Barry Bonds vs Ken Griffey Jr. Stats

Bonds has an average at the plate of .297 in his time in baseball in addition to 2,302 scored runs and an OPS of .314. For his time in baseball, he stepped up to bat 13,083 times and has delivered with a base knock 3,029 times. He is sitting with a career slugging percentage of -.132 and he has totaled 6,168 bases. In his career, Bonds has drilled 790 baseballs out of the park while knocking in 2,062 runs. He has been struck out 1,593 times and has been walked on 2,690 attempts at the plate, contributing to a .446 on-base percentage.

In the 9,899 at-bats in his professional career, Griffey Jr. has hit .283 in addition to having 2,799 hits. His OBP is .368 and he has a career OPS of .293. He has a total of 1,668 runs and notched 1,843 runs batted in. Griffey Jr. has recorded a free base 1,321 times while fanning on 1,796 occasions. He has gone yard 630 times, as well as 5,291 total bases and a -.075 slugging percentage.

Barry Bonds vs Ken Griffey Jr. Stats

Barry Bonds Career Ken Griffey Jr.
3,112 Games Played 2,704
13,083 Plate Appearances 11,412
10,187 At-Bats 9,899
2,302 Runs 1,668
3,029 Hits 2,799
615 Doubles 526
77 Triples 38
790 Home Runs 630
2,062 Runs Batted In 1,843
519 Stolen Bases 184
141 Caught Stealing 69
2,690 Walks 1,321
1,593 Strikeouts 1,796
.297 Batting Average .283
.446 On-Base Percentage .368
-.132 Slugging Percentage -.075
0.314 OPS 0.293
6,168 Total Bases 5,291
178 Grounded Into Double Plays 202
109 Hit By Pitch 81

So far this year, Barry Bonds has hit in 66 runs and also has a slugging percentage of .565. He has recorded an OBP of .480 as well as 132 walks and 54 K’s. Bonds has tallied 192 bases in total with 94 hits in 340 at-bats. He has earned a batting average of .276 while holding an OPS of 1.045. He has racked up 75 runs on the campaign and has hit 28 balls over the fence.

So far this year, Griffey Jr. has scored 6 runs, amassed 7 runs batted in and has hit 0 home runs. He has gone down on strikes 17 times while accumulating 20 bases in total. He has recorded an OPS of 0.454 and a slugging percentage of .204. He has gotten a free base 9 times and sports an OBP of .250. Griffey Jr. has compiled 18 hits in 98 at-bats for an average at the plate of .184.

Barry Bonds (2007) Stat Ken Griffey Jr. (2010)
126 Games Played 33
477 Plate Appearances 108
340 At-Bats 98
75 Runs Scored 6
94 Hits 18
14 Doubles 2
0 Triples 0
28 Home Runs 0
66 Runs Batted In 7
5 Stolen Bases 0
0 Caught Stealing 0
132 Walks 9
54 Strikeouts 17
.276 Batting Average .184
.480 On-Base Percentage .250
.565 Slugging Percentage .204
1.045 OPS 0.454
169 OPS+ 30
192 Total Bases 20
13 Grounded Into Double Play 3
3 Hit By Pitch 0