Alan Trammell vs Lou Whitaker Stats

Trammell has earned a batting average of .284 for his career with 1,247 scored runs and an OPS of .409. He has gone down on strikes 901 times and has gotten a free base on 860 attempts at the plate, contributing to a .350 OBP. In his MLB career, Trammell has hit 186 balls over the fence while knocking in 1,019 runs. He has recorded a slugging percentage of .059 and he has accumulated 3,492 bases. Over the course of his pro career, he faced a pitcher 9,583 times and also came through with a hit 2,410 times.

Whitaker has drawn a free base 1,228 times while going down on strikes on 1,140 tries. His on-base percentage sits at .363 and he has earned a lifetime OPS of .390. He is sitting with 1,422 runs and also has 1,128 runs batted in. He has homered 258 times, with 3,780 bases in total and a .027 slugging %. Over the course of the 8,819 official at-bats in his career, Whitaker is sitting with a batting average of .277 in addition to 2,442 base hits.

Alan Trammell vs Lou Whitaker Stats

Alan Trammell Career Lou Whitaker
2,359 Games Played 2,474
9,583 Plate Appearances 10,252
8,481 At-Bats 8,819
1,247 Runs 1,422
2,410 Hits 2,442
414 Doubles 434
55 Triples 65
186 Home Runs 258
1,019 Runs Batted In 1,128
242 Stolen Bases 147
109 Caught Stealing 75
860 Walks 1,228
901 Strikeouts 1,140
.284 Batting Average .277
.350 On-Base Percentage .363
.059 Slugging Percentage .027
0.409 OPS 0.390
3,492 Total Bases 3,780
159 Grounded Into Double Plays 149
37 Hit By Pitch 22

Trammell has a total of 50 total bases with 45 hits in 193 at-bats. He has notched 16 runs this year and has hit 1 balls out of the park. He has earned a batting average at the plate of .233 in addition to having an OPS of .526. He has an OBP of .267 with 10 walks and 27 K’s. Since the start of the season, Alan Trammell has knocked in 16 runs and has amassed a slugging percentage of .259.

Whitaker has tallied 129 total bases with 73 base hits out of 249 at-bats. He has tallied 36 runs on the season and has drilled 14 balls over the fence. He has earned a batting average of .293 with an OPS of .890. He has accumulated an OBP of .372 as well as 31 walks and 41 strikeouts. Since the start of the season, Lou Whitaker has batted in 44 runs and also is sitting with a slugging percentage of .518.

Alan Trammell (1996) Stat Lou Whitaker (1995)
66 Games Played 84
207 Plate Appearances 285
193 At-Bats 249
16 Runs Scored 36
45 Hits 73
2 Doubles 14
0 Triples 0
1 Home Runs 14
16 Runs Batted In 44
6 Stolen Bases 4
0 Caught Stealing 0
10 Walks 31
27 Strikeouts 41
.233 Batting Average .293
.267 On-Base Percentage .372
.259 Slugging Percentage .518
0.526 OPS 0.890
34 OPS+ 129
50 Total Bases 129
3 Grounded Into Double Play 6
0 Hit By Pitch 2