Owen Miller Stats

Miller has drawn a free base 58 times while striking out on 216 attempts. His on-base percentage is .287 and he holds a career OPS of .632. He has accumulated 101 runs and has 99 runs batted in. He has homered 15 times, as well as 322 bases in total and a .345 slugging %. Over the course of the 933 at-bats in his baseball career, Miller has accrued an average at the plate of .239 in addition to 223 hits.

Miller has a total of 6 total bases with 5 hits in 27 at-bats. He has tallied 2 runs on the year and has drilled 0 balls out of the park. He has amassed a batting average at the plate of .185 in addition to having an OPS of .407. He is sitting with an OBP of .185 with 0 free passes and 8 strikeouts. For the current season, Owen Miller has knocked in 3 runs and also has recorded a slugging percentage of .222.

Career .239 15 223 58 101 99 .287 1,015 933 .632 N/A 52 1 294 .345 17 2 322 216
2024 MIL .185 0 5 0 2 3 .185 27 27 .407 13 1 0 14 .222 0 0 6 8
2023 MIL .261 5 76 17 29 27 .303 314 291 .674 85 17 0 90 .371 13 2 108 61
2022 CLE .243 6 103 32 53 51 .301 472 424 .652 89 26 1 130 .351 2 0 149 93
2021 CLE .204 4 39 9 17 18 .243 202 191 .551 50 8 0 60 .309 2 0 59 54

2024 Stats for Owen Miller

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 14 489th
Plate Appearances 27 511th
At-Bats 27 504th
Runs Scored 2 520th
Hits 5 506th
Doubles 1 497th
Triples 0 515th
Home Runs 0 522nd
Runs Batted In 3 484th
Stolen Bases 0 530th
Caught Stealing 0 516th
Walks 0 544th
Strikeouts 8 504th
Batting Average .185 470th
On-Base Percentage .185 536th
Slugging Percentage .222 509th
OPS .407 524th
OPS+ 13 529th
Total Bases 6 512th
Grounded Into Double Plays 1 444th
Hit By Pitch 0 517th
Sacrifice Hits 0 513th
Sacrifice Flies 0 518th
Intentional Walks 0 511th

2023 Stats for Owen Miller

2023 Stats for Owen Miller

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 90 291st
Plate Appearances 314 282nd
At-Bats 291 274th
Runs Scored 29 312th
Hits 76 243rd
Doubles 17 215th
Triples 0 357th
Home Runs 5 333rd
Runs Batted In 27 319th
Stolen Bases 13 93rd
Caught Stealing 2 163rd
Walks 17 328th
Strikeouts 61 311th
Batting Average .261 172nd
On-Base Percentage .303 355th
Slugging Percentage .371 348th
OPS .674 356th
OPS+ 85 345th
Total Bases 108 272nd
Grounded Into Double Plays 6 237th
Hit By Pitch 2 309th
Sacrifice Hits 0 373rd
Sacrifice Flies 4 108th
Intentional Walks 1 165th

2022 Stats for Owen Miller

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 130 131st
Plate Appearances 472 146th
At-Bats 424 149th
Runs Scored 53 151st
Hits 103 154th
Doubles 26 89th
Triples 1 219th
Home Runs 6 307th
Runs Batted In 51 151st
Stolen Bases 2 299th
Caught Stealing 0 410th
Walks 32 192nd
Strikeouts 93 184th
Batting Average .243 303rd
On-Base Percentage .301 372nd
Slugging Percentage .351 433rd
OPS .652 405th
OPS+ 89 371st
Total Bases 149 184th
Grounded Into Double Plays 8 172nd
Hit By Pitch 7 78th
Sacrifice Hits 0 334th
Sacrifice Flies 9 6th
Intentional Walks 1 130th

2021 Stats for Owen Miller

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 60 449th
Plate Appearances 202 405th
At-Bats 191 388th
Runs Scored 17 454th
Hits 39 408th
Doubles 8 397th
Triples 0 1167th
Home Runs 4 450th
Runs Batted In 18 422nd
Stolen Bases 2 289th
Caught Stealing 0 1160th
Walks 9 506th
Strikeouts 54 363rd
Batting Average .204 609th
On-Base Percentage .243 751st
Slugging Percentage .309 643rd
OPS .551 679th
OPS+ 50 690th
Total Bases 59 430th
Grounded Into Double Plays 7 204th
Hit By Pitch 1 507th
Sacrifice Hits 0 1164th
Sacrifice Flies 1 410th
Intentional Walks 0 1154th