When out in the wilderness, communication is key for you safety. This is especially true when you are hiking in terrain that isn’t as kind as you would normally expect. Anything can happen when you are out there. Some problems that might occur include animal attacks, getting lost or getting generally injured. If something like this does happen, you have to be able to communicate with the people at your camp or the people that you may have come with. It could be the difference between getting to safety or having a very bad day. Let’s move on from all the bad things that can happen. The point is that it is really handy to have a two way radio on your person when you are hiking.
Now the we can agree on the fact that two way radios are great to have, you have to choose which one to go with and that is a task in itself. There are so many options out there that it might be tough for someone that isn’t as well versed in two way radios to pick one. This is why we have created this list. Below you will find some of our favorite two way radios on the market for the year. These are some of the highest rated two way radios out there right now and we will explain why.

Arcshell Rechargeable Long Range Two-way Radios
The Arcshell Rechargeable Long Range Two-way Radios with Earpiece 4 Pack is a really reliable 4 pack of two way radios and that is why we wanted to start with them. We love the convenient size of these two way radios. They easily fit in your hand and measure about 4.5 inches without including the antenna. They come with removeable belt clips which means you won’t lose them if you trip or fall down. The frequency range is UHF 400-470MHz. It’s already got 16 channels already programmed in to the radio and all of the radios in the 4 pack have the exact same frequency on all of those 16 channels.
– Single Band
– Frequency Range – UHF 400-470MHz
– Frequency Stability – ±2.5ppm
– Channel Capacity – 16
– Spacing – 25KHz
– Battery – Rechargeable Li-ion
– Voltage – 3.7
– Antenna Impedance -50Ω
Midland – GXT1000VP4, 50 Channel GMRS Two-Way Radio
The GXT1000 is the most powerful two way radio that Midland has put out. It features Xtreme Range Technology. In addition to having a 36 mile range, these powerful two radios offer silent operation, they are JIS4 waterproof and give you 50 channels to work from. The GXT1000 also comes equipped with VOX hand free communication and SOS siren. Finally, something these two way radios have that many don’t is Midland’s signature technology for the weather. This function provides current weather data and information that comes straight from NOAA.
– Two way radios that feature 50 General Mobile Radio Service channels
– Waterproof
– 36 mile range – longer ranges come with little or no obstructions
– 142 CTCSS/DCS codes for privact- give you you almost 3,200 channel options
– NOAA weather scan and Alerts
– In the box you get two radios, two belt clips, two boom mic headsets, two rechargeable battery packs, AC & DC adapter as well as a 120V dual charger for the desktop
Retevis H-777 Two Way Radio
We keep moving up the list of quality with the H-777 Two Way Radio by Retevis. These radios offer 16 channels, UHF 400-470MHz and also offer encrypted 50 codes on every channel. Count on the enhanced reliability, privacy and voice quality you would expect out of Retivis. The charging method is nice with the H-777 supporting USB and DC charging which makes it really convenient to get these two way radios ready go again. We also love how easy they are to use which makes it easy for your kids or your elders to use one of these two way radios for any activity. These are just a few of the reasons these two way radios are so highly rated.
– 400-470MHz programmable frequencies
– Durable and lightweight
– Great coverage
– Battery is long lasting
– Fast settings
– Convenient charging
– Comes with voice prompt
Floureon 4 Packs 22-Channel FRS/GMRS Two Way Radios
The four pack if two way radios from Floureon gives you quality and durability wrapped up in a package for under $50. These two way radios are truly invaluable because 1.9 mile, crystal clear range. You get 22 channels and it comes with a PMR system. The display LCD screen is backlit so you can see it when the lights get a little dimmer. The sound quality is great with adjustable volume included. Not only is the quality great the battery usage is excellent. Keep in mind that you are getting four of these for around $35 dollars and this is the main reason it made our list. Durable, reliable and affordable is enough to get on any hiker’s wish list.
– 1 year warranty with 100% satisfaction or you get your money back
– Comes with 22 channels with the PMR system
– The range goes up to around 1.9 miles depending on open the area is
– Great sound quality and reliable
Motorola FRS/GMRS T600 Two-Way Radios / Walkie Talkies
Finally, we’ve got the Motorola FRS/GMRS T600 Two Way Radios. In this pack you are getting eight rechargeable, fully waterproof two way radios with a range of up to 35 miles. These radios also offer the Eco Smart feature which uses less battery power when the radios are idle. When buying this package you are also going to get eight whistle belt clips, eight rechargeable battery packs and four Y cable chargers with USB connectors. You can also communicate with radios using FRS/GMRS no matter what brand they are by using the same privacy code and channel. Overall, there is a lot of quality in this package of eight and we suggest giving them a whirl.
– 8 two way radios
– Fully waterproof
– Emergency features
– 35 mile range
– Scanning feature
– 8 rechargeable batteries, 4 Y cable chargers and 8 whistle belt clips
– Eco smart feature for power saving
– Frequency is FRS/GMRS with 22 channels and 121 privacy codes