 45 107th
Batting Average 177.000 8th
On-Base Percentage .224 438th
Slugging Percentage .284 493rd
OPS .400 250th
OPS+ 1 337th
Total Bases 94 318th
Grounded Into Double Plays 0 359th
Hit By Pitch 94 323rd
Sacrifice Hits 232 63rd
Sacrifice Flies 12 69th
Intentional Walks 6 108th

2023 Stats for Adolis Garcia

2023 Stats for Adolis Garcia

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 148 63rd
Plate Appearances 632 52nd
At-Bats 555 60th
Runs Scored 108 9th
Hits 136 80th
Doubles 29 74th
Triples 0 322nd
Home Runs 39 8th
Runs Batted In 107 7th
Stolen Bases 9 127th
Caught Stealing 1 216th
Walks 65 46th
Strikeouts 175 9th
Batting Average .245 278th
On-Base Percentage .328 189th
Slugging Percentage .508 42nd
OPS .836 68th
OPS+ 123 88th
Total Bases 282 25th
Grounded Into Double Plays 12 72nd
Hit By Pitch 6 103rd
Sacrifice Hits 0 265th
Sacrifice Flies 6 38th
Intentional Walks 0 220th

2022 Stats for Adolis Garcia

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 156 20th
Plate Appearances 657 26th
At-Bats 605 12th
Runs Scored 88 30th
Hits 151 35th
Doubles 34 30th
Triples 5 12th
Home Runs 27 33rd
Runs Batted In 101 11th
Stolen Bases 25 10th
Caught Stealing 6 17th
Walks 40 135th
Strikeouts 183 3rd
Batting Average .250 239th
On-Base Percentage .300 379th
Slugging Percentage .456 105th
OPS .756 170th
OPS+ 113 176th
Total Bases 276 24th
Grounded Into Double Plays 9 136th
Hit By Pitch 6 96th
Sacrifice Hits 0 251st
Sacrifice Flies 6 26th
Intentional Walks 2 65th

2021 Stats for Adolis Garcia

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 149 51st
Plate Appearances 622 48th
At-Bats 581 25th
Runs Scored 77 74th
Hits 141 61st
Doubles 26 89th
Triples 2 132nd
Home Runs 31 34th
Runs Batted In 90 40th
Stolen Bases 16 30th
Caught Stealing 5 34th
Walks 32 206th
Strikeouts 194 3rd
Batting Average .243 406th
On-Base Percentage .286 555th
Slugging Percentage .454 196th
OPS .741 297th
OPS+ 101 305th
Total Bases 264 37th
Grounded Into Double Plays 15 27th
Hit By Pitch 5 160th
Sacrifice Hits 0 796th
Sacrifice Flies 4 92nd
Intentional Walks 0 732nd

2020 Stats for Adolis Garcia

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 3 611th
Plate Appearances 7 607th
At-Bats 6 612th
Runs Scored 0 626th
Hits 0 640th
Doubles 0 574th
Triples 0 333rd
Home Runs 0 542nd
Runs Batted In 0 601st
Stolen Bases 0 426th
Caught Stealing 0 356th
Walks 1 548th
Strikeouts 4 572nd
Batting Average .000 640th
On-Base Percentage .143 619th
Slugging Percentage .000 640th
OPS .143 630th
OPS+ -55 1702nd
Total Bases 0 640th
Grounded Into Double Plays 0 518th
Hit By Pitch 0 457th
Sacrifice Hits 0 287th
Sacrifice Flies 0 407th
Intentional Walks 0 298th

2018 Stats for Adolis Garcia

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 21 828th
Plate Appearances 17 779th
At-Bats 17 769th
Runs Scored 3 649th
Hits 2 771st
Doubles 1 642nd
Triples 0 728th
Home Runs 0 904th
Runs Batted In 1 734th
Stolen Bases 0 801st
Caught Stealing 0 740th
Walks 0 1036th
Strikeouts 7 755th
Batting Average .118 822nd
On-Base Percentage .118 889th
Slugging Percentage .176 793rd
OPS .294 855th
OPS+ -21 1418th
Total Bases 3 765th
Grounded Into Double Plays 0 924th
Hit By Pitch 0 831st
Sacrifice Hits 0 737th
Sacrifice Flies 0 813th
Intentional Walks 0 692nd