Peyton Manning Stats

Manning threw for 539 TD’s compared to 251 interceptions and the longest throw of his career went for 86 yards. His touchdown percentage on pass attempts was 5.7% and his interception rate was 2.7%. He lost a combined 1,953 yds while being sacked 303 different times. He accumulated 270.5 yards per contest through the air with a 96.5 quarterback rating. In the 266 contests in his career, Manning was successful on 6,125 of 9,380 attempts for a total of 71,940 yards.

In his final year, Manning threw for a total of 2,249 yards with 9 TDs and 17 interceptions. He was sacked 32 times totaling 192 yards lost. He had a QB rating of 71.9 with a TD rate of 2.7% and an interception rate of 5.1%. His longest pass completion went for 75 yards and he averaged 224.9 yards per contest. Manning connected on 198 of his 331 passes in his last season for a completion percentage of 59.8%.

Peyton Manning Stats

Year Team TD TD% Cmp Att Cmp% Yds Games GS Y/A AY/A Y/C Y/G Int Int% 1D Lng
Career 539 5.7% 6,125 9,380 65.3% 71,940 266 0 7.7 7.6 11.7 270.5 251 2.7% 0 86
2015 DEN 9 2.7% 198 331 59.8% 2,249 10 9 6.8 5.0 11.4 224.9 17 5.1% 110 75
2014 DEN 39 6.5% 395 597 66.2% 4,727 16 16 7.9 8.1 12.0 295.4 15 2.5% 227 86
2013 DEN 55 8.3% 450 659 68.3% 5,477 16 16 8.3 9.3 12.2 342.3 10 1.5% 291 78
2012 DEN 37 6.3% 400 583 68.6% 4,659 16 16 8.0 8.4 11.6 291.2 11 1.9% 231 71
2010 IND 33 4.9% 450 679 66.3% 4,700 16 16 6.9 6.8 10.4 293.8 17 2.5% 253 73
2009 IND 33 5.8% 393 571 68.8% 4,500 16 16 7.9 7.8 11.5 281.3 16 2.8% 241 80
2008 IND 27 4.9% 371 555 66.8% 4,002 16 16 7.2 7.2 10.8 250.1 12 2.2% 213 75
2007 IND 31 6.0% 337 515 65.4% 4,040 16 16 7.8 7.8 12.0 252.5 14 2.7% 207 73
2006 IND 31 5.6% 362 557 65.0% 4,397 16 16 7.9 8.3 12.1 274.8 9 1.6% 242 68
2005 IND 28 6.2% 305 453 67.3% 3,747 16 16 8.3 8.5 12.3 234.2 10 2.2% 198 80
2004 IND 49 9.9% 336 497 67.6% 4,557 16 16 9.2 10.2 13.6 284.8 10 2.0% 233 80
2003 IND 29 5.1% 379 566 67.0% 4,267 16 16 7.5 7.8 11.3 266.7 10 1.8% 213 79
2002 IND 27 4.6% 392 591 66.3% 4,200 16 16 7.1 6.6 10.7 262.5 19 3.2% 213 69
2001 IND 26 4.8% 343 547 62.7% 4,131 16 16 7.6 6.6 12.0 258.2 23 4.2% 201 86
2000 IND 33 5.8% 357 571 62.5% 4,413 16 16 7.7 7.7 12.4 275.8 15 2.6% 213 78
1999 IND 26 4.9% 331 533 62.1% 4,135 16 16 7.8 7.5 12.5 258.4 15 2.8% 197 80
1998 IND 26 4.5% 326 575 56.7% 3,739 16 16 6.5 5.2 11.5 233.7 28 4.9% 191 78

2015 Stats for Peyton Manning

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 10 40th
Games Started 9 31st
Completions 198 27th
Passing Attempts 331 28th
Completion Percentage 60% 58th
Passing Yards 2,249 27th
Touchdown Passes 9 31st
TD Percentage 2.7% 54th
Interceptions 17 2nd
Interception Percentage 5.1% 6th
1st Downs 110 27th
Longest Pass 75 15th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.8 44th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 5.0 61st
Yards Per Completion 11.4 33rd
Passing Yards Per Game 224.9 31st

2014 Stats for Peyton Manning

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 4th
Games Started 16 4th
Completions 395 4th
Passing Attempts 597 8th
Completion Percentage 66% 27th
Passing Yards 4,727 4th
Touchdown Passes 39 2nd
TD Percentage 6.5% 12th
Interceptions 15 7th
Interception Percentage 2.5% 36th
1st Downs 227 5th
Longest Pass 86 3rd
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.9 21st
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 8.1 20th
Yards Per Completion 12.0 32nd
Passing Yards Per Game 295.4 4th

2013 Stats for Peyton Manning

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 1st
Games Started 16 1st
Completions 450 1st
Passing Attempts 659 1st
Completion Percentage 68% 19th
Passing Yards 5,477 1st
Touchdown Passes 55 1st
TD Percentage 8.3% 7th
Interceptions 10 20th
Interception Percentage 1.5% 54th
1st Downs 291 1st
Longest Pass 78 16th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 8.3 18th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 9.3 16th
Yards Per Completion 12.2 26th
Passing Yards Per Game 342.3 1st

2012 Stats for Peyton Manning

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 6th
Games Started 16 6th
Completions 400 6th
Passing Attempts 583 7th
Completion Percentage 69% 17th
Passing Yards 4,659 6th
Touchdown Passes 37 3rd
TD Percentage 6.3% 12th
Interceptions 11 21st
Interception Percentage 1.9% 45th
1st Downs 231 6th
Longest Pass 71 19th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 8.0 16th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 8.4 16th
Yards Per Completion 11.6 32nd
Passing Yards Per Game 291.2 6th

2010 Stats for Peyton Manning

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 2nd
Games Started 16 2nd
Completions 450 1st
Passing Attempts 679 1st
Completion Percentage 66% 23rd
Passing Yards 4,700 2nd
Touchdown Passes 33 2nd
TD Percentage 4.9% 29th
Interceptions 17 6th
Interception Percentage 2.5% 49th
1st Downs 253 1st
Longest Pass 73 19th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.9 38th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.8 31st
Yards Per Completion 10.4 61st
Passing Yards Per Game 293.8 2nd

2009 Stats for Peyton Manning

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 2nd
Games Started 16 2nd
Completions 393 2nd
Passing Attempts 571 2nd
Completion Percentage 69% 17th
Passing Yards 4,500 2nd
Touchdown Passes 33 2nd
TD Percentage 5.8% 13th
Interceptions 16 7th
Interception Percentage 2.8% 44th
1st Downs 241 1st
Longest Pass 80 9th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.9 21st
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.8 23rd
Yards Per Completion 11.5 34th
Passing Yards Per Game 281.3 4th

2008 Stats for Peyton Manning

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 6th
Games Started 16 6th
Completions 371 4th
Passing Attempts 555 5th
Completion Percentage 67% 21st
Passing Yards 4,002 6th
Touchdown Passes 27 5th
TD Percentage 4.9% 22nd
Interceptions 12 11th
Interception Percentage 2.2% 47th
1st Downs 213 4th
Longest Pass 75 15th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.2 29th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.2 30th
Yards Per Completion 10.8 51st
Passing Yards Per Game 250.1 8th

2007 Stats for Peyton Manning

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 7th
Games Started 16 7th
Completions 337 7th
Passing Attempts 515 10th
Completion Percentage 65% 21st
Passing Yards 4,040 7th
Touchdown Passes 31 4th
TD Percentage 6.0% 17th
Interceptions 14 12th
Interception Percentage 2.7% 48th
1st Downs 207 5th
Longest Pass 73 14th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.8 15th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.8 19th
Yards Per Completion 12.0 23rd
Passing Yards Per Game 252.5 8th

2006 Stats for Peyton Manning

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 2nd
Games Started 16 2nd
Completions 362 3rd
Passing Attempts 557 4th
Completion Percentage 65% 19th
Passing Yards 4,397 2nd
Touchdown Passes 31 1st
TD Percentage 5.6% 14th
Interceptions 9 25th
Interception Percentage 1.6% 57th
1st Downs 242 1st
Longest Pass 68 20th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.9 20th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 8.3 17th
Yards Per Completion 12.1 27th
Passing Yards Per Game 274.8 2nd

2005 Stats for Peyton Manning

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 6th
Games Started 16 6th
Completions 305 6th
Passing Attempts 453 13th
Completion Percentage 67% 12th
Passing Yards 3,747 7th
Touchdown Passes 28 2nd
TD Percentage 6.2% 13th
Interceptions 10 22nd
Interception Percentage 2.2% 55th
1st Downs 198 3rd
Longest Pass 80 6th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 8.3 11th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 8.5 13th
Yards Per Completion 12.3 26th
Passing Yards Per Game 234.2 10th

2004 Stats for Peyton Manning

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 3rd
Games Started 16 3rd
Completions 336 4th
Passing Attempts 497 8th
Completion Percentage 68% 17th
Passing Yards 4,557 3rd
Touchdown Passes 49 1st
TD Percentage 9.9% 13th
Interceptions 10 22nd
Interception Percentage 2.0% 62nd
1st Downs 233 1st
Longest Pass 80 4th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 9.2 13th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 10.2 15th
Yards Per Completion 13.6 19th
Passing Yards Per Game 284.8 3rd

2003 Stats for Peyton Manning

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 1st
Games Started 16 1st
Completions 379 1st
Passing Attempts 566 2nd
Completion Percentage 67% 19th
Passing Yards 4,267 1st
Touchdown Passes 29 2nd
TD Percentage 5.1% 17th
Interceptions 10 26th
Interception Percentage 1.8% 61st
1st Downs 213 1st
Longest Pass 79 8th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.5 22nd
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.8 20th
Yards Per Completion 11.3 46th
Passing Yards Per Game 266.7 1st

2002 Stats for Peyton Manning

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 3rd
Games Started 16 3rd
Completions 392 2nd
Passing Attempts 591 4th
Completion Percentage 66% 21st
Passing Yards 4,200 3rd
Touchdown Passes 27 2nd
TD Percentage 4.6% 28th
Interceptions 19 3rd
Interception Percentage 3.2% 35th
1st Downs 213 3rd
Longest Pass 69 21st
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.1 30th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.6 32nd
Yards Per Completion 10.7 54th
Passing Yards Per Game 262.5 3rd

2001 Stats for Peyton Manning

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 2nd
Games Started 16 2nd
Completions 343 3rd
Passing Attempts 547 6th
Completion Percentage 63% 30th
Passing Yards 4,131 2nd
Touchdown Passes 26 5th
TD Percentage 4.8% 29th
Interceptions 23 2nd
Interception Percentage 4.2% 21st
1st Downs 201 2nd
Longest Pass 86 4th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.6 30th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.6 38th
Yards Per Completion 12.0 37th
Passing Yards Per Game 258.2 2nd

2000 Stats for Peyton Manning

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 1st
Games Started 16 1st
Completions 357 1st
Passing Attempts 571 3rd
Completion Percentage 63% 22nd
Passing Yards 4,413 1st
Touchdown Passes 33 1st
TD Percentage 5.8% 12th
Interceptions 15 9th
Interception Percentage 2.6% 51st
1st Downs 213 1st
Longest Pass 78 6th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.7 21st
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.7 20th
Yards Per Completion 12.4 27th
Passing Yards Per Game 275.8 3rd

1999 Stats for Peyton Manning

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 3rd
Games Started 16 3rd
Completions 331 3rd
Passing Attempts 533 4th
Completion Percentage 62% 18th
Passing Yards 4,135 3rd
Touchdown Passes 26 3rd
TD Percentage 4.9% 19th
Interceptions 15 9th
Interception Percentage 2.8% 45th
1st Downs 197 3rd
Longest Pass 80 7th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.8 16th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.5 15th
Yards Per Completion 12.5 26th
Passing Yards Per Game 258.4 4th

1998 Stats for Peyton Manning

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 2nd
Games Started 16 2nd
Completions 326 2nd
Passing Attempts 575 1st
Completion Percentage 57% 46th
Passing Yards 3,739 3rd
Touchdown Passes 26 5th
TD Percentage 4.5% 27th
Interceptions 28 1st
Interception Percentage 4.9% 18th
1st Downs 191 3rd
Longest Pass 78 16th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.5 53rd
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 5.2 61st
Yards Per Completion 11.5 61st
Passing Yards Per Game 233.7 5th