Aaron Gordon vs Draymond Green Stats
Gordon has made 1,458 of 2,135 shot attempts from the foul line, which had him earning a rate of 68.3%. Green has tallied 7,052 points thus far in his career, averages 8.7 PPG and started 660 contests.
Gordon has made 1,458 of 2,135 shot attempts from the foul line, which had him earning a rate of 68.3%. Green has tallied 7,052 points thus far in his career, averages 8.7 PPG and started 660 contests.
Gordon has made 1,458 of 2,135 shot attempts from the foul line, which had him earning a rate of 68.3%. By making 12,427 of 22,387 two-point attempts, he has a rate of 55.5%.
Gordon has made 1,458 of 2,135 shot attempts from the foul line, which had him earning a rate of 68.3%. He has recorded a 51.3% 2pt shooting percentage of by knocking down 2,933 out of 5,722 shots.
Having grabbed 6,484 defensive boards and 2,090 on the offensive end, Horford has accounted for 8,574 total boards so far in his NBA career. He sports an average of 9.8 boards and 4.9 assists per contest.
He has a 49.6% two-point shooting percentage of by converting 500 of 1,008 shots. Austin Reaves has participated in 207 contests so far in his NBA career and compiled 5,890 minutes in those contests.
Iverson is sitting with 24,368 pts thus far in his career, has a rate of 26.7 points per contest and was named a starter in 901 matchups. In regard to making his teammates better, Billups has earned 5,636 dimes, in addition to supplying 1,051 steals and 168 rejections.
Iverson is sitting with 24,368 pts thus far in his career, has a rate of 26.7 points per contest and was named a starter in 901 matchups. He accumulates 20.5 points per 36 minutes, as well as collecting 3.8 boards and collecting 6.2 dimes so far in his NBA career.
Iverson is sitting with 24,368 pts thus far in his career, has a rate of 26.7 points per contest and was named a starter in 901 matchups. With 2,355 defensive boards and 578 offensive, Irving has tallied 2,933 boards in total so far in his pro basketball career.
Mourning has amassed a 69.2% percentage at the foul line by knocking down 4,057 of his 5,862 tries. Larry Johnson has participated in 707 games so far in his NBA career and garnered 25,685 mins in those contests.
Mourning has amassed a 69.2% percentage at the foul line by knocking down 4,057 of his 5,862 tries. Patrick Ewing has tallied 40,594 mins and has stepped onto the hardwood in 1,183 contests thus far in his career.