Bruno Fernando Stats

Bruno Fernando Stats

Bruno Fernando has racked up 2,325 minutes and has stepped onto the hardwood in 220 contests so far in his pro basketball career. Fernando has earned 872 pts thus far in his career, averages 4.0 points per game and was named a starter in 21 matchups. He records 2.5 assists, collects 11.0 rebounds and scores 13.5 per 36 mins. With a field goal % of 54.3%, Fernando has made 351 shots out of 646 tries. With 49 long distance attempts in his NBA career, he has accrued a shooting percentage of 12.2% by making 6 of those shots. He has accounted for a 57.8% shooting percentage of by making 345 of his 597 shot attempts. Fernando has recorded a 65.3% percentage at the free throw line by making 164 out of his 251 shots. Having earned an effective FG percentage of 54.8%, he has also accumulated 160 giveaways and earned 362 infractions. He is sitting with 712 total rebounds thus far in his career by way of 477 defensive and 235 of the offensive sort. In reference to making the extra pass, Fernando has tallied 161 assists, in addition to getting 58 steals and 102 rejections. He sports an average of 3.2 rebounds in addition to 0.7 dimes per contest.