Ahman Green Stats

Green averaged 62.2 yards on the ground per contest in his career. He has run for 60 touchdowns with a long carry of 98 yards. His average yds per carry is at 4.5 and he toted the ball 2,056 times. Ahman Green ran for 9,205 yds on the ground in 148 games played in his career.

Green accumulated 160 yards carrying the ball in 8 games played in his last year. His average when carrying the ball was 3.9 and he carried it 41 total times in his last season. He rushed for 1 touchdown in his final season for 26 yards. Green averaged 20.0 yards on the ground per contest.

Ahman Green Stats

Year Team Att Yards TD G GS Lng Y/A Y/G Fmb
Career 2,056 9,205 60 148 97 98 4.5 62.2 37
2009 GNB 41 160 1 8 0 26 3.9 20.0 0
2008 HOU 74 294 3 8 1 14 4.0 36.8 0
2007 HOU 70 260 2 6 5 18 3.7 43.3 0
2006 GNB 266 1,059 5 14 14 70 4.0 75.6 4
2005 GNB 77 255 0 5 5 13 3.3 51.0 1
2004 GNB 259 1,163 7 15 15 90 4.5 77.5 7
2003 GNB 355 1,883 15 16 16 98 5.3 117.7 7
2002 GNB 286 1,240 7 14 14 43 4.3 88.6 4
2001 GNB 304 1,387 9 16 16 83 4.6 86.7 5
2000 GNB 263 1,175 10 16 11 39 4.5 73.4 6
1999 SEA 26 120 0 14 0 21 4.6 8.6 2
1998 SEA 35 209 1 16 0 64 6.0 13.1 1

2009 Stats for Ahman Green

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 8 243rd
Games Started 0 237th
Rushing Attempts 41 83rd
Rushing Yards 160 86th
Rushing Touchdowns 1 84th
Longest Run 26 84th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.9 154th
Rushing Yards Per Game 20.0 77th
Fumbles 0 208th

2008 Stats for Ahman Green

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 8 235th
Games Started 1 202nd
Rushing Attempts 74 61st
Rushing Yards 294 66th
Rushing Touchdowns 3 51st
Longest Run 14 153rd
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.0 138th
Rushing Yards Per Game 36.8 49th
Fumbles 0 185th

2007 Stats for Ahman Green

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 6 265th
Games Started 5 148th
Rushing Attempts 70 60th
Rushing Yards 260 67th
Rushing Touchdowns 2 62nd
Longest Run 18 110th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.7 145th
Rushing Yards Per Game 43.3 44th
Fumbles 0 222nd

2006 Stats for Ahman Green

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 157th
Games Started 14 58th
Rushing Attempts 266 15th
Rushing Yards 1,059 19th
Rushing Touchdowns 5 30th
Longest Run 70 14th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.0 133rd
Rushing Yards Per Game 75.6 16th
Fumbles 4 46th

2005 Stats for Ahman Green

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 5 274th
Games Started 5 147th
Rushing Attempts 77 53rd
Rushing Yards 255 67th
Rushing Touchdowns 0 121st
Longest Run 13 137th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.3 168th
Rushing Yards Per Game 51.0 33rd
Fumbles 1 144th

2004 Stats for Ahman Green

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 122nd
Games Started 15 43rd
Rushing Attempts 259 16th
Rushing Yards 1,163 12th
Rushing Touchdowns 7 18th
Longest Run 90 1st
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.5 108th
Rushing Yards Per Game 77.5 17th
Fumbles 7 19th

2003 Stats for Ahman Green

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 3rd
Games Started 16 3rd
Rushing Attempts 355 3rd
Rushing Yards 1,883 2nd
Rushing Touchdowns 15 2nd
Longest Run 98 1st
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 5.3 79th
Rushing Yards Per Game 117.7 3rd
Fumbles 7 23rd

2002 Stats for Ahman Green

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 166th
Games Started 14 66th
Rushing Attempts 286 12th
Rushing Yards 1,240 12th
Rushing Touchdowns 7 21st
Longest Run 43 30th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.3 137th
Rushing Yards Per Game 88.6 7th
Fumbles 4 40th

2001 Stats for Ahman Green

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 10th
Games Started 16 9th
Rushing Attempts 304 10th
Rushing Yards 1,387 4th
Rushing Touchdowns 9 8th
Longest Run 83 3rd
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.6 99th
Rushing Yards Per Game 86.7 8th
Fumbles 5 40th

2000 Stats for Ahman Green

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 14th
Games Started 11 88th
Rushing Attempts 263 17th
Rushing Yards 1,175 15th
Rushing Touchdowns 10 9th
Longest Run 39 34th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.5 95th
Rushing Yards Per Game 73.4 19th
Fumbles 6 27th

1999 Stats for Ahman Green

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 161st
Games Started 0 230th
Rushing Attempts 26 111th
Rushing Yards 120 103rd
Rushing Touchdowns 0 142nd
Longest Run 21 99th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.6 86th
Rushing Yards Per Game 8.6 108th
Fumbles 2 107th

1998 Stats for Ahman Green

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 39th
Games Started 0 230th
Rushing Attempts 35 90th
Rushing Yards 209 63rd
Rushing Touchdowns 1 90th
Longest Run 64 13th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 6.0 37th
Rushing Yards Per Game 13.1 77th
Fumbles 1 131st