Pierre Garcon Stats

Pierre Garcon stepped onto the gridiron in 148 contests in his career. His caught pass percentage sat at 60.3% and he got there by grabbing 628 out of the 1,041 passes that went in his direction. He had a total of 7,854 yards and had an average of 12.5 yards per reception. During his professional football career, Garcon collected 38 TDs and had a long reception of 88 yards. His catches per game and yards per contest average were 4.2 and 53.1 yards.

Garcon snatched up 286 receiving yards in his 8 contests in his last year. He caught 24 balls which averaged 11.9 yards per catch. His longest catch in his last season went for 88 yds and he was able to haul in 61.7% of the balls thrown in his direction. Pierre Garcon (1 touchdown through the air) accumulated an average of 35.8 yards per game receiving and he averaged 3.0 receptions per contest. Garcon had a tally of 286 receiving yds.

Pierre Garcon Stats

Year Team Rec Yards Y/R G GS TD 1D Lng R/G Y/G Fmb
Career 628 7,854 12.5 148 131 38 375 88 4.2 53.1 0
2018 SFO 24 286 11.9 8 8 1 14 25 3.0 35.8 0
2017 SFO 40 500 12.5 8 8 0 26 59 5.0 62.5 0
2016 WAS 79 1,041 13.2 16 16 3 53 70 4.9 65.1 0
2015 WAS 72 777 10.8 16 16 6 44 39 4.5 48.6 0
2014 WAS 68 752 11.1 16 14 3 33 70 4.3 47.0 0
2013 WAS 113 1,346 11.9 16 16 5 61 53 7.1 84.1 1
2012 WAS 44 633 14.4 10 10 4 26 88 4.4 63.3 0
2011 IND 70 947 13.5 16 16 6 42 87 4.4 59.2 2
2010 IND 67 784 11.7 14 14 6 41 57 4.8 56.0 0
2009 IND 47 765 16.3 14 13 4 33 66 3.4 54.6 1
2008 IND 4 23 5.8 14 0 0 2 12 0.3 1.6 0

2018 Stats for Pierre Garcon

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 8 379th
Games Started 8 159th
Receptions 24 173rd
Receiving Yards 286 157th
Yards Per Reception 11.9 165th
Receiving Touchdowns 1 202nd
1st Down Catches 14 156th
Longest Reception 25 257th
Receptions Per Game 3.0 109th
Receiving Yards Per Game 35.8 105th
Fumbles 0 76th

2017 Stats for Pierre Garcon

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 8 364th
Games Started 8 133rd
Receptions 40 100th
Receiving Yards 500 88th
Yards Per Reception 12.5 130th
Receiving Touchdowns 0 265th
1st Down Catches 26 80th
Longest Reception 59 51st
Receptions Per Game 5.0 22nd
Receiving Yards Per Game 62.5 23rd
Fumbles 0 42nd

2016 Stats for Pierre Garcon

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 18th
Games Started 16 13th
Receptions 79 22nd
Receiving Yards 1,041 18th
Yards Per Reception 13.2 119th
Receiving Touchdowns 3 88th
1st Down Catches 53 15th
Longest Reception 70 27th
Receptions Per Game 4.9 30th
Receiving Yards Per Game 65.1 24th
Fumbles 0 9th

2015 Stats for Pierre Garcon

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 25th
Games Started 16 15th
Receptions 72 34th
Receiving Yards 777 45th
Yards Per Reception 10.8 208th
Receiving Touchdowns 6 37th
1st Down Catches 44 31st
Longest Reception 39 167th
Receptions Per Game 4.5 48th
Receiving Yards Per Game 48.6 60th
Fumbles 0 5th

2014 Stats for Pierre Garcon

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 26th
Games Started 14 62nd
Receptions 68 38th
Receiving Yards 752 56th
Yards Per Reception 11.1 194th
Receiving Touchdowns 3 81st
1st Down Catches 33 65th
Longest Reception 70 34th
Receptions Per Game 4.3 46th
Receiving Yards Per Game 47.0 65th
Fumbles 0 14th

2013 Stats for Pierre Garcon

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 1st
Games Started 16 1st
Receptions 113 1st
Receiving Yards 1,346 8th
Yards Per Reception 11.9 153rd
Receiving Touchdowns 5 38th
1st Down Catches 61 12th
Longest Reception 53 74th
Receptions Per Game 7.1 3rd
Receiving Yards Per Game 84.1 11th
Fumbles 1 1023rd

2012 Stats for Pierre Garcon

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 10 346th
Games Started 10 118th
Receptions 44 94th
Receiving Yards 633 69th
Yards Per Reception 14.4 80th
Receiving Touchdowns 4 71st
1st Down Catches 26 86th
Longest Reception 88 2nd
Receptions Per Game 4.4 41st
Receiving Yards Per Game 63.3 30th
Fumbles 0 39th

2011 Stats for Pierre Garcon

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 23rd
Games Started 16 13th
Receptions 70 27th
Receiving Yards 947 27th
Yards Per Reception 13.5 106th
Receiving Touchdowns 6 35th
1st Down Catches 42 32nd
Longest Reception 87 6th
Receptions Per Game 4.4 37th
Receiving Yards Per Game 59.2 37th
Fumbles 2 1135th

2010 Stats for Pierre Garcon

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 220th
Games Started 14 48th
Receptions 67 27th
Receiving Yards 784 36th
Yards Per Reception 11.7 156th
Receiving Touchdowns 6 33rd
1st Down Catches 41 26th
Longest Reception 57 58th
Receptions Per Game 4.8 26th
Receiving Yards Per Game 56.0 40th
Fumbles 0 8th

2009 Stats for Pierre Garcon

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 214th
Games Started 13 82nd
Receptions 47 77th
Receiving Yards 765 44th
Yards Per Reception 16.3 27th
Receiving Touchdowns 4 60th
1st Down Catches 33 55th
Longest Reception 66 34th
Receptions Per Game 3.4 73rd
Receiving Yards Per Game 54.6 41st
Fumbles 1 1032nd

2008 Stats for Pierre Garcon

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 236th
Games Started 0 387th
Receptions 4 333rd
Receiving Yards 23 367th
Yards Per Reception 5.8 380th
Receiving Touchdowns 0 346th
1st Down Catches 2 314th
Longest Reception 12 361st
Receptions Per Game 0.3 367th
Receiving Yards Per Game 1.6 389th
Fumbles 0 175th