For his NFL career, Garrard passed for 16,003 yds with 89 touchdowns and 54 picks. Over the course of his time in the NFL, he was sacked 179 times for a total of 1,115 yards lost. His quarterback rating was 85.8 with a touchdown rate of 3.9% and an interception percentage of 2.4%. His longest completion during his time in the NFL was for 75 yards and he threw for 186.1 yards per contest. David Garrard connected on 1,406 of his attempted career 2,281 tosses for a completion percentage of 61.6%.
Garrard connected on 236 of his attempted 366 throws in his last year for a completion percentage of 64.5%. His longest pass was 75 yards and he averaged 195.3 yards per game. He had a quarterback rating of 84.8 with a touchdown rate of 6.3% and an interception percentage of 4.1%. In his final year, Garrard threw for 2,734 yds with 23 TDs and 15 picks. He was sacked 30 times totaling 180 yards lost behind the line of scrimmage.
David Garrard Stats
Year | Team | TD | TD% | Cmp | Att | Cmp% | Yds | Games | GS | Y/A | AY/A | Y/C | Y/G | Int | Int% | 1D | Lng |
Career | 89 | 3.9% | 1,406 | 2,281 | 61.6% | 16,003 | 86 | 0 | 7.0 | 6.7 | 11.4 | 186.1 | 54 | 2.4% | 796 | 75 | |
2010 | JAX | 23 | 6.3% | 236 | 366 | 64.5% | 2,734 | 14 | 14 | 7.5 | 6.9 | 11.6 | 195.3 | 15 | 4.1% | 130 | 75 |
2009 | JAX | 15 | 2.9% | 314 | 516 | 60.9% | 3,597 | 16 | 16 | 7.0 | 6.7 | 11.5 | 224.8 | 10 | 1.9% | 169 | 63 |
2008 | JAX | 15 | 2.8% | 335 | 535 | 62.6% | 3,620 | 16 | 16 | 6.8 | 6.2 | 10.8 | 226.3 | 13 | 2.4% | 181 | 41 |
2007 | JAX | 18 | 5.5% | 208 | 325 | 64.0% | 2,509 | 12 | 12 | 7.7 | 8.4 | 12.1 | 209.1 | 3 | 0.9% | 127 | 59 |
2006 | JAX | 10 | 4.1% | 145 | 241 | 60.2% | 1,735 | 11 | 10 | 7.2 | 6.3 | 12.0 | 157.7 | 9 | 3.7% | 83 | 49 |
2005 | JAX | 4 | 2.4% | 98 | 168 | 58.3% | 1,117 | 7 | 5 | 6.6 | 6.9 | 11.4 | 159.6 | 1 | 0.6% | 64 | 37 |
2004 | JAX | 2 | 2.8% | 38 | 72 | 52.8% | 374 | 4 | 2 | 5.2 | 5.1 | 9.8 | 93.5 | 1 | 1.4% | 21 | 36 |
2003 | JAX | 1 | 8.3% | 9 | 12 | 75.0% | 86 | 2 | 0 | 7.2 | 8.8 | 9.6 | 43.0 | 0 | 0.0% | 5 | 28 |
2002 | JAX | 1 | 2.2% | 23 | 46 | 50.0% | 231 | 4 | 1 | 5.0 | 3.5 | 10.0 | 57.8 | 2 | 4.3% | 16 | 22 |
2010 Stats for David Garrard
Stat | Value | NFL Rank |
Games | 14 | 30th |
Games Started | 14 | 20th |
Completions | 236 | 23rd |
Passing Attempts | 366 | 24th |
Completion Percentage | 65% | 28th |
Passing Yards | 2,734 | 23rd |
Touchdown Passes | 23 | 15th |
TD Percentage | 6.3% | 9th |
Interceptions | 15 | 12th |
Interception Percentage | 4.1% | 22nd |
1st Downs | 130 | 22nd |
Longest Pass | 75 | 15th |
Yards Per Pass Attempt | 7.5 | 24th |
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt | 6.9 | 29th |
Yards Per Completion | 11.6 | 41st |
Passing Yards Per Game | 195.3 | 31st |
2009 Stats for David Garrard
Stat | Value | NFL Rank |
Games | 16 | 13th |
Games Started | 16 | 12th |
Completions | 314 | 16th |
Passing Attempts | 516 | 9th |
Completion Percentage | 61% | 38th |
Passing Yards | 3,597 | 16th |
Touchdown Passes | 15 | 22nd |
TD Percentage | 2.9% | 51st |
Interceptions | 10 | 23rd |
Interception Percentage | 1.9% | 63rd |
1st Downs | 169 | 16th |
Longest Pass | 63 | 27th |
Yards Per Pass Attempt | 7.0 | 33rd |
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt | 6.7 | 34th |
Yards Per Completion | 11.5 | 36th |
Passing Yards Per Game | 224.8 | 18th |
2008 Stats for David Garrard
Stat | Value | NFL Rank |
Games | 16 | 10th |
Games Started | 16 | 9th |
Completions | 335 | 8th |
Passing Attempts | 535 | 7th |
Completion Percentage | 63% | 37th |
Passing Yards | 3,620 | 10th |
Touchdown Passes | 15 | 17th |
TD Percentage | 2.8% | 51st |
Interceptions | 13 | 9th |
Interception Percentage | 2.4% | 43rd |
1st Downs | 181 | 10th |
Longest Pass | 41 | 46th |
Yards Per Pass Attempt | 6.8 | 41st |
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt | 6.2 | 47th |
Yards Per Completion | 10.8 | 52nd |
Passing Yards Per Game | 226.3 | 14th |
2007 Stats for David Garrard
Stat | Value | NFL Rank |
Games | 12 | 37th |
Games Started | 12 | 25th |
Completions | 208 | 21st |
Passing Attempts | 325 | 22nd |
Completion Percentage | 64% | 27th |
Passing Yards | 2,509 | 18th |
Touchdown Passes | 18 | 16th |
TD Percentage | 5.5% | 21st |
Interceptions | 3 | 49th |
Interception Percentage | 0.9% | 68th |
1st Downs | 127 | 19th |
Longest Pass | 59 | 30th |
Yards Per Pass Attempt | 7.7 | 20th |
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt | 8.4 | 16th |
Yards Per Completion | 12.1 | 21st |
Passing Yards Per Game | 209.1 | 17th |
2006 Stats for David Garrard
Stat | Value | NFL Rank |
Games | 11 | 57th |
Games Started | 10 | 40th |
Completions | 145 | 32nd |
Passing Attempts | 241 | 32nd |
Completion Percentage | 60% | 40th |
Passing Yards | 1,735 | 30th |
Touchdown Passes | 10 | 28th |
TD Percentage | 4.1% | 31st |
Interceptions | 9 | 27th |
Interception Percentage | 3.7% | 30th |
1st Downs | 83 | 29th |
Longest Pass | 49 | 48th |
Yards Per Pass Attempt | 7.2 | 30th |
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt | 6.3 | 33rd |
Yards Per Completion | 12.0 | 30th |
Passing Yards Per Game | 157.7 | 40th |
2005 Stats for David Garrard
Stat | Value | NFL Rank |
Games | 7 | 65th |
Games Started | 5 | 52nd |
Completions | 98 | 39th |
Passing Attempts | 168 | 40th |
Completion Percentage | 58% | 43rd |
Passing Yards | 1,117 | 39th |
Touchdown Passes | 4 | 40th |
TD Percentage | 2.4% | 60th |
Interceptions | 1 | 57th |
Interception Percentage | 0.6% | 66th |
1st Downs | 64 | 35th |
Longest Pass | 37 | 57th |
Yards Per Pass Attempt | 6.6 | 46th |
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt | 6.9 | 26th |
Yards Per Completion | 11.4 | 41st |
Passing Yards Per Game | 159.6 | 37th |
2004 Stats for David Garrard
Stat | Value | NFL Rank |
Games | 4 | 91st |
Games Started | 2 | 74th |
Completions | 38 | 48th |
Passing Attempts | 72 | 47th |
Completion Percentage | 53% | 66th |
Passing Yards | 374 | 50th |
Touchdown Passes | 2 | 47th |
TD Percentage | 2.8% | 55th |
Interceptions | 1 | 58th |
Interception Percentage | 1.4% | 68th |
1st Downs | 21 | 47th |
Longest Pass | 36 | 58th |
Yards Per Pass Attempt | 5.2 | 77th |
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt | 5.1 | 63rd |
Yards Per Completion | 9.8 | 80th |
Passing Yards Per Game | 93.5 | 49th |
2003 Stats for David Garrard
Stat | Value | NFL Rank |
Games | 2 | 110th |
Games Started | 0 | 91st |
Completions | 9 | 61st |
Passing Attempts | 12 | 64th |
Completion Percentage | 75% | 15th |
Passing Yards | 86 | 61st |
Touchdown Passes | 1 | 57th |
TD Percentage | 8.3% | 8th |
Interceptions | 0 | 71st |
Interception Percentage | 0.0% | 71st |
1st Downs | 5 | 59th |
Longest Pass | 28 | 62nd |
Yards Per Pass Attempt | 7.2 | 31st |
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt | 8.8 | 15th |
Yards Per Completion | 9.6 | 74th |
Passing Yards Per Game | 43.0 | 59th |
2002 Stats for David Garrard
Stat | Value | NFL Rank |
Games | 4 | 92nd |
Games Started | 1 | 74th |
Completions | 23 | 52nd |
Passing Attempts | 46 | 52nd |
Completion Percentage | 50% | 69th |
Passing Yards | 231 | 52nd |
Touchdown Passes | 1 | 54th |
TD Percentage | 2.2% | 62nd |
Interceptions | 2 | 54th |
Interception Percentage | 4.3% | 16th |
1st Downs | 16 | 51st |
Longest Pass | 22 | 71st |
Yards Per Pass Attempt | 5.0 | 72nd |
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt | 3.5 | 75th |
Yards Per Completion | 10.0 | 66th |
Passing Yards Per Game | 57.8 | 56th |