Mike Yastrzemski Stats

Mike Yastrzemski Stats

During the 2,274 official at-bats in his baseball career, Yastrzemski has accrued an average at the plate of .239 and has racked up 543 base knocks. He has homered 106 times, as well as 1,039 total bases and a .457 slugging percentage. Yastrzemski has earned a free base 257 times while being called out on strikes on 657 plate appearances. He is sitting with 365 runs and also has 318 RBIs. His on-base percentage sits at .322 and he is the owner of a lifetime OPS of .779.

Yastrzemski has recorded 187 total bases with 99 hits in 428 at-bats. He has a total of 60 runs this season and has hit 18 balls over the fence. He has amassed a batting average of .231 with an OPS of .739. He has earned an OBP of .302 in addition to 38 free passes and 124 K’s. For this campaign, Mike Yastrzemski has knocked in 57 runs and also has tallied a slugging percentage of .437.

Career .239 106 543 257 365 318 .322 2,581 2,274 .779 N/A 134 22 694 .457 18 10 1,039 657
2024 SFG 124.000 9 60 2 428 18 .231 140 474 .437 1 99 16 2 .302 57 3 110 38
2023 SFG .233 15 77 45 54 43 .330 381 330 .775 114 23 1 106 .445 2 2 147 99
2022 SFG .214 17 104 61 73 57 .305 558 485 .697 96 31 2 148 .392 5 1 190 141
2021 SFG .224 25 105 51 75 71 .311 532 468 .768 106 28 3 139 .457 4 0 214 131
2020 SFG .297 10 57 30 39 35 .400 225 192 .968 164 14 4 54 .568 2 1 109 55
2019 SFG .272 21 101 32 64 55 .334 411 371 .852 122 22 3 107 .518 2 4 192 107

2024 Stats for Mike Yastrzemski

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 2 140th
Plate Appearances 140 107th
At-Bats 474 148th
Runs Scored 428 149th
Hits 60 127th
Doubles 99 165th
Triples 16 227th
Home Runs 9 5th
Runs Batted In 18 107th
Stolen Bases 57 131st
Caught Stealing 3 300th
Walks 2 182nd
Strikeouts 38 164th
Batting Average 124.000 90th
On-Base Percentage .231 388th
Slugging Percentage .302 377th
OPS .437 143rd
OPS+ 1 202nd
Total Bases 110 183rd
Grounded Into Double Plays 0 273rd
Hit By Pitch 108 206th
Sacrifice Hits 187 131st
Sacrifice Flies 5 276th
Intentional Walks 6 124th

2023 Stats for Mike Yastrzemski

2023 Stats for Mike Yastrzemski

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 106 236th
Plate Appearances 381 222nd
At-Bats 330 235th
Runs Scored 54 179th
Hits 77 239th
Doubles 23 145th
Triples 1 223rd
Home Runs 15 162nd
Runs Batted In 43 215th
Stolen Bases 2 309th
Caught Stealing 2 162nd
Walks 45 112th
Strikeouts 99 176th
Batting Average .233 351st
On-Base Percentage .330 178th
Slugging Percentage .445 163rd
OPS .775 160th
OPS+ 114 143rd
Total Bases 147 207th
Grounded Into Double Plays 5 268th
Hit By Pitch 3 254th
Sacrifice Hits 2 66th
Sacrifice Flies 1 331st
Intentional Walks 3 44th

2022 Stats for Mike Yastrzemski

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 148 58th
Plate Appearances 558 93rd
At-Bats 485 104th
Runs Scored 73 65th
Hits 104 153rd
Doubles 31 44th
Triples 2 124th
Home Runs 17 98th
Runs Batted In 57 122nd
Stolen Bases 5 164th
Caught Stealing 1 250th
Walks 61 40th
Strikeouts 141 39th
Batting Average .214 497th
On-Base Percentage .305 347th
Slugging Percentage .392 276th
OPS .697 294th
OPS+ 96 308th
Total Bases 190 114th
Grounded Into Double Plays 3 378th
Hit By Pitch 5 149th
Sacrifice Hits 1 116th
Sacrifice Flies 6 36th
Intentional Walks 0 263rd

2021 Stats for Mike Yastrzemski

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 139 108th
Plate Appearances 532 116th
At-Bats 468 117th
Runs Scored 75 87th
Hits 105 155th
Doubles 28 74th
Triples 3 102nd
Home Runs 25 72nd
Runs Batted In 71 87th
Stolen Bases 4 215th
Caught Stealing 0 1712th
Walks 51 93rd
Strikeouts 131 61st
Batting Average .224 504th
On-Base Percentage .311 420th
Slugging Percentage .457 194th
OPS .768 246th
OPS+ 106 257th
Total Bases 214 101st
Grounded Into Double Plays 3 440th
Hit By Pitch 9 67th
Sacrifice Hits 1 371st
Sacrifice Flies 3 191st
Intentional Walks 4 58th

2020 Stats for Mike Yastrzemski

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 54 101st
Plate Appearances 225 74th
At-Bats 192 86th
Runs Scored 39 20th
Hits 57 42nd
Doubles 14 30th
Triples 4 4th
Home Runs 10 71st
Runs Batted In 35 33rd
Stolen Bases 2 176th
Caught Stealing 1 190th
Walks 30 30th
Strikeouts 55 54th
Batting Average .297 86th
On-Base Percentage .400 52nd
Slugging Percentage .568 50th
OPS .968 35th
OPS+ 164 28th
Total Bases 109 25th
Grounded Into Double Plays 2 305th
Hit By Pitch 3 114th
Sacrifice Hits 0 692nd
Sacrifice Flies 0 693rd
Intentional Walks 2 45th

2019 Stats for Mike Yastrzemski

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 107 223rd
Plate Appearances 411 202nd
At-Bats 371 201st
Runs Scored 64 135th
Hits 101 181st
Doubles 22 155th
Triples 3 106th
Home Runs 21 123rd
Runs Batted In 55 180th
Stolen Bases 2 320th
Caught Stealing 4 77th
Walks 32 207th
Strikeouts 107 136th
Batting Average .272 206th
On-Base Percentage .334 245th
Slugging Percentage .518 125th
OPS .852 144th
OPS+ 122 139th
Total Bases 192 158th
Grounded Into Double Plays 4 360th
Hit By Pitch 4 222nd
Sacrifice Hits 1 351st
Sacrifice Flies 3 195th
Intentional Walks 1 310th