Walter Abercrombie Stats

Abercrombie fumbled the ball 15 different times in his career and his longest run was 50 yds. He averaged 40.0 yards per game and got into the endzone 22 times on the ground. He was handed the football 847 different times to the tune of 4.0 yards per attempt. In his pro football career, Abercrombie stepped onto the gridiron in 84 contests and accumulated 3,357 yds on the ground.

In his 5 games played in his last year, Walter Abercrombie rushed for 2.8 yds per game and got into the endzone 0 times on the ground. His longest run that season was 5 yds. Abercrombie carried the ball 5 times to the tune of 2.8 YPC.

Walter Abercrombie Stats

Year Team Att Yards TD G GS Lng Y/A Y/G Fmb
Career 847 3,357 22 84 64 50 4.0 40.0 15
1988 PHI 5 14 0 5 0 5 2.8 2.8 0
1987 PIT 123 459 2 12 12 28 3.7 38.3 4
1986 PIT 214 877 6 16 16 38 4.1 54.8 4
1985 PIT 227 851 7 16 16 32 3.7 53.2 5
1984 PIT 145 610 1 14 7 31 4.2 43.6 0
1983 PIT 112 446 4 15 13 50 4.0 29.7 2
1982 PIT 21 100 2 6 0 34 4.8 16.7 0

1988 Stats for Walter Abercrombie

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 5 263rd
Games Started 0 239th
Rushing Attempts 5 186th
Rushing Yards 14 200th
Rushing Touchdowns 0 191st
Longest Run 5 225th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 2.8 211th
Rushing Yards Per Game 2.8 178th
Fumbles 0 245th

1987 Stats for Walter Abercrombie

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 12 37th
Games Started 12 12th
Rushing Attempts 123 27th
Rushing Yards 459 35th
Rushing Touchdowns 2 50th
Longest Run 28 58th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.7 216th
Rushing Yards Per Game 38.3 63rd
Fumbles 4 46th

1986 Stats for Walter Abercrombie

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 8th
Games Started 16 5th
Rushing Attempts 214 11th
Rushing Yards 877 11th
Rushing Touchdowns 6 18th
Longest Run 38 40th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.1 101st
Rushing Yards Per Game 54.8 17th
Fumbles 4 55th

1985 Stats for Walter Abercrombie

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 12th
Games Started 16 9th
Rushing Attempts 227 16th
Rushing Yards 851 24th
Rushing Touchdowns 7 20th
Longest Run 32 49th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.7 135th
Rushing Yards Per Game 53.2 26th
Fumbles 5 47th

1984 Stats for Walter Abercrombie

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 162nd
Games Started 7 114th
Rushing Attempts 145 28th
Rushing Yards 610 28th
Rushing Touchdowns 1 77th
Longest Run 31 40th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.2 101st
Rushing Yards Per Game 43.6 29th
Fumbles 0 198th

1983 Stats for Walter Abercrombie

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 143rd
Games Started 13 64th
Rushing Attempts 112 46th
Rushing Yards 446 48th
Rushing Touchdowns 4 37th
Longest Run 50 19th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.0 136th
Rushing Yards Per Game 29.7 51st
Fumbles 2 108th

1982 Stats for Walter Abercrombie

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 6 221st
Games Started 0 178th
Rushing Attempts 21 87th
Rushing Yards 100 82nd
Rushing Touchdowns 2 45th
Longest Run 34 21st
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.8 55th
Rushing Yards Per Game 16.7 73rd
Fumbles 0 172nd