Keyonte George Stats

Keyonte George has a tally of 2,023 minutes and has taken part in 75 contests in his career. George has accrued 974 points so far in his career, averages 13.0 points per game and started 44 games. He averages 5.9 dimes, collects 3.8 rebounds and accrues 17.3 per 36 mins. Taking the court with a field goal percentage of 39.1%, George has converted 319 baskets out of 815 attempts. With 440 attempts beyond the arc during his pro basketball career, he has recorded a shooting percentage of 33.4% by making 147 of those shots. He has amassed a 45.9% shooting percentage of by burying 172 out of 375 tries. George has compiled a 84.8% percentage from the free throw line by knocking down 189 of 223 shots. With an eFG% of 48.2%, he has also recorded 188 giveaways and tallied 91 fouls. He has accrued 211 rebounds in total so far in his NBA career by grabbing 196 defensive and 15 of the offensive sort. In relation to sharing the basketball, George has 332 assists, in addition to getting 36 steals and 7 blocks. He holds an average of 2.8 rebounds as well as 4.4 dimes per outing.

Keyonte George Stats

Year Team Pts Reb Ast Stl Blk G GS Min FG% 3P% eFG% FT% PPG APG RPG SPG
Career 974 211 332 36 7 75 44 2,023 39.1% 33.4% 48.2% 84.8% 13.0 4.4 2.8 0.5
2023-24 UTA 974 211 332 36 7 75 44 2,023 39.1% 33.4% 48.2% 84.8% 13.0 4.4 2.8 0.5

2023-24 Stats for Keyonte George

Stat Value NBA Rank
Games 75 80th
Games Started 44 135th
Minutes Played 2,023 102nd
Field Goals Made 319 130th
Field Goals Attempted 815 90th
Field Goal Percentage 39.1% 465th
3-Pointers Made 147 62nd
3-Pointers Attempted 440 42nd
3-Point Percentage 33.4% 301st
2-Point Field Goals Made 172 162nd
2-Point Field Goals Attempted 375 132nd
2-Point Field Goal Percentage 45.9% 470th
eFG% (Effective Field Goal Percentage) 48.2% 441st
Free Throws Made 189 62nd
Free Throws Attempted 223 65th
Free Throw Percentage 84.8% 119th
Offensive Rebounds 15 380th
Defensive Rebounds 196 165th
Total Rebounds 211 208th
Assists 332 51st
Steals 36 230th
Blocks 7 344th
Turnovers 188 23rd
Personal Fouls 91 234th
Total Points 974 100th
Points Per Game 13.0 122nd
Rebounds Per Game 2.8 300th
Assists Per Game 4.4 71st
Steals Per Game 0.5 331st
Blocks Per Game 0.1 465th