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Antwaan Randle El College Stats

Antwaan Randle El College Stats

Randle El has thrown for 42 touchdowns while giving up 37 interceptions and his adjusted pass yards per try is currently at 6.3 yds. His touchdown percentage is 4.0% and his interception rate is 3.5%. He’s carried the ball for 3,895 yards while getting into the endzone 44 times via the ground. He is averaging 7.0 yds per pass through the air with a 115.1 QB rating. Over the course of his career, Randle El has completed 528 of his 1,060 attempts for a total of 7,469 yards, and is sitting with completion rate of 49.8%.

Randle El has passed for 9 touchdowns this season compared to 5 picks and his yards per pass attempt is 7.2 yards. His TD rate on pass attempts is 3.9% and his interception rate is 4.2%. Via the ground, he has earned 964 yds while holding an average of 5.1 yards per carry. He averages 151.3 yards per game through the air with a 120.1 quarterback rating. In 11 contests played this year, Randle El has connected on 118 of his 231 tries for a total of 1,664 yards.

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Antwaan Randle El Stats

Year Games TD TD% Cmp Att Cmp% Pass Yds QB Rate Y/A AY/A Y/C Y/G Int Int% Rush Att Rush Yds Rush Avg
Career 42 4.0% 528 1,060 49.8% 7,469 115.1 7.0 6.3 14.1 37 3.5% 857 3,895 4.5
2001 11 9 3.9% 118 231 51.1% 1,664 120.1 7.2 7.0 14.1 151.3 5 4.2% 188 964 5.1
2000 11 10 3.6% 133 277 48.0% 1,783 103.9 6.4 4.9 13.4 162.1 14 10.5% 218 1,270 5.8
1999 11 17 6.1% 150 279 53.8% 2,277 137.4 8.2 8.3 15.2 207.0 7 4.7% 224 788 3.5
1998 11 6 2.2% 127 273 46.5% 1,745 99.4 6.4 5.0 13.7 158.6 11 8.7% 227 873 3.8

2001 Stats for Antwaan Randle El

Stat Value NCAAF Rank
Games 11 47th
Completions 118 84th
Passing Attempts 231 79th
Completion Percentage 51.1% 89th
Passing Yards 1,664 72nd
Yards Per Attempt 7.2 54th
Average Yards Per Attempt 7.0 41st
Passing Touchdowns 9 76th
Interceptions 5 96th
Quarterback Rating 120.1 66th
Rushing Attempts 188 4th
Rushing Yards 964 5th
Rushing Average 5.1 6th
Rushing Touchdowns 8 7th
Touchdowns Percentage 3.9% 75th
Interception Percentage 4.2% 83rd
Yards Per Completion 14.1 21st
Passing Yards Per Game 151.3 76th

2000 Stats for Antwaan Randle El

Stat Value NCAAF Rank
Games 11 55th
Completions 133 64th
Passing Attempts 277 58th
Completion Percentage 48.0% 88th
Passing Yards 1,783 63rd
Yards Per Attempt 6.4 72nd
Average Yards Per Attempt 4.9 85th
Passing Touchdowns 10 70th
Interceptions 14 15th
Quarterback Rating 103.9 86th
Rushing Attempts 218 1st
Rushing Yards 1,270 1st
Rushing Average 5.8 1st
Rushing Touchdowns 13 3rd
Touchdowns Percentage 3.6% 68th
Interception Percentage 10.5% 3rd
Yards Per Completion 13.4 36th
Passing Yards Per Game 162.1 70th

1999 Stats for Antwaan Randle El

Stat Value NCAAF Rank
Games 11 25th
Completions 150 49th
Passing Attempts 279 48th
Completion Percentage 53.8% 58th
Passing Yards 2,277 35th
Yards Per Attempt 8.2 12th
Average Yards Per Attempt 8.3 6th
Passing Touchdowns 17 28th
Interceptions 7 74th
Quarterback Rating 137.4 18th
Rushing Attempts 224 1st
Rushing Yards 788 2nd
Rushing Average 3.5 10th
Rushing Touchdowns 13 1st
Touchdowns Percentage 6.1% 16th
Interception Percentage 4.7% 72nd
Yards Per Completion 15.2 9th
Passing Yards Per Game 207.0 36th

1998 Stats for Antwaan Randle El

Stat Value NCAAF Rank
Games 11 54th
Completions 127 66th
Passing Attempts 273 52nd
Completion Percentage 46.5% 83rd
Passing Yards 1,745 64th
Yards Per Attempt 6.4 69th
Average Yards Per Attempt 5.0 78th
Passing Touchdowns 6 78th
Interceptions 11 28th
Quarterback Rating 99.4 82nd
Rushing Attempts 227 1st
Rushing Yards 873 1st
Rushing Average 3.8 6th
Rushing Touchdowns 10 6th
Touchdowns Percentage 2.2% 83rd
Interception Percentage 8.7% 12th
Yards Per Completion 13.7 36th
Passing Yards Per Game 158.6 65th