Brett Hull Stats

Brett Hull Stats

Having played 1,269 different times during his pro hockey career, Hull has a plus/minus of 23 during those games. With a career points total of 1,391, Hull has also produced a shooting percentage of 15.2%. In his NHL career, Brett Hull is sitting with 741 goals on 4,876 shots at the opposing goalie. He has taken care of his team 650 times with a helper, but he has impaired his team by spending 458 minutes in the penalty box.

He has recorded 1 assist and he also is sitting with a shooting percentage of 0.0%. Hull has accounted for a +/- of -3 and he has 1 point. Brett Hull hasn’t spent any time in the bad box and he is still waiting for that first goal so far this year. He has amassed 8 tries and holds an average of 0.2 points per game in his 5 games.

Brett Hull Stats

Year Team GP G A Pts +/- PIM PS EV PP SH GW S S%
Career 1,269 741 650 1,391 23 458 456 265 20 110 4,876 15.2%
2005-06 PHX 5 0 1 1 -3 0 -0.1 0 0 0 0 8 0.0%
2003-04 DET 81 25 43 68 -4 12 7.8 15 10 0 6 200 1250.0%
2002-03 DET 82 37 39 76 11 22 9.7 24 12 1 4 262 1410.0%
2001-02 DET 82 30 33 63 18 35 8.0 22 7 1 4 247 1210.0%
2000-01 DAL 79 39 40 79 10 18 10.3 28 11 0 8 219 1780.0%
1999-00 DAL 79 24 35 59 -21 43 5.6 13 11 0 3 223 1080.0%
1998-99 DAL 60 32 26 58 19 30 8.5 17 15 0 11 192 1670.0%
1997-98 STL 66 27 45 72 -1 26 8.4 17 10 0 6 211 1280.0%
1996-97 STL 77 42 40 82 -9 10 9.4 28 12 2 6 302 1390.0%
1995-96 STL 70 43 40 83 4 30 9.7 22 16 5 6 327 1310.0%
1994-95 STL 48 29 21 50 13 10 6.1 17 9 3 6 200 1450.0%
1993-94 STL 81 57 40 97 -3 38 10.9 29 25 3 6 392 1450.0%
1992-93 STL 80 54 47 101 -27 41 9.1 25 29 0 2 390 1380.0%
1991-92 STL 73 70 39 109 -2 48 11.9 45 20 5 9 408 1720.0%
1990-91 STL 78 86 45 131 23 22 15.4 57 29 0 11 389 2210.0%
1989-90 STL 80 72 41 113 -1 24 11.8 45 27 0 12 385 1870.0%
1988-89 STL 78 41 43 84 -17 33 6.7 25 16 0 6 305 1340.0%
1987-88 TOT 65 32 32 64 14 16 5.5 26 6 0 3 211 1520.0%
1987-88 CGY 52 26 24 50 10 12 4.2 22 4 0 3 153 1700.0%
1987-88 STL 13 6 8 14 4 4 1.3 4 2 0 0 58 1030.0%
1986-87 CGY 5 1 0 1 -1 0 0.0 1 0 0 1 5 2000.0%

2005-06 Stats for Brett Hull

2003-04 Stats for Brett Hull

2002-03 Stats for Brett Hull

2001-02 Stats for Brett Hull

2000-01 Stats for Brett Hull

1999-00 Stats for Brett Hull

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1998-99 Stats for Brett Hull

1997-98 Stats for Brett Hull

1996-97 Stats for Brett Hull

1995-96 Stats for Brett Hull

1994-95 Stats for Brett Hull

1993-94 Stats for Brett Hull

1992-93 Stats for Brett Hull

1991-92 Stats for Brett Hull

1990-91 Stats for Brett Hull

1989-90 Stats for Brett Hull

1988-89 Stats for Brett Hull

1987-88 Stats for Brett Hull

1987-88 Stats for Brett Hull

1987-88 Stats for Brett Hull