Aaron Judge vs Vladimir Guerrero Jr. Stats

Judge has recorded a batting average of .279 for his baseball career with 631 scored runs and an OPS of .974. He has gone down on strikes 1,082 times and has gotten a free base on 588 attempts at the plate, contributing to a .394 on-base percentage. For his pro baseball career, Judge has slapped 264 balls out of the park while knocking in 593 runs. He has recorded a slugging percentage of .580 and he has a total of 1,821 bases. For his time in the league, he came to bat 3,785 times and also came through with a base hit 876 times.

For the 2,666 official at-bats in his pro career, Guerrero Jr. has compiled an average at the plate of .277 with 738 hits. He has homered 134 times, as well as 1,289 total bases and a .483 slugging percentage. Guerrero Jr. has drawn a free base 297 times while going down on strikes on 487 occasions. He has accumulated 390 runs in addition to having earned 419 runs batted in. His on-base percentage sits at .354 and he holds a career OPS of .837.

Aaron Judge vs Vladimir Guerrero Jr. Stats

Aaron Judge Career Vladimir Guerrero Jr.
872 Games Played 696
3,785 Plate Appearances 3,001
3,140 At-Bats 2,666
631 Runs 390
876 Hits 738
145 Doubles 139
4 Triples 5
264 Home Runs 134
593 Runs Batted In 419
45 Stolen Bases 18
16 Caught Stealing 8
588 Walks 297
1,082 Strikeouts 487
.279 Batting Average .277
.394 On-Base Percentage .354
.580 Slugging Percentage .483
0.974 OPS 0.837
1,821 Total Bases 1,289
88 Grounded Into Double Plays 95
25 Hit By Pitch 26

On the campaign, Judge has compiled 17 runs, accrued 21 RBI and has earned 7 home runs. He has fanned 44 times while accounting for 59 total bases. He has earned an OPS of 0.795 with a slugging % of .437. He has taken a walk 28 times and has accounted for an OBP of .358. Judge has recorded 30 hits out of 135 at-bats and has a batting average of .222.

So far this season, Guerrero Jr. has notched 13 runs, accounted for 15 RBI and has 4 home runs. He has struck out 32 times while amassing 50 total bases. He has earned an OPS of 0.700 with a SLG of .365. He has taken a base 20 times and has accumulated an on-base percentage of .335. Guerrero Jr. has a tally of 32 base knocks out of 137 at-bats for an average of .234.

Aaron Judge (2024) Stat Vladimir Guerrero Jr. (2024)
37 Games Played 36
166 Plate Appearances 158
135 At-Bats 137
17 Runs Scored 13
30 Hits 32
8 Doubles 6
0 Triples 0
7 Home Runs 4
21 Runs Batted In 15
2 Stolen Bases 0
0 Caught Stealing 0
28 Walks 20
44 Strikeouts 32
.222 Batting Average .234
.358 On-Base Percentage .335
.437 Slugging Percentage .365
0.795 OPS 0.700
127 OPS+ 104
59 Total Bases 50
10 Grounded Into Double Play 3
1 Hit By Pitch 1