Johan Rojas Stats

Johan Rojas Stats

Rojas has a batting average of .261 for his time in baseball in addition to 71 runs scored and an OPS of .653. During his time in professional baseball, he faced a pitcher 527 times and has delivered with a base knock 127 times. His career slugging percentage is .355 and he has racked up 173 bases. In his career, Rojas has slapped 5 balls out of the park while driving in 55 runs. He has been struck out 111 times and has been walked on 18 attempts at the plate, which contributes in part to a .298 on-base percentage.

So far this season, Johan Rojas has batted in 32 runs and has amassed a slugging percentage of .322. He has recorded an on-base percentage of .279 in addition to 13 walks and 69 K’s. Rojas has a total of 109 total bases with 82 hits in 338 at-bats. He is sitting with a batting average when batting of .243 with an OPS of .601. He has tallied 47 runs so far this year and has hit 3 balls out of the park.

Career .261 5 127 18 71 55 .298 527 487 .653 N/A 21 5 179 .355 39 5 173 111
2024 PHI 69.000 3 47 4 338 3 .243 120 363 .322 1 82 12 1 .279 32 25 69 13
2023 PHI .302 2 45 5 24 23 .342 164 149 .771 109 9 2 59 .430 14 1 64 42

2024 Stats for Johan Rojas

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 1 269th
Plate Appearances 120 189th
At-Bats 363 245th
Runs Scored 338 232nd
Hits 47 193rd
Doubles 82 233rd
Triples 12 303rd
Home Runs 3 85th
Runs Batted In 3 426th
Stolen Bases 32 286th
Caught Stealing 25 34th
Walks 4 81st
Strikeouts 13 410th
Batting Average 69.000 271st
On-Base Percentage .243 293rd
Slugging Percentage .279 526th
OPS .322 516th
OPS+ 1 536th
Total Bases 69 546th
Grounded Into Double Plays 0 525th
Hit By Pitch 63 574th
Sacrifice Hits 109 283rd
Sacrifice Flies 7 209th
Intentional Walks 4 213th

2023 Stats for Johan Rojas

2023 Stats for Johan Rojas

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 59 373rd
Plate Appearances 164 392nd
At-Bats 149 388th
Runs Scored 24 350th
Hits 45 353rd
Doubles 9 343rd
Triples 2 163rd
Home Runs 2 429th
Runs Batted In 23 351st
Stolen Bases 14 83rd
Caught Stealing 1 273rd
Walks 5 493rd
Strikeouts 42 380th
Batting Average .302 32nd
On-Base Percentage .342 123rd
Slugging Percentage .430 197th
OPS .771 166th
OPS+ 109 175th
Total Bases 64 365th
Grounded Into Double Plays 1 456th
Hit By Pitch 4 204th
Sacrifice Hits 6 9th
Sacrifice Flies 0 455th
Intentional Walks 0 370th