Michael A. Taylor Stats

Taylor has drawn a free base 233 times while being called out on strikes on 1,019 occasions. His on-base % is .292 and he has a career OPS of .674. He has recorded 383 runs in addition to having 345 runs batted in. He has homered 97 times, with 1,182 total bases and also a .382 slugging percentage. During the 3,093 official at-bats in his pro career, Taylor has an average at the plate of .236 in addition to 731 hits.

Taylor has accumulated 48 total bases with 35 hits out of 177 at-bats. He has compiled an on-base percentage of .259 as well as 16 walks and 70 strikeouts. Since the beginning of the season, Michael A. Taylor has batted in 13 runs and is sitting with a slugging percentage of .271. He has notched 24 runs on the season and has hit 2 balls out of the park. He has compiled a batting average at the plate of .198 with an OPS of .530.

Career .236 97 731 233 383 345 .292 3,377 3,093 .674 N/A 132 14 1,045 .382 115 32 1,182 1,019
2024 PIT .198 2 35 16 24 13 .259 201 177 .530 52 5 1 76 .271 7 1 48 70
2023 MIN .220 21 78 26 48 51 .278 388 355 .720 95 14 1 129 .442 13 1 157 130
2022 KCR .254 9 105 35 49 43 .313 456 414 .670 90 10 3 124 .357 4 2 148 109
2021 KCR .244 12 118 33 58 54 .297 528 483 .653 76 16 1 142 .356 14 7 172 144
2020 WSN .196 5 18 6 11 16 .253 99 92 .676 79 6 0 38 .424 0 0 39 27
2019 WSN .250 1 22 7 10 3 .305 97 88 .669 73 7 0 53 .364 6 0 32 34
2018 WSN .227 6 80 29 46 28 .287 385 353 .644 69 22 3 134 .357 24 6 126 116
2017 WSN .271 19 108 29 55 53 .320 432 399 .806 104 23 3 118 .486 17 7 194 137
2016 WSN .231 7 51 14 28 16 .278 237 221 .654 71 11 0 76 .376 14 3 83 77
2015 WSN .229 14 108 35 49 63 .282 511 472 .640 73 15 2 138 .358 16 3 169 158
2014 WSN .205 1 8 3 5 5 .279 43 39 .638 75 3 0 17 .359 0 2 14 17

2024 Stats for Michael A. Taylor

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 76 210th
Plate Appearances 201 278th
At-Bats 177 280th
Runs Scored 24 255th
Hits 35 307th
Doubles 5 334th
Triples 1 186th
Home Runs 2 365th
Runs Batted In 13 342nd
Stolen Bases 7 103rd
Caught Stealing 1 221st
Walks 16 244th
Strikeouts 70 134th
Batting Average .198 436th
On-Base Percentage .259 451st
Slugging Percentage .271 466th
OPS .530 469th
OPS+ 52 463rd
Total Bases 48 327th
Grounded Into Double Plays 2 331st
Hit By Pitch 0 429th
Sacrifice Hits 4 15th
Sacrifice Flies 4 55th
Intentional Walks 0 307th

2023 Stats for Michael Taylor

2023 Stats for Michael A. Taylor

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 129 143rd
Plate Appearances 388 216th
At-Bats 355 213th
Runs Scored 48 210th
Hits 78 233rd
Doubles 14 259th
Triples 1 221st
Home Runs 21 89th
Runs Batted In 51 169th
Stolen Bases 13 92nd
Caught Stealing 1 243rd
Walks 26 251st
Strikeouts 130 74th
Batting Average .220 423rd
On-Base Percentage .278 463rd
Slugging Percentage .442 173rd
OPS .720 259th
OPS+ 95 276th
Total Bases 157 187th
Grounded Into Double Plays 7 214th
Hit By Pitch 3 252nd
Sacrifice Hits 3 36th
Sacrifice Flies 1 330th
Intentional Walks 0 281st

2022 Stats for Michael Taylor

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 124 159th
Plate Appearances 456 162nd
At-Bats 414 158th
Runs Scored 49 174th
Hits 105 148th
Doubles 10 318th
Triples 3 70th
Home Runs 9 224th
Runs Batted In 43 199th
Stolen Bases 4 194th
Caught Stealing 2 151st
Walks 35 172nd
Strikeouts 109 117th
Batting Average .254 217th
On-Base Percentage .313 295th
Slugging Percentage .357 419th
OPS .670 368th
OPS+ 90 364th
Total Bases 148 187th
Grounded Into Double Plays 6 246th
Hit By Pitch 2 323rd
Sacrifice Hits 2 57th
Sacrifice Flies 3 164th
Intentional Walks 0 262nd

2021 Stats for Michael Taylor

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 142 91st
Plate Appearances 528 119th
At-Bats 483 107th
Runs Scored 58 148th
Hits 118 119th
Doubles 16 223rd
Triples 1 339th
Home Runs 12 202nd
Runs Batted In 54 150th
Stolen Bases 14 41st
Caught Stealing 7 10th
Walks 33 200th
Strikeouts 144 39th
Batting Average .244 402nd
On-Base Percentage .297 506th
Slugging Percentage .356 510th
OPS .653 516th
OPS+ 76 524th
Total Bases 172 160th
Grounded Into Double Plays 9 149th
Hit By Pitch 5 188th
Sacrifice Hits 2 171st
Sacrifice Flies 5 71st
Intentional Walks 0 1560th

2020 Stats for Michael Taylor

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 38 252nd
Plate Appearances 99 325th
At-Bats 92 311th
Runs Scored 11 318th
Hits 18 341st
Doubles 6 223rd
Triples 0 635th
Home Runs 5 209th
Runs Batted In 16 226th
Stolen Bases 0 648th
Caught Stealing 0 642nd
Walks 6 364th
Strikeouts 27 279th
Batting Average .196 440th
On-Base Percentage .253 480th
Slugging Percentage .424 228th
OPS .676 338th
OPS+ 79 370th
Total Bases 39 287th
Grounded Into Double Plays 2 295th
Hit By Pitch 1 349th
Sacrifice Hits 0 629th
Sacrifice Flies 0 645th
Intentional Walks 0 632nd

2019 Stats for Michael Taylor

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 53 470th
Plate Appearances 97 506th
At-Bats 88 501st
Runs Scored 10 513th
Hits 22 485th
Doubles 7 423rd
Triples 0 1417th
Home Runs 1 617th
Runs Batted In 3 665th
Stolen Bases 6 125th
Caught Stealing 0 1416th
Walks 7 523rd
Strikeouts 34 457th
Batting Average .250 368th
On-Base Percentage .305 462nd
Slugging Percentage .364 490th
OPS .669 480th
OPS+ 73 505th
Total Bases 32 496th
Grounded Into Double Plays 0 1448th
Hit By Pitch 0 1431st
Sacrifice Hits 2 165th
Sacrifice Flies 0 1423rd
Intentional Walks 0 1410th

2018 Stats for Michael Taylor

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 134 143rd
Plate Appearances 385 234th
At-Bats 353 223rd
Runs Scored 46 221st
Hits 80 252nd
Doubles 22 160th
Triples 3 121st
Home Runs 6 346th
Runs Batted In 28 330th
Stolen Bases 24 18th
Caught Stealing 6 44th
Walks 29 242nd
Strikeouts 116 102nd
Batting Average .227 512th
On-Base Percentage .287 538th
Slugging Percentage .357 499th
OPS .644 519th
OPS+ 69 566th
Total Bases 126 260th
Grounded Into Double Plays 9 170th
Hit By Pitch 1 505th
Sacrifice Hits 2 186th
Sacrifice Flies 0 1408th
Intentional Walks 2 207th

2017 Stats for Michael Taylor

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 118 197th
Plate Appearances 432 197th
At-Bats 399 187th
Runs Scored 55 182nd
Hits 108 172nd
Doubles 23 149th
Triples 3 114th
Home Runs 19 132nd
Runs Batted In 53 184th
Stolen Bases 17 40th
Caught Stealing 7 29th
Walks 29 245th
Strikeouts 137 45th
Batting Average .271 243rd
On-Base Percentage .320 373rd
Slugging Percentage .486 159th
OPS .806 193rd
OPS+ 104 246th
Total Bases 194 163rd
Grounded Into Double Plays 3 429th
Hit By Pitch 1 484th
Sacrifice Hits 1 387th
Sacrifice Flies 2 295th
Intentional Walks 3 134th

2016 Stats for Michael Taylor

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 76 341st
Plate Appearances 237 339th
At-Bats 221 329th
Runs Scored 28 313th
Hits 51 331st
Doubles 11 318th
Triples 0 1357th
Home Runs 7 294th
Runs Batted In 16 398th
Stolen Bases 14 59th
Caught Stealing 3 154th
Walks 14 382nd
Strikeouts 77 210th
Batting Average .231 500th
On-Base Percentage .278 578th
Slugging Percentage .376 418th
OPS .654 481st
OPS+ 71 512th
Total Bases 83 328th
Grounded Into Double Plays 2 486th
Hit By Pitch 1 462nd
Sacrifice Hits 0 1368th
Sacrifice Flies 1 447th
Intentional Walks 0 1357th

2015 Stats for Michael Taylor

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 138 121st
Plate Appearances 511 132nd
At-Bats 472 126th
Runs Scored 49 184th
Hits 108 168th
Doubles 15 273rd
Triples 2 222nd
Home Runs 14 138th
Runs Batted In 63 100th
Stolen Bases 16 47th
Caught Stealing 3 155th
Walks 35 145th
Strikeouts 158 9th
Batting Average .229 523rd
On-Base Percentage .282 575th
Slugging Percentage .358 474th
OPS .640 519th
OPS+ 73 538th
Total Bases 169 175th
Grounded Into Double Plays 5 326th
Hit By Pitch 1 481st
Sacrifice Hits 1 455th
Sacrifice Flies 2 306th
Intentional Walks 9 22nd

2014 Stats for Michael Taylor

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 17 835th
Plate Appearances 43 672nd
At-Bats 39 667th
Runs Scored 5 595th
Hits 8 629th
Doubles 3 545th
Triples 0 1294th
Home Runs 1 572nd
Runs Batted In 5 581st
Stolen Bases 0 1300th
Caught Stealing 2 238th
Walks 3 624th
Strikeouts 17 596th
Batting Average .205 602nd
On-Base Percentage .279 549th
Slugging Percentage .359 411th
OPS .638 462nd
OPS+ 75 513th
Total Bases 14 604th
Grounded Into Double Plays 1 654th
Hit By Pitch 1 478th
Sacrifice Hits 0 1305th
Sacrifice Flies 0 1308th
Intentional Walks 0 1291st