Dexter Bussey Stats

Dexter Bussey ran for 5,105 yards on the ground in 150 games played in his career. His average when carrying the ball sits at 4.2 and he carried it 1,203 times. He has run for 18 touchdowns with a long carry of 46 yards. Bussey ran for 34.0 yards on the ground per game in his NFL career.

Bussey rushed for 5.7 yards on the ground per contest. He ran for 0 touchdowns in his last season for 18 yds. His average when carrying the ball was 2.8 and he toted the ball 32 different times in his last year. Bussey accumulated 91 yards on the ground in 16 games played in his last season.

Dexter Bussey Stats

Year Team Att Yards TD G GS Lng Y/A Y/G Fmb
Career 1,203 5,105 18 150 100 46 4.2 34.0 36
1984 DET 32 91 0 16 3 18 2.8 5.7 0
1983 DET 57 249 0 15 3 26 4.4 16.6 1
1982 DET 48 136 0 9 6 10 2.8 15.1 2
1981 DET 105 446 0 16 15 23 4.2 27.9 3
1980 DET 145 720 3 16 16 40 5.0 45.0 2
1979 DET 144 625 1 16 10 38 4.3 39.1 3
1978 DET 225 924 5 16 16 36 4.1 57.8 9
1977 DET 85 338 4 8 4 31 4.0 42.3 2
1976 DET 196 858 3 14 14 46 4.4 61.3 6
1975 DET 157 696 2 13 13 32 4.4 53.5 7
1974 DET 9 22 0 11 0 9 2.4 2.0 1

1984 Stats for Dexter Bussey

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 58th
Games Started 3 146th
Rushing Attempts 32 104th
Rushing Yards 91 116th
Rushing Touchdowns 0 142nd
Longest Run 18 107th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 2.8 189th
Rushing Yards Per Game 5.7 138th
Fumbles 0 210th

1983 Stats for Dexter Bussey

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 152nd
Games Started 3 161st
Rushing Attempts 57 72nd
Rushing Yards 249 73rd
Rushing Touchdowns 0 123rd
Longest Run 26 68th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.4 110th
Rushing Yards Per Game 16.6 75th
Fumbles 1 159th

1982 Stats for Dexter Bussey

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 9 44th
Games Started 6 102nd
Rushing Attempts 48 57th
Rushing Yards 136 70th
Rushing Touchdowns 0 104th
Longest Run 10 139th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 2.8 178th
Rushing Yards Per Game 15.1 75th
Fumbles 2 75th

1981 Stats for Dexter Bussey

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 28th
Games Started 15 50th
Rushing Attempts 105 46th
Rushing Yards 446 40th
Rushing Touchdowns 0 128th
Longest Run 23 82nd
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.2 111th
Rushing Yards Per Game 27.9 47th
Fumbles 3 83rd

1980 Stats for Dexter Bussey

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 21st
Games Started 16 18th
Rushing Attempts 145 34th
Rushing Yards 720 24th
Rushing Touchdowns 3 48th
Longest Run 40 30th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 5.0 62nd
Rushing Yards Per Game 45.0 28th
Fumbles 2 105th

1979 Stats for Dexter Bussey

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 24th
Games Started 10 111th
Rushing Attempts 144 33rd
Rushing Yards 625 28th
Rushing Touchdowns 1 90th
Longest Run 38 38th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.3 98th
Rushing Yards Per Game 39.1 35th
Fumbles 3 79th

1978 Stats for Dexter Bussey

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 10th
Games Started 16 7th
Rushing Attempts 225 14th
Rushing Yards 924 16th
Rushing Touchdowns 5 31st
Longest Run 36 39th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.1 118th
Rushing Yards Per Game 57.8 20th
Fumbles 9 8th

1977 Stats for Dexter Bussey

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 8 251st
Games Started 4 149th
Rushing Attempts 85 65th
Rushing Yards 338 60th
Rushing Touchdowns 4 34th
Longest Run 31 53rd
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.0 97th
Rushing Yards Per Game 42.3 33rd
Fumbles 2 108th

1976 Stats for Dexter Bussey

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 13th
Games Started 14 10th
Rushing Attempts 196 15th
Rushing Yards 858 14th
Rushing Touchdowns 3 39th
Longest Run 46 20th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.4 95th
Rushing Yards Per Game 61.3 16th
Fumbles 6 28th

1975 Stats for Dexter Bussey

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 13 151st
Games Started 13 49th
Rushing Attempts 157 27th
Rushing Yards 696 18th
Rushing Touchdowns 2 59th
Longest Run 32 40th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.4 89th
Rushing Yards Per Game 53.5 18th
Fumbles 7 15th

1974 Stats for Dexter Bussey

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 11 206th
Games Started 0 241st
Rushing Attempts 9 160th
Rushing Yards 22 180th
Rushing Touchdowns 0 176th
Longest Run 9 195th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 2.4 220th
Rushing Yards Per Game 2.0 185th
Fumbles 1 154th