Steve Bartkowski Stats

During the 129 contests in his career, Bartkowski was successful on 1,932 of his 3,456 attempts for 24,124 yards. He totaled 187.0 yards per game through the air with a 75.4 QB rating. Bartkowski passed for 156 TD’s while tossing 144 interceptions and the longest completion of his career went for 85 yards. He lost a combined 2,956 yds while being sacked 356 times. His touchdown rate on pass attempts was 4.5% and his interception rate was 4.2%.

Bartkowski completed 61 of his attempted 126 tosses in his last season for a completion percentage of 48.4%. His longest pass completion went for 55 yards and he averaged 109.0 yards per outing. He had a QB rating of 64.3 with a TD percentage of 1.6% and an interception percentage of 2.4%. In his last season, Bartkowski threw for 654 yards with 2 TDs and 3 picks. He was sacked 35 different times totaling 210 yds lost behind the line of scrimmage.

Steve Bartkowski Stats

Year Team TD TD% Cmp Att Cmp% Yds Games GS Y/A AY/A Y/C Y/G Int Int% 1D Lng
Career 156 4.5% 1,932 3,456 55.9% 24,124 129 0 7.0 6.0 12.5 187.0 144 4.2% 86 85
1986 RAM 2 1.6% 61 126 48.4% 654 6 6 4.4 10.7 109.0 59.4 3 2.4% 42 5
1985 ATL 5 4.5% 69 111 62.2% 738 5 5 7.1 10.7 147.6 92.8 1 0.9% 62 7
1984 ATL 11 4.1% 181 269 67.3% 2,158 11 11 7.2 11.9 196.2 89.7 10 3.7% 61 8
1983 ATL 22 5.1% 274 432 63.4% 3,167 14 14 7.8 11.6 226.2 97.6 5 1.2% 76 7
1982 ATL 8 3.1% 166 262 63.4% 1,905 9 9 6.0 11.5 211.7 77.9 11 4.2% 86 7
1981 ATL 30 5.6% 297 533 55.7% 3,829 16 16 6.4 12.9 239.3 79.2 23 4.3% 70 7
1980 ATL 31 6.7% 257 463 55.5% 3,544 16 16 7.4 13.8 221.5 88.2 16 3.5% 81 8
1979 ATL 17 4.5% 204 380 53.7% 2,505 14 14 5.1 12.3 178.9 67.3 20 5.3% 57 7
1978 ATL 10 2.7% 187 369 50.7% 2,489 14 13 5.1 13.3 177.8 61.1 18 4.9% 71 7
1977 ATL 5 3.7% 64 136 47.1% 796 8 7 2.3 12.4 99.5 38.4 13 9.6% 73 6
1976 ATL 2 1.7% 57 120 47.5% 677 5 5 2.6 11.9 135.4 39.5 9 7.5% 50 6
1975 ATL 13 5.1% 115 255 45.1% 1,662 11 11 4.9 14.5 151.1 59.3 15 5.9% 68 7

1986 Stats for Steve Bartkowski

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 6 84th
Games Started 6 53rd
Completions 61 40th
Passing Attempts 126 40th
Completion Percentage 48% 75th
Passing Yards 654 41st
Touchdown Passes 2 45th
TD Percentage 1.6% 71st
Interceptions 3 47th
Interception Percentage 2.4% 63rd
1st Downs 42 54th
Longest Pass 5 80th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 4.4 70th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 10.7 80th
Yards Per Completion 109.0 39th
Passing Yards Per Game 59.4 72nd

1985 Stats for Steve Bartkowski

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 5 94th
Games Started 5 56th
Completions 69 40th
Passing Attempts 111 40th
Completion Percentage 62% 19th
Passing Yards 738 42nd
Touchdown Passes 5 37th
TD Percentage 4.5% 29th
Interceptions 1 54th
Interception Percentage 0.9% 60th
1st Downs 62 26th
Longest Pass 7 55th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.1 25th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 10.7 69th
Yards Per Completion 147.6 34th
Passing Yards Per Game 92.8 18th

1984 Stats for Steve Bartkowski

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 11 63rd
Games Started 11 33rd
Completions 181 18th
Passing Attempts 269 26th
Completion Percentage 67% 16th
Passing Yards 2,158 18th
Touchdown Passes 11 23rd
TD Percentage 4.1% 38th
Interceptions 10 25th
Interception Percentage 3.7% 50th
1st Downs 61 34th
Longest Pass 8 27th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.2 28th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 11.9 64th
Yards Per Completion 196.2 17th
Passing Yards Per Game 89.7 25th

1983 Stats for Steve Bartkowski

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 57th
Games Started 14 22nd
Completions 274 10th
Passing Attempts 432 12th
Completion Percentage 63% 24th
Passing Yards 3,167 10th
Touchdown Passes 22 10th
TD Percentage 5.1% 30th
Interceptions 5 38th
Interception Percentage 1.2% 69th
1st Downs 76 12th
Longest Pass 7 48th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.8 28th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 11.6 70th
Yards Per Completion 226.2 10th
Passing Yards Per Game 97.6 21st

1982 Stats for Steve Bartkowski

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 9 12th
Games Started 9 12th
Completions 166 6th
Passing Attempts 262 9th
Completion Percentage 63% 17th
Passing Yards 1,905 12th
Touchdown Passes 8 17th
TD Percentage 3.1% 33rd
Interceptions 11 11th
Interception Percentage 4.2% 36th
1st Downs 86 1st
Longest Pass 7 31st
Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.0 36th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 11.5 43rd
Yards Per Completion 211.7 13th
Passing Yards Per Game 77.9 29th

1981 Stats for Steve Bartkowski

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 3rd
Games Started 16 3rd
Completions 297 6th
Passing Attempts 533 4th
Completion Percentage 56% 36th
Passing Yards 3,829 4th
Touchdown Passes 30 2nd
TD Percentage 5.6% 17th
Interceptions 23 3rd
Interception Percentage 4.3% 42nd
1st Downs 70 18th
Longest Pass 7 36th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.4 33rd
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 12.9 37th
Yards Per Completion 239.3 5th
Passing Yards Per Game 79.2 32nd

1980 Stats for Steve Bartkowski

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 4th
Games Started 16 4th
Completions 257 11th
Passing Attempts 463 9th
Completion Percentage 56% 39th
Passing Yards 3,544 5th
Touchdown Passes 31 1st
TD Percentage 6.7% 10th
Interceptions 16 18th
Interception Percentage 3.5% 46th
1st Downs 81 5th
Longest Pass 8 23rd
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.4 21st
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 13.8 19th
Yards Per Completion 221.5 6th
Passing Yards Per Game 88.2 23rd

1979 Stats for Steve Bartkowski

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 58th
Games Started 14 29th
Completions 204 15th
Passing Attempts 380 15th
Completion Percentage 54% 41st
Passing Yards 2,505 17th
Touchdown Passes 17 13th
TD Percentage 4.5% 23rd
Interceptions 20 12th
Interception Percentage 5.3% 29th
1st Downs 57 24th
Longest Pass 7 50th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 5.1 53rd
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 12.3 52nd
Yards Per Completion 178.9 15th
Passing Yards Per Game 67.3 54th

1978 Stats for Steve Bartkowski

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 57th
Games Started 13 29th
Completions 187 15th
Passing Attempts 369 12th
Completion Percentage 51% 50th
Passing Yards 2,489 13th
Touchdown Passes 10 22nd
TD Percentage 2.7% 39th
Interceptions 18 14th
Interception Percentage 4.9% 45th
1st Downs 71 9th
Longest Pass 7 39th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 5.1 41st
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 13.3 32nd
Yards Per Completion 177.8 12th
Passing Yards Per Game 61.1 48th

1977 Stats for Steve Bartkowski

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 8 73rd
Games Started 7 42nd
Completions 64 33rd
Passing Attempts 136 30th
Completion Percentage 47% 58th
Passing Yards 796 32nd
Touchdown Passes 5 29th
TD Percentage 3.7% 35th
Interceptions 13 19th
Interception Percentage 9.6% 21st
1st Downs 73 12th
Longest Pass 6 51st
Yards Per Pass Attempt 2.3 63rd
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 12.4 44th
Yards Per Completion 99.5 36th
Passing Yards Per Game 38.4 83rd

1976 Stats for Steve Bartkowski

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 5 78th
Games Started 5 51st
Completions 57 34th
Passing Attempts 120 33rd
Completion Percentage 48% 60th
Passing Yards 677 34th
Touchdown Passes 2 41st
TD Percentage 1.7% 59th
Interceptions 9 27th
Interception Percentage 7.5% 17th
1st Downs 50 33rd
Longest Pass 6 57th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 2.6 67th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 11.9 56th
Yards Per Completion 135.4 20th
Passing Yards Per Game 39.5 85th

1975 Stats for Steve Bartkowski

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 11 56th
Games Started 11 26th
Completions 115 21st
Passing Attempts 255 19th
Completion Percentage 45% 66th
Passing Yards 1,662 19th
Touchdown Passes 13 14th
TD Percentage 5.1% 23rd
Interceptions 15 14th
Interception Percentage 5.9% 34th
1st Downs 68 13th
Longest Pass 7 44th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 4.9 40th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 14.5 26th
Yards Per Completion 151.1 15th
Passing Yards Per Game 59.3 47th