Paul Splittorff Stats

Paul Splittorff Stats

Splittorff (166-143 career win-loss mark) is the owner of a 3.81 earned run average and has surrendered 9.3 hits per nine innings. He has a K/BB ratio of 1.36 and he has faced 10,829 opposing hitters thus far in his career. In his career, Splittorff has allowed 2,644 base knocks while he has tallied 1,057 K’s in 2,554 frames. He has allowed 1,082 ER’s while earning a WHIP of 1.340 and a FIP of 3.7.

Paul Splittorff Stats

Career 429 2554.2 166 143 1.340 3.81 2,644 780 1,057 3.73 1 392 192 1,082 1,243 10,829 1.36 9.3 3.7
1984 KCR 12 28.0 1 3 2.036 7.71 47 10 4 4.95 0 3 3 24 30 138 0.40 15.1 1.3
1983 KCR 27 156.0 13 8 1.353 3.63 159 52 61 3.74 0 27 9 63 77 667 1.17 9.2 3.5
1982 KCR 29 162.0 10 10 1.377 4.28 166 57 74 4.04 0 28 14 77 83 692 1.30 9.2 4.1
1981 KCR 21 99.0 5 5 1.354 4.36 111 23 48 3.93 0 15 12 48 48 419 2.09 10.1 4.4
1980 KCR 34 204.0 14 11 1.368 4.15 236 43 53 3.96 0 33 17 94 101 861 1.23 10.4 2.3
1979 KCR 36 240.0 15 17 1.354 4.24 248 77 77 4.47 0 35 25 113 137 1,026 1.00 9.3 2.9
1978 KCR 39 262.0 19 13 1.160 3.40 244 60 76 3.82 0 38 22 99 113 1,069 1.27 8.4 2.6
1977 KCR 37 229.0 16 6 1.424 3.69 243 83 99 3.61 0 37 11 94 104 980 1.19 9.6 3.9
1976 KCR 26 158.2 11 8 1.437 3.97 169 59 59 3.96 0 23 11 70 79 686 1.00 9.6 3.3
1975 KCR 35 159.0 9 10 1.333 3.17 156 56 76 3.52 1 23 10 56 75 682 1.36 8.8 4.3
1974 KCR 36 226.0 13 19 1.447 4.10 252 75 90 4.11 0 36 23 103 122 985 1.20 10.0 3.6
1973 KCR 38 262.0 20 11 1.363 3.98 279 78 110 3.62 0 38 19 116 135 1,119 1.41 9.6 3.8
1972 KCR 35 216.0 12 12 1.185 3.13 189 67 140 2.75 0 33 11 75 81 876 2.09 7.9 5.8
1971 KCR 22 144.1 8 9 1.136 2.68 129 35 80 2.51 0 22 4 43 49 583 2.29 8.0 5.0
1970 KCR 2 8.2 0 1 2.423 7.27 16 5 10 3.56 0 1 1 7 9 46 2.00 16.6 10.4

1984 Stats for Paul Splittorff

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 1 341st
Losses 3 266th
Win-Loss Percentage .250 338th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 7.71 1171st
Games Played 12 325th
Games Started 3 222nd
Games Finished 6 168th
Complete Games 0 391st
Shutouts 0 384th
Saves 0 390th
Innings Pitched 28 326th
Hits Allowed 47 283rd
Runs Allowed 30 245th
Earned Runs Allowed 24 261st
Home Runs Allowed 3 307th
Walks 10 338th
Intentional Walks 0 419th
Strikeouts 4 393rd
Hit Batters 0 410th
Balks 0 397th
Wild Pitches 0 419th
Batters Faced 138 319th
ERA+ 53 394th
FIP 4.95 1145th
WHIP 2.036 1174th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 15.1 16th
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 1.0 140th
Walks Per 9 Innings 3.2 240th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 1.3 430th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 0.4 418th

1983 Stats for Paul Splittorff

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 13 45th
Losses 8 124th
Win-Loss Percentage .619 98th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 3.63 935th
Games Played 27 219th
Games Started 27 75th
Games Finished 0 423rd
Complete Games 4 84th
Shutouts 0 387th
Saves 0 395th
Innings Pitched 156 96th
Hits Allowed 159 89th
Runs Allowed 77 91st
Earned Runs Allowed 63 109th
Home Runs Allowed 9 167th
Walks 52 91st
Intentional Walks 2 265th
Strikeouts 61 149th
Hit Batters 1 297th
Balks 0 396th
Wild Pitches 3 169th
Batters Faced 667 95th
ERA+ 112 148th
FIP 3.74 946th
WHIP 1.353 960th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 9.2 208th
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 0.5 336th
Walks Per 9 Innings 3.0 282nd
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 3.5 364th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 1.2 304th

1982 Stats for Paul Splittorff

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 10 90th
Losses 10 85th
Win-Loss Percentage .500 210th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 4.28 1017th
Games Played 29 206th
Games Started 28 68th
Games Finished 0 406th
Complete Games 0 405th
Shutouts 0 393rd
Saves 0 393rd
Innings Pitched 162 92nd
Hits Allowed 166 84th
Runs Allowed 83 81st
Earned Runs Allowed 77 74th
Home Runs Allowed 14 97th
Walks 57 89th
Intentional Walks 1 336th
Strikeouts 74 113th
Hit Batters 3 104th
Balks 0 396th
Wild Pitches 1 323rd
Batters Faced 692 91st
ERA+ 96 216th
FIP 4.04 1016th
WHIP 1.377 982nd
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 9.2 216th
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 0.8 208th
Walks Per 9 Innings 3.2 233rd
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 4.1 292nd
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 1.3 257th

1981 Stats for Paul Splittorff

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 5 121st
Losses 5 149th
Win-Loss Percentage .500 185th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 4.36 1088th
Games Played 21 189th
Games Started 15 96th
Games Finished 1 265th
Complete Games 1 133rd
Shutouts 0 349th
Saves 0 350th
Innings Pitched 99 101st
Hits Allowed 111 82nd
Runs Allowed 48 102nd
Earned Runs Allowed 48 76th
Home Runs Allowed 12 26th
Walks 23 187th
Intentional Walks 4 96th
Strikeouts 48 113th
Hit Batters 1 217th
Balks 2 38th
Wild Pitches 0 375th
Batters Faced 419 101st
ERA+ 83 274th
FIP 3.93 1067th
WHIP 1.354 1014th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 10.1 88th
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 1.1 59th
Walks Per 9 Innings 2.1 336th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 4.4 227th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 2.1 71st

1980 Stats for Paul Splittorff

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 14 32nd
Losses 11 64th
Win-Loss Percentage .560 117th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 4.15 1020th
Games Played 34 142nd
Games Started 33 34th
Games Finished 0 387th
Complete Games 4 87th
Shutouts 0 370th
Saves 0 372nd
Innings Pitched 204 53rd
Hits Allowed 236 26th
Runs Allowed 101 44th
Earned Runs Allowed 94 31st
Home Runs Allowed 17 54th
Walks 43 138th
Intentional Walks 1 328th
Strikeouts 53 175th
Hit Batters 1 254th
Balks 0 374th
Wild Pitches 1 299th
Batters Faced 861 57th
ERA+ 97 207th
FIP 3.96 1006th
WHIP 1.368 971st
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 10.4 109th
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 0.8 177th
Walks Per 9 Innings 1.9 384th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 2.3 378th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 1.2 239th

1979 Stats for Paul Splittorff

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 15 28th
Losses 17 4th
Win-Loss Percentage .469 213th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 4.24 985th
Games Played 36 120th
Games Started 35 19th
Games Finished 0 425th
Complete Games 11 24th
Shutouts 0 398th
Saves 0 402nd
Innings Pitched 240 19th
Hits Allowed 248 13th
Runs Allowed 137 5th
Earned Runs Allowed 113 10th
Home Runs Allowed 25 19th
Walks 77 34th
Intentional Walks 1 328th
Strikeouts 77 98th
Hit Batters 5 34th
Balks 0 402nd
Wild Pitches 1 317th
Batters Faced 1,026 17th
ERA+ 101 190th
FIP 4.47 1067th
WHIP 1.354 929th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 9.3 215th
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 0.9 182nd
Walks Per 9 Innings 2.9 300th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 2.9 392nd
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 1.0 328th

1978 Stats for Paul Splittorff

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 19 12th
Losses 13 37th
Win-Loss Percentage .594 100th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 3.40 931st
Games Played 39 80th
Games Started 38 6th
Games Finished 0 396th
Complete Games 13 22nd
Shutouts 2 66th
Saves 0 369th
Innings Pitched 262 14th
Hits Allowed 244 14th
Runs Allowed 113 10th
Earned Runs Allowed 99 15th
Home Runs Allowed 22 20th
Walks 60 74th
Intentional Walks 2 254th
Strikeouts 76 101st
Hit Batters 3 120th
Balks 0 369th
Wild Pitches 3 166th
Batters Faced 1,069 14th
ERA+ 112 122nd
FIP 3.82 1012th
WHIP 1.160 847th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 8.4 272nd
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 0.8 173rd
Walks Per 9 Innings 2.1 371st
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 2.6 373rd
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 1.3 213th

1977 Stats for Paul Splittorff

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 16 24th
Losses 6 177th
Win-Loss Percentage .727 44th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 3.69 898th
Games Played 37 121st
Games Started 37 14th
Games Finished 0 438th
Complete Games 6 71st
Shutouts 2 43rd
Saves 0 403rd
Innings Pitched 229 31st
Hits Allowed 243 14th
Runs Allowed 104 37th
Earned Runs Allowed 94 39th
Home Runs Allowed 11 163rd
Walks 83 18th
Intentional Walks 2 266th
Strikeouts 99 77th
Hit Batters 2 194th
Balks 0 409th
Wild Pitches 5 94th
Batters Faced 980 25th
ERA+ 110 147th
FIP 3.61 858th
WHIP 1.424 975th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 9.6 201st
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 0.4 399th
Walks Per 9 Innings 3.3 252nd
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 3.9 352nd
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 1.2 285th

1976 Stats for Paul Splittorff

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 11 75th
Losses 8 122nd
Win-Loss Percentage .579 96th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 3.98 1047th
Games Played 26 219th
Games Started 23 94th
Games Finished 1 267th
Complete Games 5 87th
Shutouts 1 113th
Saves 0 347th
Innings Pitched 158 93rd
Hits Allowed 169 83rd
Runs Allowed 79 82nd
Earned Runs Allowed 70 76th
Home Runs Allowed 11 83rd
Walks 59 82nd
Intentional Walks 0 364th
Strikeouts 59 142nd
Hit Batters 3 106th
Balks 1 121st
Wild Pitches 4 128th
Batters Faced 686 92nd
ERA+ 89 225th
FIP 3.96 1095th
WHIP 1.437 1060th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 9.6 115th
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 0.6 179th
Walks Per 9 Innings 3.3 202nd
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 3.3 320th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 1.0 274th

1975 Stats for Paul Splittorff

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 9 95th
Losses 10 82nd
Win-Loss Percentage .474 180th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 3.17 915th
Games Played 35 116th
Games Started 23 88th
Games Finished 5 150th
Complete Games 6 77th
Shutouts 3 30th
Saves 1 136th
Innings Pitched 159 90th
Hits Allowed 156 87th
Runs Allowed 75 93rd
Earned Runs Allowed 56 118th
Home Runs Allowed 10 123rd
Walks 56 98th
Intentional Walks 10 22nd
Strikeouts 76 98th
Hit Batters 1 253rd
Balks 0 365th
Wild Pitches 6 80th
Batters Faced 682 88th
ERA+ 122 78th
FIP 3.52 938th
WHIP 1.333 934th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 8.8 234th
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 0.6 248th
Walks Per 9 Innings 3.2 278th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 4.3 248th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 1.4 171st

1974 Stats for Paul Splittorff

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 13 53rd
Losses 19 9th
Win-Loss Percentage .406 218th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 4.10 1031st
Games Played 36 120th
Games Started 36 33rd
Games Finished 0 377th
Complete Games 8 66th
Shutouts 1 97th
Saves 0 342nd
Innings Pitched 226 47th
Hits Allowed 252 26th
Runs Allowed 122 14th
Earned Runs Allowed 103 22nd
Home Runs Allowed 23 18th
Walks 75 55th
Intentional Walks 8 59th
Strikeouts 90 78th
Hit Batters 1 254th
Balks 1 108th
Wild Pitches 1 280th
Batters Faced 985 43rd
ERA+ 93 193rd
FIP 4.11 1070th
WHIP 1.447 1028th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 10.0 110th
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 0.9 123rd
Walks Per 9 Innings 3.0 266th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 3.6 307th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 1.2 219th

1973 Stats for Paul Splittorff

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 20 12th
Losses 11 70th
Win-Loss Percentage .645 57th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 3.98 995th
Games Played 38 102nd
Games Started 38 19th
Games Finished 0 381st
Complete Games 12 32nd
Shutouts 3 43rd
Saves 0 364th
Innings Pitched 262 27th
Hits Allowed 279 11th
Runs Allowed 135 6th
Earned Runs Allowed 116 8th
Home Runs Allowed 19 56th
Walks 78 41st
Intentional Walks 7 89th
Strikeouts 110 70th
Hit Batters 5 53rd
Balks 1 78th
Wild Pitches 9 33rd
Batters Faced 1,119 23rd
ERA+ 102 141st
FIP 3.62 933rd
WHIP 1.363 959th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 9.6 151st
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 0.7 253rd
Walks Per 9 Innings 2.7 306th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 3.8 317th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 1.4 174th

1972 Stats for Paul Splittorff

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 12 56th
Losses 12 49th
Win-Loss Percentage .500 158th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 3.13 968th
Games Played 35 114th
Games Started 33 34th
Games Finished 0 382nd
Complete Games 12 27th
Shutouts 2 71st
Saves 0 362nd
Innings Pitched 216 45th
Hits Allowed 189 51st
Runs Allowed 81 53rd
Earned Runs Allowed 75 42nd
Home Runs Allowed 11 106th
Walks 67 51st
Intentional Walks 2 246th
Strikeouts 140 36th
Hit Batters 4 77th
Balks 0 354th
Wild Pitches 6 71st
Batters Faced 876 50th
ERA+ 97 182nd
FIP 2.75 875th
WHIP 1.185 909th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 7.9 261st
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 0.5 278th
Walks Per 9 Innings 2.8 275th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 5.8 159th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 2.1 93rd

1971 Stats for Paul Splittorff

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 8 106th
Losses 9 93rd
Win-Loss Percentage .471 178th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 2.69 886th
Games Played 22 225th
Games Started 22 91st
Games Finished 0 368th
Complete Games 6 72nd
Shutouts 3 45th
Saves 0 353rd
Innings Pitched 144 94th
Hits Allowed 129 105th
Runs Allowed 49 126th
Earned Runs Allowed 43 128th
Home Runs Allowed 4 229th
Walks 35 153rd
Intentional Walks 1 299th
Strikeouts 80 103rd
Hit Batters 4 90th
Balks 0 338th
Wild Pitches 1 286th
Batters Faced 583 103rd
ERA+ 127 51st
FIP 2.51 860th
WHIP 1.136 883rd
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 8.0 242nd
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 0.2 331st
Walks Per 9 Innings 2.2 327th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 5.0 213th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 2.3 73rd

1970 Stats for Paul Splittorff

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 0 436th
Losses 1 354th
Win-Loss Percentage .000 436th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 7.68 1164th
Games Played 2 430th
Games Started 1 257th
Games Finished 0 435th
Complete Games 0 408th
Shutouts 0 404th
Saves 0 410th
Innings Pitched 8 393rd
Hits Allowed 16 367th
Runs Allowed 9 368th
Earned Runs Allowed 7 376th
Home Runs Allowed 1 392nd
Walks 5 391st
Intentional Walks 0 428th
Strikeouts 10 348th
Hit Batters 0 429th
Balks 0 400th
Wild Pitches 0 430th
Batters Faced 46 386th
ERA+ 54 398th
FIP 3.56 876th
WHIP 2.423 1190th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 16.6 8th
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 1.0 191st
Walks Per 9 Innings 5.2 107th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 10.4 7th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 2.0 102nd