Steve Stone Stats

Steve Stone Stats

Stone has taken the hill for 1,788 frames and has 1,065 strikeouts in his MLB career. His ERA is 3.97 (788 earned runs allowed) and he has a career WHIP of 1.355. He has surrendered 1,707 base hits (8.6 hits per nine innings) and has 716 walks. Stone (107-93 record in his career) holds a FIP of 4.04 and he has gone up against 7,640 hitters in the major leagues.

Steve Stone Stats

Career 320 1788.1 107 93 1.355 3.97 1,707 716 1,065 4.04 1 269 184 788 880 7,640 1.49 8.6 5.4
1981 BAL 15 62.2 4 7 1.436 4.60 63 27 30 4.44 0 12 7 32 39 270 1.11 9.0 4.3
1980 BAL 37 250.2 25 7 1.297 3.23 224 101 149 3.98 0 37 22 90 103 1,048 1.48 8.0 5.3
1979 BAL 32 186.0 11 7 1.323 3.77 173 73 96 5.06 0 32 31 78 91 781 1.32 8.4 4.6
1978 CHW 30 212.0 12 12 1.321 4.37 196 84 118 3.87 0 30 19 103 110 898 1.40 8.3 5.0
1977 CHW 31 207.1 15 12 1.486 4.51 228 80 124 4.34 0 31 25 104 115 917 1.55 9.9 5.4
1976 CHC 17 75.0 3 6 1.213 4.08 70 21 33 3.75 0 15 6 34 36 312 1.57 8.4 4.0
1975 CHC 33 214.1 12 8 1.297 3.95 198 80 139 3.94 0 32 24 94 103 911 1.74 8.3 5.8
1974 CHC 38 169.2 8 6 1.468 4.14 185 64 90 4.18 0 23 19 78 92 753 1.41 9.8 4.8
1973 CHW 36 176.1 6 11 1.389 4.24 163 82 138 3.33 1 22 11 83 87 759 1.68 8.3 7.0
1972 SFG 27 123.2 6 8 1.181 2.98 97 49 85 3.42 0 16 11 41 48 506 1.73 7.1 6.2
1971 SFG 24 110.2 5 9 1.491 4.15 110 55 63 3.94 0 19 9 51 56 485 1.15 8.9 5.1

1981 Stats for Steve Stone

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 4 159th
Losses 7 82nd
Win-Loss Percentage .364 235th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 4.63 1114th
Games Played 15 252nd
Games Started 12 120th
Games Finished 1 267th
Complete Games 0 368th
Shutouts 0 358th
Saves 0 356th
Innings Pitched 62 178th
Hits Allowed 63 171st
Runs Allowed 39 132nd
Earned Runs Allowed 32 141st
Home Runs Allowed 7 114th
Walks 27 154th
Intentional Walks 0 379th
Strikeouts 30 184th
Hit Batters 1 219th
Balks 0 359th
Wild Pitches 0 376th
Batters Faced 270 172nd
ERA+ 79 293rd
FIP 4.44 1127th
WHIP 1.436 1074th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 9.0 172nd
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 1.0 76th
Walks Per 9 Innings 3.9 127th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 4.3 239th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 1.1 255th

1980 Stats for Steve Stone

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 25 1st
Losses 7 148th
Win-Loss Percentage .781 29th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 3.24 893rd
Games Played 37 109th
Games Started 37 8th
Games Finished 0 392nd
Complete Games 9 29th
Shutouts 1 101st
Saves 0 377th
Innings Pitched 250 15th
Hits Allowed 224 37th
Runs Allowed 103 36th
Earned Runs Allowed 90 42nd
Home Runs Allowed 22 23rd
Walks 101 2nd
Intentional Walks 3 196th
Strikeouts 149 13th
Hit Batters 6 19th
Balks 0 382nd
Wild Pitches 7 36th
Batters Faced 1,048 15th
ERA+ 123 80th
FIP 3.98 1009th
WHIP 1.297 923rd
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 8.0 319th
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 0.8 178th
Walks Per 9 Innings 3.6 174th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 5.3 136th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 1.5 171st

1979 Stats for Steve Stone

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 11 73rd
Losses 7 150th
Win-Loss Percentage .611 97th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 3.77 929th
Games Played 32 171st
Games Started 32 39th
Games Finished 0 429th
Complete Games 3 106th
Shutouts 0 405th
Saves 0 407th
Innings Pitched 186 65th
Hits Allowed 173 80th
Runs Allowed 91 66th
Earned Runs Allowed 78 75th
Home Runs Allowed 31 5th
Walks 73 39th
Intentional Walks 1 329th
Strikeouts 96 67th
Hit Batters 1 287th
Balks 0 408th
Wild Pitches 3 170th
Batters Faced 781 73rd
ERA+ 107 150th
FIP 5.06 1130th
WHIP 1.323 906th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 8.4 325th
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 1.5 47th
Walks Per 9 Innings 3.5 212th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 4.6 218th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 1.3 215th

1978 Stats for Steve Stone

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 12 57th
Losses 12 49th
Win-Loss Percentage .500 183rd
Earned Run Average (ERA) 4.37 1060th
Games Played 30 180th
Games Started 30 61st
Games Finished 0 399th
Complete Games 6 73rd
Shutouts 1 109th
Saves 0 375th
Innings Pitched 212 48th
Hits Allowed 196 58th
Runs Allowed 110 16th
Earned Runs Allowed 103 11th
Home Runs Allowed 19 38th
Walks 84 22nd
Intentional Walks 1 311th
Strikeouts 118 38th
Hit Batters 3 121st
Balks 0 378th
Wild Pitches 2 224th
Batters Faced 898 47th
ERA+ 87 252nd
FIP 3.87 1020th
WHIP 1.321 955th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 8.3 288th
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 0.8 174th
Walks Per 9 Innings 3.6 196th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 5.0 175th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 1.4 171st

1977 Stats for Steve Stone

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 15 28th
Losses 12 55th
Win-Loss Percentage .556 133rd
Earned Run Average (ERA) 4.52 1006th
Games Played 31 186th
Games Started 31 56th
Games Finished 0 440th
Complete Games 8 46th
Shutouts 0 406th
Saves 0 405th
Innings Pitched 207 57th
Hits Allowed 228 30th
Runs Allowed 115 17th
Earned Runs Allowed 104 18th
Home Runs Allowed 25 19th
Walks 80 25th
Intentional Walks 3 203rd
Strikeouts 124 35th
Hit Batters 5 52nd
Balks 1 143rd
Wild Pitches 10 16th
Batters Faced 917 42nd
ERA+ 91 246th
FIP 4.34 1014th
WHIP 1.486 1021st
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 9.9 172nd
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 1.1 149th
Walks Per 9 Innings 3.5 223rd
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 5.4 172nd
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 1.6 182nd

1976 Stats for Steve Stone

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 3 220th
Losses 6 166th
Win-Loss Percentage .333 263rd
Earned Run Average (ERA) 4.08 1055th
Games Played 17 266th
Games Started 15 125th
Games Finished 0 363rd
Complete Games 1 173rd
Shutouts 1 115th
Saves 0 349th
Innings Pitched 75 203rd
Hits Allowed 70 207th
Runs Allowed 36 195th
Earned Runs Allowed 34 183rd
Home Runs Allowed 6 166th
Walks 21 242nd
Intentional Walks 1 287th
Strikeouts 33 216th
Hit Batters 3 107th
Balks 0 347th
Wild Pitches 0 361st
Batters Faced 312 205th
ERA+ 94 196th
FIP 3.75 1051st
WHIP 1.213 912th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 8.4 235th
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 0.7 129th
Walks Per 9 Innings 2.5 294th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 4.0 253rd
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 1.6 131st

1975 Stats for Steve Stone

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 12 64th
Losses 8 115th
Win-Loss Percentage .600 95th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 3.95 1006th
Games Played 33 147th
Games Started 32 53rd
Games Finished 1 301st
Complete Games 6 78th
Shutouts 1 107th
Saves 0 369th
Innings Pitched 214 49th
Hits Allowed 198 58th
Runs Allowed 103 42nd
Earned Runs Allowed 94 36th
Home Runs Allowed 24 16th
Walks 80 45th
Intentional Walks 3 209th
Strikeouts 139 37th
Hit Batters 5 56th
Balks 2 42nd
Wild Pitches 2 230th
Batters Faced 911 51st
ERA+ 97 186th
FIP 3.94 1027th
WHIP 1.297 903rd
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 8.3 281st
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 1.0 88th
Walks Per 9 Innings 3.4 245th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 5.8 110th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 1.7 83rd

1974 Stats for Steve Stone

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 8 109th
Losses 6 144th
Win-Loss Percentage .571 105th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 4.15 1037th
Games Played 38 101st
Games Started 23 86th
Games Finished 3 196th
Complete Games 1 151st
Shutouts 0 339th
Saves 0 347th
Innings Pitched 169 83rd
Hits Allowed 185 72nd
Runs Allowed 92 60th
Earned Runs Allowed 78 65th
Home Runs Allowed 19 34th
Walks 64 72nd
Intentional Walks 4 157th
Strikeouts 90 79th
Hit Batters 4 87th
Balks 0 351st
Wild Pitches 1 283rd
Batters Faced 753 78th
ERA+ 92 202nd
FIP 4.18 1080th
WHIP 1.468 1040th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 9.8 126th
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 1.0 93rd
Walks Per 9 Innings 3.4 221st
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 4.8 189th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 1.4 147th

1973 Stats for Steve Stone

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 6 141st
Losses 11 71st
Win-Loss Percentage .353 242nd
Earned Run Average (ERA) 4.24 1024th
Games Played 36 125th
Games Started 22 90th
Games Finished 7 143rd
Complete Games 3 109th
Shutouts 0 358th
Saves 1 162nd
Innings Pitched 176 82nd
Hits Allowed 163 86th
Runs Allowed 87 77th
Earned Runs Allowed 83 61st
Home Runs Allowed 11 126th
Walks 82 33rd
Intentional Walks 0 380th
Strikeouts 138 37th
Hit Batters 7 21st
Balks 0 350th
Wild Pitches 2 235th
Batters Faced 759 80th
ERA+ 95 187th
FIP 3.33 885th
WHIP 1.389 977th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 8.3 281st
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 0.6 295th
Walks Per 9 Innings 4.2 148th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 7.0 51st
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 1.7 123rd

1972 Stats for Steve Stone

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 6 130th
Losses 8 112th
Win-Loss Percentage .429 196th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 3.00 946th
Games Played 27 188th
Games Started 16 112th
Games Finished 2 247th
Complete Games 4 91st
Shutouts 1 110th
Saves 0 366th
Innings Pitched 123 108th
Hits Allowed 97 126th
Runs Allowed 48 126th
Earned Runs Allowed 41 127th
Home Runs Allowed 11 107th
Walks 49 97th
Intentional Walks 2 247th
Strikeouts 85 99th
Hit Batters 2 165th
Balks 1 72nd
Wild Pitches 2 221st
Batters Faced 506 111th
ERA+ 117 102nd
FIP 3.42 1004th
WHIP 1.181 906th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 7.1 329th
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 0.8 159th
Walks Per 9 Innings 3.6 192nd
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 6.2 125th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 1.7 147th

1971 Stats for Steve Stone

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 5 158th
Losses 9 94th
Win-Loss Percentage .357 233rd
Earned Run Average (ERA) 4.17 1063rd
Games Played 24 215th
Games Started 19 100th
Games Finished 1 281st
Complete Games 2 121st
Shutouts 2 66th
Saves 0 356th
Innings Pitched 110 124th
Hits Allowed 110 119th
Runs Allowed 56 115th
Earned Runs Allowed 51 114th
Home Runs Allowed 9 128th
Walks 55 85th
Intentional Walks 4 175th
Strikeouts 63 127th
Hit Batters 3 126th
Balks 1 77th
Wild Pitches 2 224th
Batters Faced 485 120th
ERA+ 83 249th
FIP 3.94 1069th
WHIP 1.491 1075th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 8.9 161st
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 0.7 209th
Walks Per 9 Innings 4.5 120th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 5.1 203rd
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 1.2 249th