Plummer threw for 161 touchdowns compared to 161 interceptions and the longest throw of his career went for 85 yds. His TD percentage when attempting a pass was 3.7% and his interception rate was 3.7%. He lost 1,735 yards while being the victim of a quarterback sack 284 times. He totaled 204.6 yards per contest through the air with a 74.6 quarterback rating. In the 143 games in his career, Plummer completed 2,484 of his 4,350 tries for a total of 29,253 yds.
In his 16 contests played in his final year, Plummer completed 175 of 317 attempts for 1,994 yds. He averaged 124.6 yards per contest through the air with a 64.4 quarterback rating. Plummer passed for 11 TDs in his last season compared to 13 picks and his longest completion of the year went for 83 yds. He lost 12 yards while being sacked 2 different times. His touchdown rate on pass attempts was 3.5% and his interception rate was 4.1%.
Jake Plummer Stats
Year | Team | TD | TD% | Cmp | Att | Cmp% | Yds | Games | GS | Y/A | AY/A | Y/C | Y/G | Int | Int% | 1D | Lng |
Career | 161 | 3.7% | 2,484 | 4,350 | 57.1% | 29,253 | 143 | 0 | 6.7 | 5.8 | 11.8 | 204.6 | 161 | 3.7% | 1,412 | 85 | |
2006 | DEN | 11 | 3.5% | 175 | 317 | 55.2% | 1,994 | 16 | 11 | 6.3 | 5.1 | 11.4 | 124.6 | 13 | 4.1% | 102 | 83 |
2005 | DEN | 18 | 3.9% | 277 | 456 | 60.7% | 3,366 | 16 | 16 | 7.4 | 7.5 | 12.2 | 210.4 | 7 | 1.5% | 161 | 72 |
2004 | DEN | 27 | 5.2% | 303 | 521 | 58.2% | 4,089 | 16 | 16 | 7.8 | 7.2 | 13.5 | 255.6 | 20 | 3.8% | 185 | 85 |
2003 | DEN | 15 | 5.0% | 189 | 302 | 62.6% | 2,182 | 11 | 11 | 7.2 | 7.2 | 11.5 | 198.4 | 7 | 2.3% | 115 | 60 |
2002 | ARI | 18 | 3.4% | 284 | 530 | 53.6% | 2,972 | 16 | 16 | 5.6 | 4.6 | 10.5 | 185.8 | 20 | 3.8% | 147 | 80 |
2001 | ARI | 18 | 3.4% | 304 | 525 | 57.9% | 3,653 | 16 | 16 | 7.0 | 6.4 | 12.0 | 228.3 | 14 | 2.7% | 177 | 68 |
2000 | ARI | 13 | 2.7% | 270 | 475 | 56.8% | 2,946 | 14 | 14 | 6.2 | 4.8 | 10.9 | 210.4 | 21 | 4.4% | 134 | 70 |
1999 | ARI | 9 | 2.4% | 201 | 381 | 52.8% | 2,111 | 12 | 11 | 5.5 | 3.2 | 10.5 | 175.9 | 24 | 6.3% | 110 | 63 |
1998 | ARI | 17 | 3.1% | 324 | 547 | 59.2% | 3,737 | 16 | 16 | 6.8 | 5.8 | 11.5 | 233.6 | 20 | 3.7% | 179 | 57 |
1997 | ARI | 15 | 5.1% | 157 | 296 | 53.0% | 2,203 | 10 | 9 | 7.4 | 6.2 | 14.0 | 220.3 | 15 | 5.1% | 102 | 70 |
2006 Stats for Jake Plummer
Stat | Value | NFL Rank |
Games | 16 | 18th |
Games Started | 11 | 36th |
Completions | 175 | 28th |
Passing Attempts | 317 | 27th |
Completion Percentage | 55% | 61st |
Passing Yards | 1,994 | 27th |
Touchdown Passes | 11 | 25th |
TD Percentage | 3.5% | 42nd |
Interceptions | 13 | 17th |
Interception Percentage | 4.1% | 25th |
1st Downs | 102 | 28th |
Longest Pass | 83 | 7th |
Yards Per Pass Attempt | 6.3 | 56th |
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt | 5.1 | 57th |
Yards Per Completion | 11.4 | 40th |
Passing Yards Per Game | 124.6 | 47th |
2005 Stats for Jake Plummer
Stat | Value | NFL Rank |
Games | 16 | 11th |
Games Started | 16 | 11th |
Completions | 277 | 12th |
Passing Attempts | 456 | 11th |
Completion Percentage | 61% | 30th |
Passing Yards | 3,366 | 12th |
Touchdown Passes | 18 | 12th |
TD Percentage | 3.9% | 34th |
Interceptions | 7 | 34th |
Interception Percentage | 1.5% | 64th |
1st Downs | 161 | 12th |
Longest Pass | 72 | 16th |
Yards Per Pass Attempt | 7.4 | 22nd |
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt | 7.5 | 21st |
Yards Per Completion | 12.2 | 28th |
Passing Yards Per Game | 210.4 | 19th |
2004 Stats for Jake Plummer
Stat | Value | NFL Rank |
Games | 16 | 4th |
Games Started | 16 | 4th |
Completions | 303 | 8th |
Passing Attempts | 521 | 6th |
Completion Percentage | 58% | 45th |
Passing Yards | 4,089 | 4th |
Touchdown Passes | 27 | 8th |
TD Percentage | 5.2% | 25th |
Interceptions | 20 | 1st |
Interception Percentage | 3.8% | 32nd |
1st Downs | 185 | 7th |
Longest Pass | 85 | 2nd |
Yards Per Pass Attempt | 7.8 | 27th |
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt | 7.2 | 34th |
Yards Per Completion | 13.5 | 20th |
Passing Yards Per Game | 255.6 | 6th |
2003 Stats for Jake Plummer
Stat | Value | NFL Rank |
Games | 11 | 66th |
Games Started | 11 | 36th |
Completions | 189 | 24th |
Passing Attempts | 302 | 25th |
Completion Percentage | 63% | 32nd |
Passing Yards | 2,182 | 22nd |
Touchdown Passes | 15 | 18th |
TD Percentage | 5.0% | 21st |
Interceptions | 7 | 32nd |
Interception Percentage | 2.3% | 59th |
1st Downs | 115 | 22nd |
Longest Pass | 60 | 35th |
Yards Per Pass Attempt | 7.2 | 28th |
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt | 7.2 | 27th |
Yards Per Completion | 11.5 | 39th |
Passing Yards Per Game | 198.4 | 20th |
2002 Stats for Jake Plummer
Stat | Value | NFL Rank |
Games | 16 | 14th |
Games Started | 16 | 13th |
Completions | 284 | 14th |
Passing Attempts | 530 | 8th |
Completion Percentage | 54% | 61st |
Passing Yards | 2,972 | 18th |
Touchdown Passes | 18 | 15th |
TD Percentage | 3.4% | 52nd |
Interceptions | 20 | 2nd |
Interception Percentage | 3.8% | 20th |
1st Downs | 147 | 17th |
Longest Pass | 80 | 7th |
Yards Per Pass Attempt | 5.6 | 66th |
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt | 4.6 | 70th |
Yards Per Completion | 10.5 | 60th |
Passing Yards Per Game | 185.8 | 32nd |
2001 Stats for Jake Plummer
Stat | Value | NFL Rank |
Games | 16 | 8th |
Games Started | 16 | 8th |
Completions | 304 | 10th |
Passing Attempts | 525 | 9th |
Completion Percentage | 58% | 54th |
Passing Yards | 3,653 | 8th |
Touchdown Passes | 18 | 13th |
TD Percentage | 3.4% | 41st |
Interceptions | 14 | 14th |
Interception Percentage | 2.7% | 45th |
1st Downs | 177 | 9th |
Longest Pass | 68 | 17th |
Yards Per Pass Attempt | 7.0 | 37th |
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt | 6.4 | 42nd |
Yards Per Completion | 12.0 | 38th |
Passing Yards Per Game | 228.3 | 10th |
2000 Stats for Jake Plummer
Stat | Value | NFL Rank |
Games | 14 | 38th |
Games Started | 14 | 23rd |
Completions | 270 | 13th |
Passing Attempts | 475 | 11th |
Completion Percentage | 57% | 53rd |
Passing Yards | 2,946 | 14th |
Touchdown Passes | 13 | 20th |
TD Percentage | 2.7% | 51st |
Interceptions | 21 | 2nd |
Interception Percentage | 4.4% | 20th |
1st Downs | 134 | 18th |
Longest Pass | 70 | 15th |
Yards Per Pass Attempt | 6.2 | 53rd |
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt | 4.8 | 61st |
Yards Per Completion | 10.9 | 53rd |
Passing Yards Per Game | 210.4 | 16th |
1999 Stats for Jake Plummer
Stat | Value | NFL Rank |
Games | 12 | 48th |
Games Started | 11 | 35th |
Completions | 201 | 19th |
Passing Attempts | 381 | 17th |
Completion Percentage | 53% | 66th |
Passing Yards | 2,111 | 25th |
Touchdown Passes | 9 | 30th |
TD Percentage | 2.4% | 58th |
Interceptions | 24 | 1st |
Interception Percentage | 6.3% | 9th |
1st Downs | 110 | 22nd |
Longest Pass | 63 | 27th |
Yards Per Pass Attempt | 5.5 | 68th |
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt | 3.2 | 77th |
Yards Per Completion | 10.5 | 59th |
Passing Yards Per Game | 175.9 | 34th |
1998 Stats for Jake Plummer
Stat | Value | NFL Rank |
Games | 16 | 3rd |
Games Started | 16 | 3rd |
Completions | 324 | 3rd |
Passing Attempts | 547 | 3rd |
Completion Percentage | 59% | 27th |
Passing Yards | 3,737 | 4th |
Touchdown Passes | 17 | 14th |
TD Percentage | 3.1% | 53rd |
Interceptions | 20 | 3rd |
Interception Percentage | 3.7% | 32nd |
1st Downs | 179 | 4th |
Longest Pass | 57 | 40th |
Yards Per Pass Attempt | 6.8 | 46th |
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt | 5.8 | 53rd |
Yards Per Completion | 11.5 | 62nd |
Passing Yards Per Game | 233.6 | 6th |
1997 Stats for Jake Plummer
Stat | Value | NFL Rank |
Games | 10 | 42nd |
Games Started | 9 | 32nd |
Completions | 157 | 26th |
Passing Attempts | 296 | 26th |
Completion Percentage | 53% | 61st |
Passing Yards | 2,203 | 22nd |
Touchdown Passes | 15 | 18th |
TD Percentage | 5.1% | 18th |
Interceptions | 15 | 7th |
Interception Percentage | 5.1% | 24th |
1st Downs | 102 | 23rd |
Longest Pass | 70 | 17th |
Yards Per Pass Attempt | 7.4 | 24th |
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt | 6.2 | 40th |
Yards Per Completion | 14.0 | 15th |
Passing Yards Per Game | 220.3 | 11th |