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DK Metcalf College Stats

DK Metcalf College Stats

Metcalf has accumulated 1,228 receiving yards in 21 games for his career. He has hauled in 67 balls thrown his way which means he averages 18.3 YPC. He has taken part in the play 67 times while accruing 1,228 yds from scrimmage. Metcalf (14 TD’s through the air) has an average of 58.5 yards per game receiving and he averages 3.2 catches per contest in his career.

Metcalf has laced them up in 7 games this season. Metcalf has accumulated 569 total yards (81.3 yards per game) and has been a part of the play 26 times. DK Metcalf has a total of 569 receiving yds for this year with an average of 21.9 yards/catch. Up to this point, Metcalf has grabbed 5 receiving touchdowns and has caught 26 footballs. Metcalf has accounted for 0 yards on the ground for the season.

ESPN Plus All Leagues

DK Metcalf Stats

Year Team Rec Rec Yds Rec Avg Rec TD Rush Rush Yds Rush TD Tot Yds Tot TD
Career 67 1,228 18.3 14 0 0 0.0 1,228 14
2018 Ole Miss 26 569 21.9 5 0 0 0 26 569
2017 Ole Miss 39 646 16.6 7 0 0 0 39 646

2018 Stats for DK Metcalf

Stat Value NCAAF Rank
Games 7 440th
Receptions 26 389th
Receiving Yards 569 184th
Yards Per Catch 21.9 443rd
Receiving Touchdowns 5 131st
Rushing Attempts 0 251st
Rushing Yards 0 224th
Rushing Average 0.0 221st
Rushing Touchdowns 0 93rd
Total Plays 26 421st
Total Yards 569 234th
Yards Per Touch 21.9 4th
Total Touchdowns 5 168th

2017 Stats for DK Metcalf

Fubo TV Soccer
Stat Value NCAAF Rank
Games 12 141st
Receptions 39 211th
Receiving Yards 646 130th
Yards Per Catch 16.6 397th
Receiving Touchdowns 7 72nd
Rushing Attempts 0 272nd
Rushing Yards 0 242nd
Rushing Average 0.0 240th
Rushing Touchdowns 0 133rd
Total Plays 39 264th
Total Yards 646 175th
Yards Per Touch 16.6 51st
Total Touchdowns 7 102nd