Tetelo Vargas Stats

Vargas has earned a free base 66 times while being called out on strikes on 0 attempts. His on-base percentage is .441 and he also has a career OPS of .600. He has recorded 139 runs and also has 100 runs batted in. He has homered 3 times, in addition to having 304 bases in total and a .159 slugging percentage. In the 618 at-bats in his baseball career, Vargas has an average at the plate of .379 and has racked up 234 hits.

Over the course of the season, Vargas has notched 34 runs, knocked in 18 RBI and has 0 home runs. He has been struck out 0 times while racking up 71 bases in total. He has accrued an OPS of 1.116 with a slugging percentage of .587. He has walked 15 times and sports an OBP of .529. Vargas has recorded 57 base knocks out of 121 at-bats for an average of .471.

Career .356 3 177 51 105 82 .419 557 497 .888 141 27 10 129 .469 8 0 233 0
1943 NYC .471 0 57 15 34 18 .529 136 121 1.116 200 6 4 30 .587 3 0 71 0
1942 NYC .269 0 18 7 8 11 .338 76 67 .696 104 4 1 19 .358 1 0 24 0
1941 NYC .327 1 50 9 25 30 .364 164 153 .809 136 9 3 39 .444 0 0 68 0
1929 CSE .379 2 39 12 28 20 .448 117 103 1.002 143 8 2 25 .553 3 0 57 0
1927 CSE .245 0 13 8 10 3 .365 64 53 .610 62 0 0 16 .245 1 0 13 0

1943 Stats for Tetelo Vargas

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 30 404th
Plate Appearances 136 264th
At-Bats 121 266th
Runs Scored 34 137th
Hits 57 169th
Doubles 6 231st
Triples 4 102nd
Home Runs 0 956th
Runs Batted In 18 217th
Stolen Bases 3 173rd
Caught Stealing 0 953rd
Walks 15 214th
Strikeouts 0 969th
Batting Average .471 30th
On-Base Percentage .529 19th
Slugging Percentage .587 28th
OPS 1.116 22nd
OPS+ 200 28th
Total Bases 71 174th
Grounded Into Double Plays 0 963rd
Hit By Pitch 0 954th
Sacrifice Hits 0 978th
Sacrifice Flies 0 930th
Intentional Walks 0 943rd

1942 Stats for Tetelo Vargas

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 19 497th
Plate Appearances 76 362nd
At-Bats 67 369th
Runs Scored 8 322nd
Hits 18 322nd
Doubles 4 270th
Triples 1 283rd
Home Runs 0 905th
Runs Batted In 11 268th
Stolen Bases 1 313th
Caught Stealing 0 892nd
Walks 7 306th
Strikeouts 0 918th
Batting Average .269 252nd
On-Base Percentage .338 245th
Slugging Percentage .358 252nd
OPS .696 243rd
OPS+ 104 238th
Total Bases 24 311th
Grounded Into Double Plays 0 907th
Hit By Pitch 0 890th
Sacrifice Hits 2 332nd
Sacrifice Flies 0 872nd
Intentional Walks 0 891st

1941 Stats for Tetelo Vargas

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 39 260th
Plate Appearances 164 216th
At-Bats 153 209th
Runs Scored 25 183rd
Hits 50 175th
Doubles 9 167th
Triples 3 142nd
Home Runs 1 277th
Runs Batted In 30 149th
Stolen Bases 0 886th
Caught Stealing 0 873rd
Walks 9 273rd
Strikeouts 0 896th
Batting Average .327 92nd
On-Base Percentage .364 168th
Slugging Percentage .444 117th
OPS .809 125th
OPS+ 136 100th
Total Bases 68 178th
Grounded Into Double Plays 0 881st
Hit By Pitch 0 867th
Sacrifice Hits 2 349th
Sacrifice Flies 0 849th
Intentional Walks 0 866th

1929 Stats for Tetelo Vargas

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 25 517th
Plate Appearances 117 349th
At-Bats 103 352nd
Runs Scored 28 239th
Hits 39 296th
Doubles 8 258th
Triples 2 277th
Home Runs 2 240th
Runs Batted In 20 278th
Stolen Bases 3 237th
Caught Stealing 0 835th
Walks 12 292nd
Strikeouts 0 854th
Batting Average .379 53rd
On-Base Percentage .448 73rd
Slugging Percentage .553 71st
OPS 1.002 66th
OPS+ 143 81st
Total Bases 57 279th
Grounded Into Double Plays 0 820th
Hit By Pitch 1 265th
Sacrifice Hits 1 626th
Sacrifice Flies 0 820th
Intentional Walks 0 832nd

1927 Stats for Tetelo Vargas

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 16 634th
Plate Appearances 64 505th
At-Bats 53 524th
Runs Scored 10 399th
Hits 13 495th
Doubles 0 917th
Triples 0 905th
Home Runs 0 894th
Runs Batted In 3 594th
Stolen Bases 1 404th
Caught Stealing 0 868th
Walks 8 368th
Strikeouts 0 903rd
Batting Average .245 498th
On-Base Percentage .365 226th
Slugging Percentage .245 658th
OPS .610 497th
OPS+ 62 501st
Total Bases 13 535th
Grounded Into Double Plays 0 860th
Hit By Pitch 2 141st
Sacrifice Hits 1 656th
Sacrifice Flies 0 860th
Intentional Walks 0 860th