Jason Witten Stats

Witten (74 receiving touchdowns) compiled an average of 48.1 yds per contest receiving and he averages 4.5 receptions per game throughout his career. His longest reception of his career went for 69 yards and he was able to catch 71.4% of the balls thrown to him. He snagged 1228 balls which means he averaged 10.6 YPC. Witten racked up 13,046 yards through the air in 271 games throughout his career.

Witten stepped onto the gridiron in 16 games during his final season. His percentage of caught passes in his last year was 60.6% and he earned that by catching 13 out of the 21 throws that went his way. He tallied 69 yards during his final year and earned an average of 5.3 yards per catch. In his final season, Witten caught 2 receiving touchdowns and his longest catch of the year was 15 yards. Witten accounted for 69 yards during his final year.

Jason Witten Stats

Year Team Rec Yards Y/R G GS TD 1D Lng R/G Y/G Fmb
Career 1,228 13,046 10.6 271 252 74 664 69 4.5 48.1 0
2020 LVR 13 69 5.3 16 7 2 8 15 0.8 4.3 0
2019 DAL 63 529 8.4 16 16 4 27 33 3.9 33.1 1
2017 DAL 63 560 8.9 16 16 5 26 28 3.9 35.0 1
2016 DAL 69 673 9.8 16 16 3 34 35 4.3 42.1 1
2015 DAL 77 713 9.3 16 16 3 37 35 4.8 44.6 1
2014 DAL 64 703 11.0 16 16 5 48 34 4.0 43.9 0
2013 DAL 73 851 11.7 16 16 8 44 34 4.6 53.2 0
2012 DAL 110 1,039 9.4 16 16 3 56 36 6.9 64.9 0
2011 DAL 79 942 11.9 16 16 5 47 64 4.9 58.9 1
2010 DAL 94 1,002 10.7 16 16 9 42 33 5.9 62.6 1
2009 DAL 94 1,030 11.0 16 16 2 49 69 5.9 64.4 0
2008 DAL 81 952 11.8 16 16 4 49 42 5.1 59.5 0
2007 DAL 96 1,145 11.9 16 16 7 56 53 6.0 71.6 1
2006 DAL 64 754 11.8 16 15 1 37 42 4.0 47.1 0
2005 DAL 66 757 11.5 16 16 6 41 34 4.1 47.3 0
2004 DAL 87 980 11.3 16 15 6 45 42 5.4 61.3 2
2003 DAL 35 347 9.9 15 7 1 18 36 2.3 23.1 0

2020 Stats for Jason Witten

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 95th
Games Started 7 179th
Receptions 13 268th
Receiving Yards 69 318th
Yards Per Reception 5.3 436th
Receiving Touchdowns 2 167th
1st Down Catches 8 233rd
Longest Reception 15 376th
Receptions Per Game 0.8 318th
Receiving Yards Per Game 4.3 378th
Fumbles 0 129th

2019 Stats for Jason Witten

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 22nd
Games Started 16 11th
Receptions 63 46th
Receiving Yards 529 80th
Yards Per Reception 8.4 323rd
Receiving Touchdowns 4 70th
1st Down Catches 27 76th
Longest Reception 33 179th
Receptions Per Game 3.9 63rd
Receiving Yards Per Game 33.1 103rd
Fumbles 1 1048th

2017 Stats for Jason Witten

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 20th
Games Started 16 10th
Receptions 63 36th
Receiving Yards 560 72nd
Yards Per Reception 8.9 298th
Receiving Touchdowns 5 45th
1st Down Catches 26 79th
Longest Reception 28 237th
Receptions Per Game 3.9 51st
Receiving Yards Per Game 35.0 88th
Fumbles 1 1040th

2016 Stats for Jason Witten

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 29th
Games Started 16 18th
Receptions 69 38th
Receiving Yards 673 63rd
Yards Per Reception 9.8 250th
Receiving Touchdowns 3 90th
1st Down Catches 34 60th
Longest Reception 35 165th
Receptions Per Game 4.3 48th
Receiving Yards Per Game 42.1 83rd
Fumbles 1 1033rd

2015 Stats for Jason Witten

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 21st
Games Started 16 13th
Receptions 77 26th
Receiving Yards 713 53rd
Yards Per Reception 9.3 271st
Receiving Touchdowns 3 84th
1st Down Catches 37 45th
Longest Reception 35 195th
Receptions Per Game 4.8 39th
Receiving Yards Per Game 44.6 70th
Fumbles 1 1026th

2014 Stats for Jason Witten

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 34th
Games Started 16 22nd
Receptions 64 48th
Receiving Yards 703 61st
Yards Per Reception 11.0 199th
Receiving Touchdowns 5 51st
1st Down Catches 48 28th
Longest Reception 34 169th
Receptions Per Game 4.0 64th
Receiving Yards Per Game 43.9 69th
Fumbles 0 17th

2013 Stats for Jason Witten

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 28th
Games Started 16 17th
Receptions 73 34th
Receiving Yards 851 36th
Yards Per Reception 11.7 162nd
Receiving Touchdowns 8 19th
1st Down Catches 44 34th
Longest Reception 34 160th
Receptions Per Game 4.6 48th
Receiving Yards Per Game 53.2 53rd
Fumbles 0 12th

2012 Stats for Jason Witten

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 5th
Games Started 16 4th
Receptions 110 5th
Receiving Yards 1,039 20th
Yards Per Reception 9.4 265th
Receiving Touchdowns 3 81st
1st Down Catches 56 14th
Longest Reception 36 147th
Receptions Per Game 6.9 5th
Receiving Yards Per Game 64.9 27th
Fumbles 0 2nd

2011 Stats for Jason Witten

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 15th
Games Started 16 9th
Receptions 79 17th
Receiving Yards 942 29th
Yards Per Reception 11.9 171st
Receiving Touchdowns 5 47th
1st Down Catches 47 22nd
Longest Reception 64 39th
Receptions Per Game 4.9 21st
Receiving Yards Per Game 58.9 39th
Fumbles 1 1040th

2010 Stats for Jason Witten

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 3rd
Games Started 16 3rd
Receptions 94 3rd
Receiving Yards 1,002 17th
Yards Per Reception 10.7 205th
Receiving Touchdowns 9 14th
1st Down Catches 42 23rd
Longest Reception 33 182nd
Receptions Per Game 5.9 9th
Receiving Yards Per Game 62.6 23rd
Fumbles 1 1019th

2009 Stats for Jason Witten

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 7th
Games Started 16 6th
Receptions 94 9th
Receiving Yards 1,030 21st
Yards Per Reception 11.0 165th
Receiving Touchdowns 2 96th
1st Down Catches 49 21st
Longest Reception 69 26th
Receptions Per Game 5.9 10th
Receiving Yards Per Game 64.4 25th
Fumbles 0 5th

2008 Stats for Jason Witten

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 11th
Games Started 16 7th
Receptions 81 15th
Receiving Yards 952 25th
Yards Per Reception 11.8 147th
Receiving Touchdowns 4 44th
1st Down Catches 49 19th
Longest Reception 42 106th
Receptions Per Game 5.1 18th
Receiving Yards Per Game 59.5 29th
Fumbles 0 5th

2007 Stats for Jason Witten

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 9th
Games Started 16 6th
Receptions 96 10th
Receiving Yards 1,145 14th
Yards Per Reception 11.9 130th
Receiving Touchdowns 7 21st
1st Down Catches 56 14th
Longest Reception 53 57th
Receptions Per Game 6.0 12th
Receiving Yards Per Game 71.6 17th
Fumbles 1 1021st

2006 Stats for Jason Witten

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 25th
Games Started 15 52nd
Receptions 64 34th
Receiving Yards 754 41st
Yards Per Reception 11.8 137th
Receiving Touchdowns 1 141st
1st Down Catches 37 40th
Longest Reception 42 99th
Receptions Per Game 4.0 38th
Receiving Yards Per Game 47.1 48th
Fumbles 0 13th

2005 Stats for Jason Witten

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 25th
Games Started 16 18th
Receptions 66 34th
Receiving Yards 757 39th
Yards Per Reception 11.5 153rd
Receiving Touchdowns 6 30th
1st Down Catches 41 36th
Longest Reception 34 148th
Receptions Per Game 4.1 42nd
Receiving Yards Per Game 47.3 50th
Fumbles 0 12th

2004 Stats for Jason Witten

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 13th
Games Started 15 38th
Receptions 87 12th
Receiving Yards 980 27th
Yards Per Reception 11.3 168th
Receiving Touchdowns 6 32nd
1st Down Catches 45 31st
Longest Reception 42 111th
Receptions Per Game 5.4 16th
Receiving Yards Per Game 61.3 30th
Fumbles 2 1116th

2003 Stats for Jason Witten

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 203rd
Games Started 7 179th
Receptions 35 115th
Receiving Yards 347 120th
Yards Per Reception 9.9 209th
Receiving Touchdowns 1 161st
1st Down Catches 18 110th
Longest Reception 36 131st
Receptions Per Game 2.3 124th
Receiving Yards Per Game 23.1 131st
Fumbles 0 45th