Jeff George Stats

During the 131 contests in his career, George completed 2,298 of his 3,967 attempts for 27,602 yds. He accumulated 210.7 yds per contest through the air with a 80.4 QB rating. George passed for 154 touchdowns compared to 113 interceptions and the longest pass of his career went for 85 yards. He lost a combined 2,691 yards while being the victim of a quarterback sack 358 different times. His TD percentage when attempting a pass was 3.9% and his interception rate was 2.8%.

George threw for 0 TDs in his last season while tossing 3 picks and his longest completion of the year went for 55 yards. His touchdown rate when attempting a pass was 0.0% and his interception percentage was 7.1%. He has lost a combined 120 yds while being the victim of a QB sack 20 times. He averaged 84.0 yards per contest through the air with a 64.4 QB rating. During his 2 games played in his final year, George completed 23 of his 42 attempts for 168 yards.

Jeff George Stats

Year Team TD TD% Cmp Att Cmp% Yds Games GS Y/A AY/A Y/C Y/G Int Int% 1D Lng
Career 154 3.9% 2,298 3,967 57.9% 27,602 131 0 7.0 6.5 12.0 210.7 113 2.8% 818 85
2001 WAS 0 0.0% 23 42 54.8% 168 2 2 4.0 0.8 7.3 84.0 3 7.1% 6 17
2000 WAS 7 3.6% 113 194 58.2% 1,389 6 5 7.2 6.5 12.3 231.5 6 3.1% 65 50
1999 MIN 23 7.0% 191 329 58.1% 2,816 12 10 8.6 8.3 14.7 234.7 12 3.6% 121 80
1998 OAK 4 2.4% 93 169 55.0% 1,186 8 7 7.0 6.2 12.8 148.3 5 3.0% 52 75
1997 OAK 29 5.6% 290 521 55.7% 3,917 16 16 7.5 7.9 13.5 244.8 9 1.7% 163 76
1996 ATL 3 3.0% 56 99 56.6% 698 3 3 7.1 6.3 12.5 232.7 3 3.0% 30 67
1995 ATL 24 4.3% 336 557 60.3% 4,143 16 16 7.4 7.4 12.3 258.9 11 2.0% 198 62
1994 ATL 23 4.4% 322 524 61.5% 3,734 16 16 7.1 6.5 11.6 233.4 18 3.4% 183 85
1993 IND 8 2.0% 234 407 57.5% 2,526 13 11 5.9 10.8 194.3 76.3 6 1.5% 72 6
1992 IND 7 2.3% 167 306 54.6% 1,963 10 10 4.7 11.8 196.3 61.5 15 4.9% 57 6
1991 IND 10 2.1% 292 485 60.2% 2,910 16 16 5.3 10.0 181.9 73.8 12 2.5% 49 6
1990 IND 16 4.8% 181 334 54.2% 2,152 13 12 5.6 11.9 165.5 73.8 13 3.9% 75 6

2001 Stats for Jeff George

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 2 93rd
Games Started 2 62nd
Completions 23 48th
Passing Attempts 42 48th
Completion Percentage 55% 68th
Passing Yards 168 51st
Touchdown Passes 0 68th
TD Percentage 0.0% 68th
Interceptions 3 42nd
Interception Percentage 7.1% 10th
1st Downs 6 53rd
Longest Pass 17 77th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 4.0 85th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 0.8 84th
Yards Per Completion 7.3 85th
Passing Yards Per Game 84.0 49th

2000 Stats for Jeff George

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 6 68th
Games Started 5 50th
Completions 113 39th
Passing Attempts 194 39th
Completion Percentage 58% 44th
Passing Yards 1,389 37th
Touchdown Passes 7 37th
TD Percentage 3.6% 35th
Interceptions 6 36th
Interception Percentage 3.1% 41st
1st Downs 65 36th
Longest Pass 50 39th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.2 29th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.5 32nd
Yards Per Completion 12.3 30th
Passing Yards Per Game 231.5 11th

1999 Stats for Jeff George

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 12 45th
Games Started 10 36th
Completions 191 20th
Passing Attempts 329 22nd
Completion Percentage 58% 38th
Passing Yards 2,816 14th
Touchdown Passes 23 7th
TD Percentage 7.0% 9th
Interceptions 12 18th
Interception Percentage 3.6% 27th
1st Downs 121 18th
Longest Pass 80 8th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 8.6 11th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 8.3 12th
Yards Per Completion 14.7 12th
Passing Yards Per Game 234.7 12th

1998 Stats for Jeff George

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 8 67th
Games Started 7 42nd
Completions 93 39th
Passing Attempts 169 39th
Completion Percentage 55% 51st
Passing Yards 1,186 36th
Touchdown Passes 4 45th
TD Percentage 2.4% 61st
Interceptions 5 36th
Interception Percentage 3.0% 44th
1st Downs 52 33rd
Longest Pass 75 21st
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.0 43rd
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.2 49th
Yards Per Completion 12.8 36th
Passing Yards Per Game 148.3 37th

1997 Stats for Jeff George

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 1st
Games Started 16 1st
Completions 290 7th
Passing Attempts 521 4th
Completion Percentage 56% 53rd
Passing Yards 3,917 1st
Touchdown Passes 29 2nd
TD Percentage 5.6% 13th
Interceptions 9 24th
Interception Percentage 1.7% 61st
1st Downs 163 6th
Longest Pass 76 9th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.5 18th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.9 18th
Yards Per Completion 13.5 16th
Passing Yards Per Game 244.8 2nd

1996 Stats for Jeff George

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 3 76th
Games Started 3 52nd
Completions 56 43rd
Passing Attempts 99 47th
Completion Percentage 57% 47th
Passing Yards 698 44th
Touchdown Passes 3 45th
TD Percentage 3.0% 48th
Interceptions 3 44th
Interception Percentage 3.0% 44th
1st Downs 30 44th
Longest Pass 67 15th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.1 32nd
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.3 34th
Yards Per Completion 12.5 26th
Passing Yards Per Game 232.7 5th

1995 Stats for Jeff George

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 4th
Games Started 16 4th
Completions 336 5th
Passing Attempts 557 7th
Completion Percentage 60% 33rd
Passing Yards 4,143 4th
Touchdown Passes 24 8th
TD Percentage 4.3% 27th
Interceptions 11 19th
Interception Percentage 2.0% 59th
1st Downs 198 6th
Longest Pass 62 22nd
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.4 24th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.4 21st
Yards Per Completion 12.3 27th
Passing Yards Per Game 258.9 6th

1994 Stats for Jeff George

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 6th
Games Started 16 6th
Completions 322 7th
Passing Attempts 524 6th
Completion Percentage 62% 26th
Passing Yards 3,734 7th
Touchdown Passes 23 5th
TD Percentage 4.4% 23rd
Interceptions 18 4th
Interception Percentage 3.4% 30th
1st Downs 183 7th
Longest Pass 85 4th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.1 23rd
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.5 29th
Yards Per Completion 11.6 36th
Passing Yards Per Game 233.4 9th

1993 Stats for Jeff George

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 13 41st
Games Started 11 26th
Completions 234 14th
Passing Attempts 407 14th
Completion Percentage 58% 40th
Passing Yards 2,526 15th
Touchdown Passes 8 24th
TD Percentage 2.0% 54th
Interceptions 6 32nd
Interception Percentage 1.5% 60th
1st Downs 72 13th
Longest Pass 6 45th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 5.9 39th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 10.8 49th
Yards Per Completion 194.3 18th
Passing Yards Per Game 76.3 39th

1992 Stats for Jeff George

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 10 60th
Games Started 10 32nd
Completions 167 19th
Passing Attempts 306 19th
Completion Percentage 55% 55th
Passing Yards 1,963 19th
Touchdown Passes 7 29th
TD Percentage 2.3% 54th
Interceptions 15 11th
Interception Percentage 4.9% 24th
1st Downs 57 32nd
Longest Pass 6 51st
Yards Per Pass Attempt 4.7 54th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 11.8 46th
Yards Per Completion 196.3 13th
Passing Yards Per Game 61.5 59th

1991 Stats for Jeff George

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 10th
Games Started 16 9th
Completions 292 5th
Passing Attempts 485 7th
Completion Percentage 60% 25th
Passing Yards 2,910 13th
Touchdown Passes 10 25th
TD Percentage 2.1% 55th
Interceptions 12 16th
Interception Percentage 2.5% 51st
1st Downs 49 38th
Longest Pass 6 63rd
Yards Per Pass Attempt 5.3 56th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 10.0 71st
Yards Per Completion 181.9 22nd
Passing Yards Per Game 73.8 49th

1990 Stats for Jeff George

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 13 50th
Games Started 12 33rd
Completions 181 22nd
Passing Attempts 334 22nd
Completion Percentage 54% 51st
Passing Yards 2,152 23rd
Touchdown Passes 16 16th
TD Percentage 4.8% 21st
Interceptions 13 16th
Interception Percentage 3.9% 36th
1st Downs 75 12th
Longest Pass 6 54th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 5.6 51st
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 11.9 48th
Yards Per Completion 165.5 26th
Passing Yards Per Game 73.8 47th