Manny Machado vs Nolan Arenado Stats

Machado has a batting average of .279 for his career in baseball with 959 runs scored and an OPS of .824. He has been struck out 1,262 times and has taken a walk on 592 at-bats, which has contributed to a .338 on-base %. In his MLB career, Machado has hit 326 balls out of the park while driving in 997 runs. He has earned a slugging percentage of .486 in addition to earning 3,198 bases. During his time in professional baseball, he stepped into the batters box 7,273 times and came through with a base base knock 1,834 times.

In the 6,193 at-bats in his MLB career, Arenado has a batting average of .285 with 1,766 base knocks. His OBP comes in at .342 and he also has a lifetime OPS of .861. He has accrued 914 runs and racked up 1,103 runs batted in. Arenado has recorded a free base 533 times while striking out on 1,011 occasions. He has hit a home run 335 times, with 3,215 total bases and a .519 slugging percentage.

Manny Machado vs Nolan Arenado Stats

Manny Machado Career Nolan Arenado
1,679 Games Played 1,624
7,273 Plate Appearances 6,846
6,584 At-Bats 6,193
959 Runs 914
1,834 Hits 1,766
350 Doubles 378
18 Triples 33
326 Home Runs 335
997 Runs Batted In 1,103
93 Stolen Bases 27
37 Caught Stealing 22
592 Walks 533
1,262 Strikeouts 1,011
.279 Batting Average .285
.338 On-Base Percentage .342
.486 Slugging Percentage .519
0.824 OPS 0.861
3,198 Total Bases 3,215
201 Grounded Into Double Plays 184
27 Hit By Pitch 39

Machado has accounted for 153 total bases with 97 hits in 368 at-bats. He has compiled an OBP of .318 with 29 free passes and 84 strikeouts. Since the start of the campaign, Manny Machado has batted in 53 runs and also has accounted for a slugging percentage of .416. He has notched 45 runs this year and has knocked 13 balls out of the park. He has earned a batting average at the plate of .264 while holding an OPS of .734.

Since the start of the season, Nolan Arenado has batted in 42 runs and has accumulated a slugging percentage of .386. He has accounted for an OBP of .321 in addition to 28 free passes and 58 strikeouts. Arenado has tallied 141 bases in total with 97 base knocks in 365 at-bats. He has accrued a batting average at the plate of .266 while having an OPS of .707. He has a total of 40 runs this season and has hit 10 balls out of the park.

Manny Machado (2024) Stat Nolan Arenado (2024)
96 Games Played 96
399 Plate Appearances 403
368 At-Bats 365
45 Runs Scored 40
97 Hits 97
17 Doubles 14
0 Triples 0
13 Home Runs 10
53 Runs Batted In 42
5 Stolen Bases 1
1 Caught Stealing 1
29 Walks 28
84 Strikeouts 58
.264 Batting Average .266
.318 On-Base Percentage .321
.416 Slugging Percentage .386
0.734 OPS 0.707
107 OPS+ 99
153 Total Bases 141
18 Grounded Into Double Play 7
1 Hit By Pitch 4