Heliot Ramos Stats

Heliot Ramos Stats

Ramos has compiled an average at the plate of .254 in his time in baseball with 63 scored runs and an OPS of .748. During his time in professional baseball, he approached the plate 600 times and has delivered a hit 140 times. He has amassed a slugging percentage of .439 and he has a total of 242 bases. For his MLB career, Ramos has hit 23 baseballs over the fence while driving in 74 runs. He has struck out 161 times and earned a walk on 43 attempts at the plate, which contributes in part to a .308 on-base percentage.

Ramos has accumulated 223 total bases with 128 base knocks in 475 at-bats. He is sitting with an on-base percentage of .322 with 37 walks and 135 K’s. Since the start of the campaign, Heliot Ramos has knocked in 72 runs and has accumulated a slugging percentage of .469. He has racked up 54 runs so far this year and has hit 22 balls out of the park. He has tallied a batting average at the plate of .269 in addition to holding an OPS of .792.

Career .254 23 140 43 63 74 .308 600 551 .748 N/A 27 3 155 .439 6 1 242 161
2024 SFG 135.000 3 54 1 475 22 .269 121 518 .469 1 128 23 2 .322 72 6 125 37
2023 SFG .179 1 10 4 5 2 .233 60 56 .537 48 4 0 25 .304 0 0 17 20

2024 Stats for Heliot Ramos

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 2 123rd
Plate Appearances 121 180th
At-Bats 518 121st
Runs Scored 475 118th
Hits 54 159th
Doubles 128 98th
Triples 23 118th
Home Runs 3 67th
Runs Batted In 22 61st
Stolen Bases 72 70th
Caught Stealing 6 188th
Walks 1 260th
Strikeouts 37 166th
Batting Average 135.000 67th
On-Base Percentage .269 127th
Slugging Percentage .322 226th
OPS .469 86th
OPS+ 1 100th
Total Bases 125 89th
Grounded Into Double Plays 0 98th
Hit By Pitch 129 84th
Sacrifice Hits 223 77th
Sacrifice Flies 12 77th
Intentional Walks 2 322nd

2023 Stats for Heliot Ramos

2023 Stats for Heliot Ramos

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 25 516th
Plate Appearances 60 527th
At-Bats 56 525th
Runs Scored 5 545th
Hits 10 536th
Doubles 4 463rd
Triples 0 545th
Home Runs 1 516th
Runs Batted In 2 570th
Stolen Bases 0 568th
Caught Stealing 0 551st
Walks 4 529th
Strikeouts 20 506th
Batting Average .179 553rd
On-Base Percentage .233 575th
Slugging Percentage .304 511th
OPS .537 552nd
OPS+ 48 549th
Total Bases 17 524th
Grounded Into Double Plays 1 510th
Hit By Pitch 0 563rd
Sacrifice Hits 0 547th
Sacrifice Flies 0 549th
Intentional Walks 0 536th