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Darren Mcfadden College Stats

Darren Mcfadden College Stats

Darren Mcfadden has accumulated 4,590 yards on the ground in 38 games played in his NCAA career. His average when carrying the ball sits at 5.8 and he has carried the ball 785 different times. He’s run for 41 TD’s while recording 4,955 total yards. Mcfadden is rushing for 120.8 yards on the ground per contest in his college football career.

Mcfadden has run for 1,830 yds on the ground in 13 games played this year. His average when carrying the ball sits at 5.6 and he has carried the ball 325 different times this year. He has run for 16 TDs this year while amassing 1,994 total yards from scrimmage. He is running for 140.8 yds on the ground per contest on 25.0 attempts.

ESPN Plus All Leagues

Darren Mcfadden Stats

Year Team Att Yards TD G Rec Rec Yds Y/A Y/G Tot Yds
Career 785 4,590 41 38 46 365 5.8 120.8 4,955
2007 Arkansas 325 1,830 16 13 21 164 5.6 140.8 1,994
2006 Arkansas 284 1,647 14 14 11 149 5.8 117.6 1,796
2005 Arkansas 176 1,113 11 11 14 52 6.3 101.2 1,165

2007 Stats for Darren Mcfadden

Stat Value NCAAF Rank
Games 13 29th
Rushing Attempts 325 4th
Rushing Yards 1,830 4th
Yards Per Carry 5.6 41st
Rushing Touchdowns 16 13th
Receptions 21 72nd
Receiving Yards 164 74th
Yards Per Reception 7.8 119th
Receiving Touchdowns 1 56th
Total Plays 346 4th
Total Yards 1,994 7th
Yards Per Touch 5.8 54th
Total Touchdowns 17 15th
Rushing Attempts Per Game 25.0 5th
Rushing Yards Per Game 140.8 4th
Total Yards Per Game 153.4 8th

2006 Stats for Darren Mcfadden

Stat Value NCAAF Rank
Games 14 4th
Rushing Attempts 284 7th
Rushing Yards 1,647 5th
Yards Per Carry 5.8 22nd
Rushing Touchdowns 14 13th
Receptions 11 117th
Receiving Yards 149 71st
Yards Per Reception 13.5 14th
Receiving Touchdowns 1 41st
Total Plays 295 9th
Total Yards 1,796 5th
Yards Per Touch 6.1 30th
Total Touchdowns 15 15th
Rushing Attempts Per Game 20.3 18th
Rushing Yards Per Game 117.6 11th
Total Yards Per Game 128.3 14th

2005 Stats for Darren Mcfadden

Fubo TV Soccer
Stat Value NCAAF Rank
Games 11 93rd
Rushing Attempts 176 64th
Rushing Yards 1,113 35th
Yards Per Carry 6.3 19th
Rushing Touchdowns 11 28th
Receptions 14 99th
Receiving Yards 52 153rd
Yards Per Reception 3.7 193rd
Receiving Touchdowns 0 97th
Total Plays 190 72nd
Total Yards 1,165 50th
Yards Per Touch 6.1 38th
Total Touchdowns 11 31st
Rushing Attempts Per Game 16.0 63rd
Rushing Yards Per Game 101.2 31st
Total Yards Per Game 105.9 50th