Giannis Antetokounmpo Stats

Giannis Antetokounmpo Stats

Giannis Antetokounmpo has racked up 27,027 minutes and has played in 823 games in his pro basketball career. Antetokounmpo has accumulated 19,476 points so far in his NBA career, sports an average of 23.7 points per game and has started in 758 games. He dishes out 5.4 assists, pulls in 10.8 boards and racks up 25.9 per 36 minutes. Taking the court with a field goal percentage of 54.8%, Antetokounmpo has buried 7,121 baskets of 13,000 attempts. Having shot 1,868 long distance attempts in his pro basketball career, he has accrued a shooting percentage of 28.5% by knocking down 532 of those shots. He has a 59.2% two-point shooting percentage of by way of knocking down 6,589 out of 11,132 tries. Antetokounmpo has accounted for a 69.6% percentage at the charity stripe by converting 4,702 of 6,755 shots. With an effective FG% of 56.8%, he has also recorded 2,489 turnovers and tallied 2,451 infractions. He is sitting with 8,101 total boards in his NBA career by pulling in 6,580 on the defensive side of the court and 1,521 of the offensive sort. In reference to making the extra pass, Antetokounmpo is sitting with 4,040 dimes, as well as contributing 928 steals and 1,031 rejections. He is averaging 9.8 rebounds in addition to 4.9 assists per game.