Roschon Johnson Stats

Roschon Johnson has gained 352 yds on the ground in 15 games played in his career. His YPC is 4.3 and he’s carried it 81 times. He has rushed for 2 TD’s with a long carry of 29 yds. Johnson averages 23.5 yds on the ground per game in his career.

During his 15 games played this year, Roschon Johnson is rushing for 23.5 yards per contest and has scored 2 times while carrying the ball. He has a long run of 29 yards. He has carried the ball 81 different times to the tune of 4.3 yards per attempt.

Roschon Johnson Stats

Year Team Att Yards TD G GS Lng Y/A Y/G Fmb
Career 81 352 2 15 0 29 4.3 23.5 1
2023 CHI 81 352 2 15 0 29 4.3 23.5 1

2023 Stats for Roschon Johnson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 163rd
Games Started 0 251st
Rushing Attempts 81 58th
Rushing Yards 352 61st
Rushing Touchdowns 2 82nd
Longest Run 29 69th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.3 150th
Rushing Yards Per Game 23.5 73rd
Fumbles 1 174th