Muhsin Muhammad Stats

In his pro football career, Muhammad had 62 receiving touchdowns and had a long reception of 72 yards. His receptions per contest and yards per contest average were 4.3 and 56.6 yards. He tallied 11,438 yards with an average of 13.3 yards per catch. His percentage of caught passes was 56.5% and he got there by pulling in 860 of the 1,521 passes that went his way. Muhsin Muhammad stepped onto the field in 202 games in his career.

Muhammad was responsible for 581 yards in his last season. His receptions per game and yards per outing average were 3.8 and 41.5 yards. In his final year, Muhammad pulled in 1 touchdown and had a long catch of 72 yards. He earned 581 yards in his last season and had an average of 11.0 yards per reception. His catch percentage in his last year was 61.7% and he got there by pulling in 53 out of the 86 passes that went his way. Muhammad stepped onto the gridiron in 14 contests in his last season.

Muhsin Muhammad Stats

Year Team Rec Yards Y/R G GS TD 1D Lng R/G Y/G Fmb
Career 860 11,438 13.3 202 188 62 568 72 4.3 56.6 0
2009 CAR 53 581 11.0 14 13 1 32 27 3.8 41.5 0
2008 CAR 65 923 14.2 16 15 5 46 60 4.1 57.7 2
2007 CHI 40 570 14.3 16 16 3 28 44 2.5 35.6 0
2006 CHI 60 863 14.4 16 16 5 45 40 3.8 53.9 1
2005 CHI 64 750 11.7 15 15 4 38 33 4.3 50.0 0
2004 CAR 93 1,405 15.1 16 16 16 74 51 5.8 87.8 3
2003 CAR 54 837 15.5 15 15 3 37 60 3.6 55.8 3
2002 CAR 63 823 13.1 14 14 3 40 42 4.5 58.8 0
2001 CAR 50 585 11.7 11 11 1 27 43 4.5 53.2 2
2000 CAR 102 1,183 11.6 16 16 6 62 36 6.4 73.9 1
1999 CAR 96 1,253 13.1 15 15 8 63 60 6.4 83.5 1
1998 CAR 68 941 13.8 16 16 6 42 72 4.3 58.8 2
1997 CAR 27 317 11.7 13 5 0 20 38 2.1 24.4 0
1996 CAR 25 407 16.3 9 5 1 14 54 2.8 45.2 0

2009 Stats for Muhsin Muhammad

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 209th
Games Started 13 81st
Receptions 53 56th
Receiving Yards 581 73rd
Yards Per Reception 11.0 166th
Receiving Touchdowns 1 151st
1st Down Catches 32 57th
Longest Reception 27 200th
Receptions Per Game 3.8 55th
Receiving Yards Per Game 41.5 72nd
Fumbles 0 21st

2008 Stats for Muhsin Muhammad

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 24th
Games Started 15 51st
Receptions 65 31st
Receiving Yards 923 27th
Yards Per Reception 14.2 69th
Receiving Touchdowns 5 33rd
1st Down Catches 46 23rd
Longest Reception 60 54th
Receptions Per Game 4.1 38th
Receiving Yards Per Game 57.7 31st
Fumbles 2 1124th

2007 Stats for Muhsin Muhammad

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 57th
Games Started 16 24th
Receptions 40 96th
Receiving Yards 570 72nd
Yards Per Reception 14.3 58th
Receiving Touchdowns 3 83rd
1st Down Catches 28 78th
Longest Reception 44 98th
Receptions Per Game 2.5 115th
Receiving Yards Per Game 35.6 81st
Fumbles 0 34th

2006 Stats for Muhsin Muhammad

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 32nd
Games Started 16 19th
Receptions 60 44th
Receiving Yards 863 30th
Yards Per Reception 14.4 70th
Receiving Touchdowns 5 39th
1st Down Catches 45 25th
Longest Reception 40 108th
Receptions Per Game 3.8 50th
Receiving Yards Per Game 53.9 34th
Fumbles 1 1031st

2005 Stats for Muhsin Muhammad

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 171st
Games Started 15 48th
Receptions 64 37th
Receiving Yards 750 40th
Yards Per Reception 11.7 146th
Receiving Touchdowns 4 51st
1st Down Catches 38 39th
Longest Reception 33 152nd
Receptions Per Game 4.3 41st
Receiving Yards Per Game 50.0 45th
Fumbles 0 14th

2004 Stats for Muhsin Muhammad

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 7th
Games Started 16 6th
Receptions 93 6th
Receiving Yards 1,405 1st
Yards Per Reception 15.1 67th
Receiving Touchdowns 16 1st
1st Down Catches 74 1st
Longest Reception 51 70th
Receptions Per Game 5.8 7th
Receiving Yards Per Game 87.8 1st
Fumbles 3 1156th

2003 Stats for Muhsin Muhammad

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 194th
Games Started 15 58th
Receptions 54 48th
Receiving Yards 837 28th
Yards Per Reception 15.5 41st
Receiving Touchdowns 3 69th
1st Down Catches 37 36th
Longest Reception 60 42nd
Receptions Per Game 3.6 54th
Receiving Yards Per Game 55.8 27th
Fumbles 3 1154th

2002 Stats for Muhsin Muhammad

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 226th
Games Started 14 78th
Receptions 63 36th
Receiving Yards 823 38th
Yards Per Reception 13.1 92nd
Receiving Touchdowns 3 69th
1st Down Catches 40 35th
Longest Reception 42 102nd
Receptions Per Game 4.5 30th
Receiving Yards Per Game 58.8 30th
Fumbles 0 12th

2001 Stats for Muhsin Muhammad

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 11 302nd
Games Started 11 118th
Receptions 50 67th
Receiving Yards 585 63rd
Yards Per Reception 11.7 144th
Receiving Touchdowns 1 130th
1st Down Catches 27 66th
Longest Reception 43 98th
Receptions Per Game 4.5 34th
Receiving Yards Per Game 53.2 42nd
Fumbles 2 1124th

2000 Stats for Muhsin Muhammad

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 2nd
Games Started 16 2nd
Receptions 102 2nd
Receiving Yards 1,183 15th
Yards Per Reception 11.6 145th
Receiving Touchdowns 6 22nd
1st Down Catches 62 8th
Longest Reception 36 131st
Receptions Per Game 6.4 3rd
Receiving Yards Per Game 73.9 15th
Fumbles 1 1020th

1999 Stats for Muhsin Muhammad

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 175th
Games Started 15 46th
Receptions 96 3rd
Receiving Yards 1,253 7th
Yards Per Reception 13.1 105th
Receiving Touchdowns 8 12th
1st Down Catches 63 5th
Longest Reception 60 49th
Receptions Per Game 6.4 3rd
Receiving Yards Per Game 83.5 7th
Fumbles 1 1019th

1998 Stats for Muhsin Muhammad

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 18th
Games Started 16 11th
Receptions 68 20th
Receiving Yards 941 26th
Yards Per Reception 13.8 116th
Receiving Touchdowns 6 27th
1st Down Catches 42 30th
Longest Reception 72 26th
Receptions Per Game 4.3 27th
Receiving Yards Per Game 58.8 33rd
Fumbles 2 1117th

1997 Stats for Muhsin Muhammad

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 13 267th
Games Started 5 182nd
Receptions 27 137th
Receiving Yards 317 116th
Yards Per Reception 11.7 170th
Receiving Touchdowns 0 227th
1st Down Catches 20 90th
Longest Reception 38 117th
Receptions Per Game 2.1 121st
Receiving Yards Per Game 24.4 113th
Fumbles 0 52nd

1996 Stats for Muhsin Muhammad

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 9 324th
Games Started 5 189th
Receptions 25 144th
Receiving Yards 407 96th
Yards Per Reception 16.3 37th
Receiving Touchdowns 1 142nd
1st Down Catches 14 116th
Longest Reception 54 46th
Receptions Per Game 2.8 88th
Receiving Yards Per Game 45.2 53rd
Fumbles 0 54th