Anthony Rendon vs Nolan Arenado Stats

Rendon has accumulated a batting average of .281 for his career in baseball in addition to 681 runs scored and an OPS of .830. He has gone down on strikes 779 times and has gotten a free base on 545 occasions, which has contributed to a .365 OBP. In his career, Rendon has slapped 158 balls out of the park while driving in 668 runs. He has earned a slugging percentage of .465 and he has racked up 2,018 bases. Over the course of his pro career, he came to the plate 5,006 times and has notched a hit 1,217 times.

In the 6,330 at-bats in his MLB career, Arenado has an average at the plate of .285 and has racked up 1,803 base hits. He has gone yard 340 times, with 3,272 total bases and a .517 slugging percentage. Arenado has earned a free base 541 times while being called out on strikes on 1,028 occasions. He has amassed 934 runs and has 1,124 RBIs. His on-base percentage sits at .341 and he holds a lifetime OPS of .858.

Anthony Rendon vs Nolan Arenado Stats

Anthony Rendon Career Nolan Arenado
1,169 Games Played 1,659
5,006 Plate Appearances 6,991
4,337 At-Bats 6,330
681 Runs 934
1,217 Hits 1,803
295 Doubles 383
16 Triples 33
158 Home Runs 340
668 Runs Batted In 1,124
55 Stolen Bases 28
17 Caught Stealing 22
545 Walks 541
779 Strikeouts 1,028
.281 Batting Average .285
.365 On-Base Percentage .341
.465 Slugging Percentage .517
0.830 OPS 0.858
2,018 Total Bases 3,272
93 Grounded Into Double Plays 188
64 Hit By Pitch 39

Rendon has a total of 44 hits in 193 AB’s for an average at the plate of .228. He has walked 21 times and sports an OBP of .315. So far this year, Rendon has tallied 19 runs, knocked in 11 RBI and has 0 home runs. He has earned an OPS of 0.595 as well as a slugging percentage of .280. He has gone down on strikes 35 times while accounting for 54 bases in total.

On the campaign, Arenado is sitting with 60 runs, knocked in 63 RBI and has hit 15 home runs. He has gotten a free base 36 times and has accrued an on-base percentage of .318. Arenado has recorded 134 base knocks in 502 AB’s for a batting average of .267. He has struck out 75 times while having 198 bases in total. He has an OPS of 0.713 as well as a slugging percentage of .394.

Anthony Rendon (2024) Stat Nolan Arenado (2024)
53 Games Played 131
222 Plate Appearances 548
193 At-Bats 502
19 Runs Scored 60
44 Hits 134
10 Doubles 19
0 Triples 0
0 Home Runs 15
11 Runs Batted In 63
6 Stolen Bases 2
1 Caught Stealing 1
21 Walks 36
35 Strikeouts 75
.228 Batting Average .267
.315 On-Base Percentage .318
.280 Slugging Percentage .394
0.595 OPS 0.713
69 OPS+ 97
54 Total Bases 198
3 Grounded Into Double Play 11
5 Hit By Pitch 4