Adrian Peterson Stats

Adrian Peterson accumulated 14,918 yds on the ground in 184 games played in his career. His average yards per carry sits at 4.6 and he carried it 3,230 total times. He’s rushed for 120 TD’s with a long carry of 90 yds. Peterson averaged 81.1 yards on the ground per contest in his career.

Peterson carried the ball 38 different times for an average of 2.6 yards per carry. In his 4 games played in his last season, Adrian Peterson averaged 24.5 yds per game and got into the endzone 2 times while carrying the ball. He had a long run of 16 yds.

Adrian Peterson Stats

Year Team Att Yards TD G GS Lng Y/A Y/G Fmb
Career 3,230 14,918 120 184 167 90 4.6 81.1 49
2021 2TM 38 98 2 4 3 16 2.6 24.5 1
2020 DET 156 604 7 16 10 38 3.9 37.8 0
2019 WAS 211 898 5 15 15 32 4.3 59.9 3
2018 WAS 251 1,042 7 16 16 90 4.2 65.1 3
2017 2TM 156 529 2 10 7 27 3.4 52.9 3
2016 MIN 37 72 0 3 3 13 1.9 24.0 1
2015 MIN 327 1,485 11 16 16 80 4.5 92.8 7
2014 MIN 21 75 0 1 1 17 3.6 75.0 0
2013 MIN 279 1,266 10 14 14 78 4.5 90.4 5
2012 MIN 348 2,097 12 16 16 82 6.0 131.1 4
2011 MIN 208 970 12 12 12 54 4.7 80.8 1
2010 MIN 283 1,298 12 15 15 80 4.6 86.5 1
2009 MIN 314 1,383 18 16 15 64 4.4 86.4 7
2008 MIN 363 1,760 10 16 15 67 4.8 110.0 9
2007 MIN 238 1,341 12 14 9 73 5.6 95.8 4

2021 Stats for Adrian Peterson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 4 323rd
Games Started 3 183rd
Rushing Attempts 38 111th
Rushing Yards 98 133rd
Rushing Touchdowns 2 91st
Longest Run 16 158th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 2.6 281st
Rushing Yards Per Game 24.5 77th
Fumbles 1 133rd

2020 Stats for Adrian Peterson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 3rd
Games Started 10 91st
Rushing Attempts 156 23rd
Rushing Yards 604 34th
Rushing Touchdowns 7 22nd
Longest Run 38 51st
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.9 201st
Rushing Yards Per Game 37.8 48th
Fumbles 0 187th

2019 Stats for Adrian Peterson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 118th
Games Started 15 32nd
Rushing Attempts 211 19th
Rushing Yards 898 18th
Rushing Touchdowns 5 28th
Longest Run 32 58th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.3 140th
Rushing Yards Per Game 59.9 19th
Fumbles 3 50th

2018 Stats for Adrian Peterson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 3rd
Games Started 16 3rd
Rushing Attempts 251 5th
Rushing Yards 1,042 8th
Rushing Touchdowns 7 16th
Longest Run 90 4th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.2 163rd
Rushing Yards Per Game 65.1 16th
Fumbles 3 45th

2017 Stats for Adrian Peterson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 10 213th
Games Started 7 102nd
Rushing Attempts 156 31st
Rushing Yards 529 39th
Rushing Touchdowns 2 56th
Longest Run 27 75th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.4 198th
Rushing Yards Per Game 52.9 22nd
Fumbles 3 50th

2016 Stats for Adrian Peterson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 3 289th
Games Started 3 154th
Rushing Attempts 37 91st
Rushing Yards 72 130th
Rushing Touchdowns 0 140th
Longest Run 13 164th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 1.9 261st
Rushing Yards Per Game 24.0 71st
Fumbles 1 128th

2015 Stats for Adrian Peterson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 1st
Games Started 16 1st
Rushing Attempts 327 1st
Rushing Yards 1,485 1st
Rushing Touchdowns 11 1st
Longest Run 80 4th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.5 91st
Rushing Yards Per Game 92.8 1st
Fumbles 7 15th

2014 Stats for Adrian Peterson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 1 301st
Games Started 1 203rd
Rushing Attempts 21 130th
Rushing Yards 75 129th
Rushing Touchdowns 0 154th
Longest Run 17 129th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.6 164th
Rushing Yards Per Game 75.0 7th
Fumbles 0 211th

2013 Stats for Adrian Peterson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 152nd
Games Started 14 50th
Rushing Attempts 279 7th
Rushing Yards 1,266 5th
Rushing Touchdowns 10 4th
Longest Run 78 5th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.5 100th
Rushing Yards Per Game 90.4 2nd
Fumbles 5 27th

2012 Stats for Adrian Peterson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 2nd
Games Started 16 2nd
Rushing Attempts 348 2nd
Rushing Yards 2,097 1st
Rushing Touchdowns 12 3rd
Longest Run 82 3rd
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 6.0 52nd
Rushing Yards Per Game 131.1 1st
Fumbles 4 36th

2011 Stats for Adrian Peterson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 12 195th
Games Started 12 76th
Rushing Attempts 208 18th
Rushing Yards 970 18th
Rushing Touchdowns 12 5th
Longest Run 54 20th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.7 103rd
Rushing Yards Per Game 80.8 9th
Fumbles 1 113th

2010 Stats for Adrian Peterson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 118th
Games Started 15 31st
Rushing Attempts 283 9th
Rushing Yards 1,298 6th
Rushing Touchdowns 12 5th
Longest Run 80 1st
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.6 102nd
Rushing Yards Per Game 86.5 5th
Fumbles 1 114th

2009 Stats for Adrian Peterson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 3rd
Games Started 15 31st
Rushing Attempts 314 4th
Rushing Yards 1,383 5th
Rushing Touchdowns 18 1st
Longest Run 64 16th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.4 116th
Rushing Yards Per Game 86.4 6th
Fumbles 7 16th

2008 Stats for Adrian Peterson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 2nd
Games Started 15 37th
Rushing Attempts 363 2nd
Rushing Yards 1,760 1st
Rushing Touchdowns 10 8th
Longest Run 67 12th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.8 89th
Rushing Yards Per Game 110.0 1st
Fumbles 9 11th

2007 Stats for Adrian Peterson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 140th
Games Started 9 90th
Rushing Attempts 238 14th
Rushing Yards 1,341 2nd
Rushing Touchdowns 12 3rd
Longest Run 73 6th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 5.6 41st
Rushing Yards Per Game 95.8 1st
Fumbles 4 50th