Juan Soto vs Shohei Ohtani Stats

For his professional baseball career, Soto has hit 197 baseballs over the fence while driving in 579 runs. In his time spent in pro baseball, he came to bat 3,990 times and has come through with a hit 914 times. He has accumulated a slugging percentage of .534 in addition to earning 1,710 bases. He has struck out 673 times and has walked on 750 at-bats, contributing to a .421 on-base %. Soto has an average at the plate of .285 for his career in baseball with 637 runs scored and an OPS of .955.

In the 3,020 at-bats in his MLB career, Ohtani has recorded a batting average of .277 and has racked up 838 hits. His on-base percentage is .368 and he is the owner of a lifetime OPS of .935. He has tallied 537 runs in addition to having earned 535 runs batted in. Ohtani has earned a walk 422 times while striking out on 894 attempts. He has gone deep 215 times, with 1,712 total bases and also a .567 slugging percentage.

Juan Soto vs Shohei Ohtani Stats

Juan Soto Career Shohei Ohtani
913 Games Played 836
3,990 Plate Appearances 3,492
3,203 At-Bats 3,020
637 Runs 537
914 Hits 838
175 Doubles 159
15 Triples 35
197 Home Runs 215
579 Runs Batted In 535
55 Stolen Bases 132
22 Caught Stealing 37
750 Walks 422
673 Strikeouts 894
.285 Batting Average .277
.421 On-Base Percentage .368
.534 Slugging Percentage .567
0.955 OPS 0.935
1,710 Total Bases 1,712
84 Grounded Into Double Plays 39
14 Hit By Pitch 21

So far this year, Soto has notched 110 runs, recorded 96 runs batted in and has hit 37 home runs. He has taken a base 110 times and has accounted for an OBP of .420. Soto has accounted for 146 base knocks in 499 AB’s for an average of .293. He has gone down on strikes 96 times while accounting for 292 bases in total. He has an OPS of 1.005 and a slugging percentage of .585.

Ohtani has accounted for 331 bases in total with 157 base hits out of 537 at-bats. He has racked up 109 runs this season and has hit 44 balls out of the park. He has tallied a batting average of .292 in addition to having an OPS of .993. He has earned an OBP of .377 with 71 walks and 139 K’s. Over the course of this season, Shohei Ohtani has knocked in 98 runs and has amassed a slugging percentage of .616.

Juan Soto (2024) Stat Shohei Ohtani (2024)
134 Games Played 135
615 Plate Appearances 621
499 At-Bats 537
110 Runs Scored 109
146 Hits 157
27 Doubles 30
4 Triples 6
37 Home Runs 44
96 Runs Batted In 98
5 Stolen Bases 46
3 Caught Stealing 4
110 Walks 71
96 Strikeouts 139
.293 Batting Average .292
.420 On-Base Percentage .377
.585 Slugging Percentage .616
1.005 OPS 0.993
179 OPS+ 177
292 Total Bases 331
10 Grounded Into Double Play 6
2 Hit By Pitch 5