Philip Rivers has completed 1,087 of his attempted career 1,710 throws for a completion percentage of 63.6%. His average YPC thrown during his time in college football was 12.4 yds, and he’s run for 96 yards. For his college football career, Rivers has passed for 13,484 yards with 95 touchdowns and 34 picks. He has a quarterback rating of 144.2 with a TD rate of 5.6% and an interception rate of 2.0%. Since he’s been in college, he recorded 17 rushing touchdowns and averaged 0.4 yards per rush attempt.
Rivers has connected on 348 of his attempted 483 throws for a completion percentage of 72.0%. For his 13 games played, he has recorded an average of 345.5 yards per contest. For the campaign, Rivers has thrown for 4,491 yards with 34 touchdowns and 7 interceptions. He has a quarterback rating of 170.5 with a TD rate of 7.0% and an interception percentage of 2.0%. Since the start of the year, he was the rusher 78 times totaling 109 yards.

Philip Rivers Stats
Year | Games | TD | TD% | Cmp | Att | Cmp% | Pass Yds | QB Rate | Y/A | AY/A | Y/C | Y/G | Int | Int% | Rush Att | Rush Yds | Rush Avg |
Career | 95 | 5.6% | 1,087 | 1,710 | 63.6% | 13,484 | 144.2 | 7.9 | 8.1 | 12.4 | 34 | 2.0% | 252 | 96 | 0.4 | ||
2003 | 13 | 34 | 7.0% | 348 | 483 | 72.0% | 4,491 | 170.5 | 9.3 | 10.1 | 12.9 | 345.5 | 7 | 2.0% | 78 | 109 | 1.4 |
2002 | 14 | 20 | 4.8% | 262 | 418 | 62.7% | 3,353 | 141.1 | 8.0 | 7.9 | 12.8 | 239.5 | 10 | 3.8% | 57 | 100 | 1.8 |
2001 | 11 | 16 | 4.3% | 240 | 368 | 65.2% | 2,586 | 134.8 | 7.0 | 7.0 | 10.8 | 235.1 | 7 | 2.9% | 44 | -26 | -0.6 |
2000 | 11 | 25 | 5.7% | 237 | 441 | 53.7% | 3,054 | 126.1 | 6.9 | 7.0 | 12.9 | 277.6 | 10 | 4.2% | 73 | -87 | -1.2 |
2003 Stats for Philip Rivers
Stat | Value | NCAAF Rank |
Games | 13 | 9th |
Completions | 348 | 3rd |
Passing Attempts | 483 | 7th |
Completion Percentage | 72.0% | 1st |
Passing Yards | 4,491 | 2nd |
Yards Per Attempt | 9.3 | 4th |
Average Yards Per Attempt | 10.1 | 3rd |
Passing Touchdowns | 34 | 6th |
Interceptions | 7 | 81st |
Quarterback Rating | 170.5 | 1st |
Rushing Attempts | 78 | 49th |
Rushing Yards | 109 | 53rd |
Rushing Average | 1.4 | 52nd |
Rushing Touchdowns | 3 | 37th |
Touchdowns Percentage | 7.0% | 12th |
Interception Percentage | 2.0% | 99th |
Yards Per Completion | 12.9 | 39th |
Passing Yards Per Game | 345.5 | 2nd |
2002 Stats for Philip Rivers
Stat | Value | NCAAF Rank |
Games | 14 | 6th |
Completions | 262 | 18th |
Passing Attempts | 418 | 26th |
Completion Percentage | 62.7% | 10th |
Passing Yards | 3,353 | 16th |
Yards Per Attempt | 8.0 | 15th |
Average Yards Per Attempt | 7.9 | 14th |
Passing Touchdowns | 20 | 34th |
Interceptions | 10 | 46th |
Quarterback Rating | 141.1 | 13th |
Rushing Attempts | 57 | 73rd |
Rushing Yards | 100 | 38th |
Rushing Average | 1.8 | 36th |
Rushing Touchdowns | 10 | 5th |
Touchdowns Percentage | 4.8% | 46th |
Interception Percentage | 3.8% | 78th |
Yards Per Completion | 12.8 | 43rd |
Passing Yards Per Game | 239.5 | 26th |
2001 Stats for Philip Rivers
Stat | Value | NCAAF Rank |
Games | 11 | 52nd |
Completions | 240 | 13th |
Passing Attempts | 368 | 24th |
Completion Percentage | 65.2% | 7th |
Passing Yards | 2,586 | 30th |
Yards Per Attempt | 7.0 | 60th |
Average Yards Per Attempt | 7.0 | 43rd |
Passing Touchdowns | 16 | 40th |
Interceptions | 7 | 82nd |
Quarterback Rating | 134.8 | 34th |
Rushing Attempts | 44 | 83rd |
Rushing Yards | -26 | 1179th |
Rushing Average | -0.6 | 1179th |
Rushing Touchdowns | 2 | 63rd |
Touchdowns Percentage | 4.3% | 58th |
Interception Percentage | 2.9% | 96th |
Yards Per Completion | 10.8 | 93rd |
Passing Yards Per Game | 235.1 | 29th |
2000 Stats for Philip Rivers
Stat | Value | NCAAF Rank |
Games | 11 | 43rd |
Completions | 237 | 11th |
Passing Attempts | 441 | 7th |
Completion Percentage | 53.7% | 53rd |
Passing Yards | 3,054 | 9th |
Yards Per Attempt | 6.9 | 50th |
Average Yards Per Attempt | 7.0 | 34th |
Passing Touchdowns | 25 | 7th |
Interceptions | 10 | 47th |
Quarterback Rating | 126.1 | 37th |
Rushing Attempts | 73 | 40th |
Rushing Yards | -87 | 1191st |
Rushing Average | -1.2 | 1182nd |
Rushing Touchdowns | 2 | 46th |
Touchdowns Percentage | 5.7% | 29th |
Interception Percentage | 4.2% | 75th |
Yards Per Completion | 12.9 | 50th |
Passing Yards Per Game | 277.6 | 10th |