Jaden Greathouse College Stats

Greathouse has accumulated 265 yards through the air in 12 games for his career. He’s snatched 18 passes thrown his way for an average of 14.7 yards per reception. He has touched the ball 19 times while accumulating 268 total yards. Greathouse (5 TD’s through the air) has compiled an average of 22.1 yds per game receiving and he has 1.5 receptions per game throughout his career.

Greathouse has touched the ball on 19 plays. Greathouse (5 receiving touchdowns) has compiled an average of 22.1 yards per game receiving and he averages 1.5 catches per contest. He has compiled 268 total yds (22.3 per contest). He has hauled in 18 passes thrown his way which averages 14.7 yards per reception. Greathouse has snatched up 265 yards through the air in his 12 games this season.

Jaden Greathouse Stats

Year Team Rec Rec Yds Rec Avg Rec TD Rush Rush Yds Rush TD Tot Yds Tot TD
Career 18 265 14.7 5 1 3 0.0 268 5
2023 Notre Dame 18 265 14.7 5 1 3 0 19 268

2023 Stats for Jaden Greathouse

Stat Value NCAA Rank
Games 12 221st
Receptions 18 282nd
Receiving Yards 265 260th
Yards Per Catch 14.7 120th
Receiving Touchdowns 5 115th
Rushing Attempts 1 168th
Rushing Yards 3 121st
Rushing Average 3.0 109th
Rushing Touchdowns 0 336th
Total Plays 19 280th
Total Yards 268 265th
Yards Per Touch 14.1 123rd
Total Touchdowns 5 126th