Alec Burks Stats

Alec Burks Stats

Alec Burks has racked up 17,101 mins and has played in 766 contests so far in his career. Burks has accounted for 8,130 points so far in his career, sports an average of 10.6 points per contest and has started in 144 games. He averages 3.1 assists, collects 5.4 rebounds and accounts for 17.1 per 36 mins. With a field goal percentage of 41.5%, Burks has converted 2,684 shots out of his 6,471 attempts. Having shot 2,392 attempts from behind the arc in his NBA career, he has recorded a shooting percentage of 38.5% by converting 920 of those shots. He has recorded a 43.2% two-point shooting percentage of by way of converting 1,764 of 4,079 attempts. Burks has amassed a 80.6% clip at the free throw line by knocking down 1,842 of 2,286 attempts. Stepping onto the court with an effective FG percentage of 48.6%, he has also recorded 883 giveaways and amassed 1,372 fouls. He has amassed 2,568 total rebounds so far in his pro basketball career by grabbing 2,148 on the defensive side of the court and 420 offensive. In regard to making his teammates better, Burks has earned 1,492 assists, as well as providing 517 steals and 156 rejections. He sports an average of 3.4 rebounds and 1.9 assists per game.