Korey Lee Stats

Korey Lee Stats

Lee has hit .188 for his career in addition to 41 runs scored and an OPS of .539. Over the course of his time in the league, he stepped into the batters box 490 times and got on base with a hit 88 times. His slugging percentage is .313 in addition to having tallied 146 bases. In his career, Lee has hit 13 baseballs out of the park while knocking in 44 runs. He has struck out 151 times and has taken a walk on 23 occasions, contributing to a .227 OBP.

Over the course of this season, Korey Lee has batted in 37 runs and also has accrued a slugging percentage of .347. He has compiled an OBP of .244 as well as 17 walks and 122 K’s. Lee has a tally of 131 total bases with 79 base hits out of 377 at-bats. He has compiled a batting average of .210 while holding an OPS of .591. He has scored 36 runs over the course of the season and has hit 12 balls over the fence.

Career .188 13 88 23 41 44 .227 490 467 .539 N/A 17 1 161 .313 6 3 146 151
2024 CHW 122.000 1 36 3 377 12 .210 125 394 .347 1 79 14 0 .244 37 6 68 17
2023 CHW .077 1 5 5 4 3 .143 70 65 .281 -22 1 0 24 .138 0 0 9 20

2024 Stats for Korey Lee

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 0 471st
Plate Appearances 125 163rd
At-Bats 394 218th
Runs Scored 377 200th
Hits 36 282nd
Doubles 79 247th
Triples 14 260th
Home Runs 1 232nd
Runs Batted In 12 196th
Stolen Bases 37 247th
Caught Stealing 6 193rd
Walks 3 122nd
Strikeouts 17 350th
Batting Average 122.000 93rd
On-Base Percentage .210 519th
Slugging Percentage .244 654th
OPS .347 451st
OPS+ 1 551st
Total Bases 68 547th
Grounded Into Double Plays 0 586th
Hit By Pitch 68 557th
Sacrifice Hits 131 228th
Sacrifice Flies 12 83rd
Intentional Walks 0 558th

2023 Stats for Korey Lee

2023 Stats for Korey Lee

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 24 523rd
Plate Appearances 70 513th
At-Bats 65 507th
Runs Scored 4 562nd
Hits 5 582nd
Doubles 1 572nd
Triples 0 584th
Home Runs 1 534th
Runs Batted In 3 565th
Stolen Bases 0 596th
Caught Stealing 0 588th
Walks 5 508th
Strikeouts 20 508th
Batting Average .077 627th
On-Base Percentage .143 628th
Slugging Percentage .138 620th
OPS .281 625th
OPS+ -22 1763rd
Total Bases 9 574th
Grounded Into Double Plays 0 595th
Hit By Pitch 0 594th
Sacrifice Hits 0 586th
Sacrifice Flies 0 587th
Intentional Walks 0 582nd