Mikal Bridges Stats

Mikal Bridges Stats

Mikal Bridges has tallied 16,964 mins and has played in 512 contests in his career. Bridges has earned 7,458 points in his pro basketball career, holds an average of 14.6 points per contest and got the starting nod in 445 games. He averages 2.8 dimes, collects 4.4 boards and accumulates 15.8 per 36 mins. Sitting with a shot % of 48.2%, Bridges has made 2,756 shots out of 5,716 tries. With 2,428 attempts from downtown during his NBA career, he has recorded a shooting percentage of 37.1% by making 902 of those shots. He has earned a 56.4% 2pt shooting percentage of by knocking down 1,854 out of 3,288 attempts. Bridges has amassed a 84.1% clip from the foul line by knocking down 1,044 of his 1,242 tries. With an effective FG percentage of 56.1%, he has additionally accounted for 618 turnovers and has a total of 959 personal fouls. He has accrued 2,073 total rebounds so far in his career by pulling down 1,619 defensive and 454 of the offensive variety. In reference to sharing the basketball, Bridges has recorded 1,331 assists, in addition to contributing 617 steals and 293 rejections. He holds an average of 4.0 boards and 2.6 assists per contest.