Gabriel Moreno Stats

Gabriel Moreno Stats

Moreno has recorded a walk 74 times while being called out on strikes on 135 chances. His on-base % is .347 and he has earned a lifetime OPS of .740. He has amassed 82 runs in addition to having 102 runs batted in. He has hit the long ball 13 times, as well as 281 bases in total and a .393 slugging percentage. For the 715 at-bats in his professional career, Moreno has compiled an average at the plate of .280 in addition to having 200 hits.

Moreno is sitting with 116 total bases with 81 hits in 305 at-bats. He has scored 39 runs this year and has hit 5 balls over the fence. He is sitting with a batting average of .266 in addition to holding an OPS of .734. He has amassed an on-base percentage of .353 in addition to 41 walks and 52 K’s. So far this year, Gabriel Moreno has knocked in 45 runs and also has accrued a slugging percentage of .380.

Career .280 13 200 74 82 102 .347 804 715 .740 N/A 38 2 233 .393 9 3 281 135
2024 ARI 52.000 1 39 1 305 5 .266 97 351 .380 1 81 18 3 .353 45 3 105 41
2023 ARI .284 7 97 29 33 50 .339 380 341 .747 104 19 1 111 .408 6 2 139 75

2024 Stats for Gabriel Moreno

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 3 105th
Plate Appearances 97 271st
At-Bats 351 252nd
Runs Scored 305 263rd
Hits 39 258th
Doubles 81 238th
Triples 18 196th
Home Runs 1 239th
Runs Batted In 5 341st
Stolen Bases 45 204th
Caught Stealing 3 305th
Walks 1 285th
Strikeouts 41 141st
Batting Average 52.000 375th
On-Base Percentage .266 143rd
Slugging Percentage .353 83rd
OPS .380 331st
OPS+ 1 213th
Total Bases 105 219th
Grounded Into Double Plays 0 214th
Hit By Pitch 105 230th
Sacrifice Hits 116 268th
Sacrifice Flies 10 115th
Intentional Walks 2 341st

2023 Stats for Gabriel Moreno

2023 Stats for Gabriel Moreno

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 111 213th
Plate Appearances 380 223rd
At-Bats 341 221st
Runs Scored 33 285th
Hits 97 180th
Doubles 19 190th
Triples 1 206th
Home Runs 7 282nd
Runs Batted In 50 173rd
Stolen Bases 6 172nd
Caught Stealing 2 153rd
Walks 29 221st
Strikeouts 75 251st
Batting Average .284 63rd
On-Base Percentage .339 139th
Slugging Percentage .408 255th
OPS .747 205th
OPS+ 104 205th
Total Bases 139 218th
Grounded Into Double Plays 17 28th
Hit By Pitch 3 245th
Sacrifice Hits 0 340th
Sacrifice Flies 7 25th
Intentional Walks 0 258th