Keston Hiura Stats

Hiura has drawn a walk 78 times while striking out on 390 tries. His OBP is .313 and he holds a career OPS of .758. He has scored 132 runs and racked up 133 runs batted in. He has gone yard 50 times, as well as 429 bases in total and a .445 slugging percentage. For the 965 official at-bats in his career, Hiura has a batting average of .235 and has racked up 227 base hits.

During this season, Hiura has compiled 1 runs, accounted for 1 RBI and has 0 home runs. He has gotten a free base 0 times and has recorded an on-base percentage of .148. Hiura has 4 base hits out of 27 at-bats for an average at the plate of .148. He has gone down swinging 10 times while having 4 total bases. He has amassed an OPS of 0.296 in addition to a slugging percentage of .148.

Career .235 50 227 78 132 133 .313 1,084 965 .758 N/A 44 4 294 .445 20 8 429 390
2024 LAA .148 0 4 0 1 1 .148 27 27 .296 -16 0 0 10 .148 0 1 4 10
2022 MIL .226 14 53 23 34 32 .316 266 234 .765 115 8 1 80 .449 5 2 105 111
2021 MIL .168 4 29 14 16 19 .256 197 173 .557 49 9 1 61 .301 3 0 52 77
2020 MIL .212 13 46 16 30 32 .297 246 217 .707 87 4 0 59 .410 3 2 89 85
2019 MIL .303 19 95 25 51 49 .368 348 314 .938 138 23 2 84 .570 9 3 179 107

2024 Stats for Keston Hiura

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 10 516th
Plate Appearances 27 511th
At-Bats 27 503rd
Runs Scored 1 537th
Hits 4 513th
Doubles 0 530th
Triples 0 515th
Home Runs 0 522nd
Runs Batted In 1 519th
Stolen Bases 0 530th
Caught Stealing 1 274th
Walks 0 543rd
Strikeouts 10 487th
Batting Average .148 517th
On-Base Percentage .148 549th
Slugging Percentage .148 544th
OPS .296 549th
OPS+ -16 1759th
Total Bases 4 522nd
Grounded Into Double Plays 0 523rd
Hit By Pitch 0 517th
Sacrifice Hits 0 513th
Sacrifice Flies 0 518th
Intentional Walks 0 511th

2022 Stats for Keston Hiura

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 80 328th
Plate Appearances 266 329th
At-Bats 234 333rd
Runs Scored 34 274th
Hits 53 336th
Doubles 8 386th
Triples 1 261st
Home Runs 14 147th
Runs Batted In 32 285th
Stolen Bases 5 172nd
Caught Stealing 2 176th
Walks 23 279th
Strikeouts 111 110th
Batting Average .226 429th
On-Base Percentage .316 272nd
Slugging Percentage .449 122nd
OPS .765 157th
OPS+ 115 166th
Total Bases 105 286th
Grounded Into Double Plays 3 392nd
Hit By Pitch 8 65th
Sacrifice Hits 0 446th
Sacrifice Flies 1 379th
Intentional Walks 0 356th

2021 Stats for Keston Hiura

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 61 439th
Plate Appearances 197 411th
At-Bats 173 413th
Runs Scored 16 469th
Hits 29 469th
Doubles 9 370th
Triples 1 270th
Home Runs 4 442nd
Runs Batted In 19 413th
Stolen Bases 3 237th
Caught Stealing 0 912th
Walks 14 420th
Strikeouts 77 236th
Batting Average .168 745th
On-Base Percentage .256 690th
Slugging Percentage .301 653rd
OPS .557 673rd
OPS+ 49 698th
Total Bases 52 455th
Grounded Into Double Plays 6 241st
Hit By Pitch 7 97th
Sacrifice Hits 2 128th
Sacrifice Flies 1 366th
Intentional Walks 0 896th

2020 Stats for Keston Hiura

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 59 23rd
Plate Appearances 246 23rd
At-Bats 217 24th
Runs Scored 30 72nd
Hits 46 108th
Doubles 4 290th
Triples 0 390th
Home Runs 13 27th
Runs Batted In 32 50th
Stolen Bases 3 114th
Caught Stealing 2 45th
Walks 16 151st
Strikeouts 85 2nd
Batting Average .212 393rd
On-Base Percentage .297 360th
Slugging Percentage .410 257th
OPS .707 299th
OPS+ 87 327th
Total Bases 89 69th
Grounded Into Double Plays 7 18th
Hit By Pitch 11 3rd
Sacrifice Hits 0 350th
Sacrifice Flies 2 61st
Intentional Walks 2 30th

2019 Stats for Keston Hiura

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 84 319th
Plate Appearances 348 252nd
At-Bats 314 248th
Runs Scored 51 200th
Hits 95 196th
Doubles 23 134th
Triples 2 149th
Home Runs 19 139th
Runs Batted In 49 203rd
Stolen Bases 9 78th
Caught Stealing 3 105th
Walks 25 264th
Strikeouts 107 135th
Batting Average .303 83rd
On-Base Percentage .368 107th
Slugging Percentage .570 57th
OPS .938 63rd
OPS+ 138 72nd
Total Bases 179 172nd
Grounded Into Double Plays 6 250th
Hit By Pitch 8 57th
Sacrifice Hits 0 868th
Sacrifice Flies 1 376th
Intentional Walks 1 231st